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Everything posted by AeonsLegend

  1. I remember something similar. There's 5 grimoires according to the journal.
  2. All of the factions are bad currently. Huana are all high and mighty and stuck in ancient ways that don't work anymore. VTC collaborate with slavers and are in it only for the money. Royal Deadfire Company are basically absorbing the Huana without respecting their herritage. And the Principi, well let's not go there eh. The only good change that can be made is through Queen Onekaza, but she needs to be willing.
  3. I made a suggestion earlier on single classes gaining more effects on abilities as you gain powerlevel. Also restrict multiclassing to 5 power levels instead of 7. I mean currently multiclasses don't get 50% of the power of these classes. They get close to 80%. And we all can do the math and see that 80% +80% = 160% and not 100%.
  4. So I don't really want to solve this by talking my way out of it and I can't leave the city without doing this encounter. I'm level 7 and they are level 8-10. They kill three of my guys almost instantly. Pallegina the tank lasts for maybe a few hits and my main PC lives for a bit longer due to the fact that I have 15 DR. got some summons, but they die like I never casted them so I'm kinda stuck. Anyone got any advice? Or do I need to start over from an older save and just do the Degnos quest later... Ugh, that's going to be a REAL old save.
  5. She joins the party. I talk to her once, not even to the bird. I don't think it really matters what you say. She gains 1 reputation point and then comes onto me like a dog in heat. She's been in the party for only a little bit. I only picked up Tekehu after going to the palace and done nothing else. What's up with that. It's like this in all my PTs.
  6. Weird, must be something different between the PTs. Maybe race, background or choices made in poe 1?
  7. Is this a thing or do you always have to join a group at the end so you can get to the island? Is there a way where you can just go to the island yourself? I haven't done any testing.
  8. At least you'd be sure to rest somewhere safe instead of the "yea just rest in front of an enemy or in the wilds while everyone is low hp." So instead we get a nanny game where you don't have to worry about what's around the corner. You're right it's so much better. You're not getting it. Savescumming or whatever you want to call it is what people choose to do. You're saying it's ok to make a game easy so people don't choose this. I don't get why people are so obsessed over what other people choose to do with their games rather than what the game has to offer.
  9. 0 on my first PT before patch 1.1. At patch 1.1 I had one almost everytime I traveled through the town.
  10. I dunno. I always assumed that deckhand level impacts the speed at which they solve issues like fire or cargo that got loose. Whether or not they do anything else I have no idea.
  11. Because they want classes to be unique. I think it's good to have these abilities class specific. I would even go further and nerf multiclassing as it is completely overpowered in this game. Or they could just buff single class characters and get the same overall effect. Also, personally, I find most of the subclasses rather boring, and would love to see some major changes to them to make them less so. There is no problem with most of the classes except that I would diversify them even more. The main issue is with multiclassing as there is no downside at all for choosing it. You should have some serious considerations choosing to either multiclass or single class. So far only Wizard and Monk are classes that are decently strong when compared to any multi class variant. Right now you're gimping your character if you go single class. So I would opt for both. Here's some suggestions to make single/multi class more interesting: 1. Diversify individual classes, make it worth it to go all levels. 2. Diversify skills. Make it worth to pick a certain class for a specific skillset. Survival only for Ranger, Druid and Barbarian for instance. Or make it so that survival can only be picked every 3 levels for characters that don't have this as a primary skill. Make skills worth more when applying them and not just have 80% of skill checks at 2 levels of this skill. Rght now every character can max skills easily. 3. Make skills more interesting by having different effects than they do now, such as using herbs to (partially) heal wounds in the field (Ranger skill for instance). Limit resting. 3. Limit multi classing to max level 5 abilities to make them level up slower. Be stronger late, and weaker early. Make abilities scale harder with power level. Weaker early and stronger later. 4. Make multi classing level up different classes every even and odd level. So a swashbuckler will level up fighter at 1st level and rogue at 2nd level. 5. Have low level abilties gain new effects with power level. This SHOULD be implemented. Right now single classes are meh and multi class is too strong. They should be evenly matched and be chosen for a specific reason or build. Not every multi class has to be viable.
  12. When I started writing this and was trying to find a picture of Umezawa's Jitte, what made me feel old was realizing that a set that still felt relatively recent to me was actually literally more than a decade old. It's a bit off topic, but I started playing with Unlimited edition. Most of my time was spend with revised. I played a little with 4th edition, but stopped before 5th. I still have all my cards, also got some beta cards.
  13. So, if doing this with Mercenaries would help make things easier, what do you recommend? I'm thinking a Chanter with Ancient Memory and Skeletons, but I'm not sure. I do want to clear this at least once to say I overcame probably the biggest challenge in PotD. It'd make me feel a little more like I earned it, you know? I think cipher would help. Charm the drake and focus on the weakest enemies first such as the panthers and imps. Make sure you got potions on you if you're in a pinch. Potion of spirit shield helps as well to keep your people alive. Having fighters makes things easier as well. They will have good defenses and regeneration. Makes them last a long time. Having summons will also help them focus elsewhere, but that will only be good if they last long enough. I've not played with a chanter yet in my games. Alright. I think I'll recruit a Fighter/Paladin and Cipher Mercenary then. Focus the cipher on accuracy and intelligence if you create him. Don't you have eder? He can tank. I always turn him into a swashbuckler so he can tank AND deal damage. With 4 people this should be easier. Barbarians have a really tough time early because of the low deflection they will get hit/crit a lot and die REALLY fast. I'm not a fan.
  14. I don't think people think they don't have characteristics. The biggest issue for me is how little invested they are in the world and the mission. The only time they seem to care about something is if they can complain about themselves or their personal mission. To top that off they have no real focus on either good or evil. They're just there. I can't read them. I can't seem to push them a certain way. They're almost as memorable as the sidekicks, and they don't talk at all after they join you.
  15. So, if doing this with Mercenaries would help make things easier, what do you recommend? I'm thinking a Chanter with Ancient Memory and Skeletons, but I'm not sure. I do want to clear this at least once to say I overcame probably the biggest challenge in PotD. It'd make me feel a little more like I earned it, you know? I think cipher would help. Charm the drake and focus on the weakest enemies first such as the panthers and imps. Make sure you got potions on you if you're in a pinch. Potion of spirit shield helps as well to keep your people alive. Having fighters makes things easier as well. They will have good defenses and regeneration. Makes them last a long time. Having summons will also help them focus elsewhere, but that will only be good if they last long enough. I've not played with a chanter yet in my games.
  16. It's to prevent us from ever answering Hiravias's question. I'm looking for a nude mod now. Is there such a thing?
  17. I think the entire problem starts with calling it an AI. It is not. It is also working exactly as intended.
  18. I've never checked what they did, never used them either. Are they useful? I never used them in PoE 1 either.
  19. I'm more wondering why my party has to wear underwear, while there are people naked in the bathhouse.
  20. Alright. Is Eder good enough as a MT if I make him a Swashbuckler or keep him a pure Fighter, or should I invest in a Chanter/Paladin or Chanter/Fighter tank like I'd considered doing? There seem to be multiple different ways to handle this. I'll probably grab a ranged Cipher hireling as well to fill out my party and keep the boars Charmed and otherwise enfeebled. That'll aid my Marauder's Sneak Attack damage with his bow too. This is definitely seeming more and more doable, if slightly less heroic. You can take pure chanter if you fight in party, then you can summon a DRAGON :D, I like DRAGONS Swashbuckler is OK, but on first island you can't overcome enemy acc without Arcane veil, you can also take druid/fighter, but again it will be viable after level 4 in heavy armor Dragon doesn't come available until level 17. What level are you when you get to the digsite? I'm level 4. When you're level 17 you don't even need tactics.
  21. I had no immunity to domination. I just straight instagibbed the boss with my two frontliners. Charge did damage back then so that may not work now.
  22. At least you'd be sure to rest somewhere safe instead of the "yea just rest in front of an enemy or in the wilds while everyone is low hp."
  23. On the flipside there's things that make playing solo even easier than playing with a party because how it is balanced. Hard cc should be game over if no other party member is within view.
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