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Everything posted by AeonsLegend

  1. Why should she be in an order devoted to service of the ducs bels? Because she's devoted to the service of the ducs bels?? She can play a devoted fighter then for all I care. She's not a paladin.
  2. It's not a small chance not to die. It's 1min of complete invulnerability (except for dampener) with a highly boosted offensive. This is enough time to clear all priority targets before u start fighting normally. Besides, lvl 19 is just for 1 more salvation of time. I cleared all bounties on lvl 15-17 with this guy because he kills so insanely fast while near death. Here's beina bounty, cleared within the time of one barring+salvation https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=KBOjHxi9Ac4 I've killed Nemnok too but that fight was a drag because I couldn't pen his damn armour. What gives you this immunity?
  3. If you ask me, Pallegina is not a paladin. She's just hired muscle, should be a figther or some such. Her background and actions make no sense. Maybe a fallen palladin with 0 Pally abilities? That's the best she could get. Meh. When I pick her up, I reset her completely so she's not a paladin, but instead just pure fighter.
  4. I'm so confused by this. People react to your choices and attitude. That includes women. Lol
  5. If you're looking for another similar game you can try Divinity: Original Sin 1 and 2. The battle system is far more complex and it uses AP like the old Fallout series, but overall it's pretty similar. And enjoyable. You and I must have played a completely different game.
  6. I can only see them at level up and not afterwards. Is it possible to add an option where you can see your level tree even if you don't have to level up?
  7. If you need fire: go megran priest The summoned weapons are dumb though. Pistol and Sword? Wtf is that combo. If it was a sword and shield I could understand. It's the main reason for me not to go Magran priest. I don't really enjoy the other priest spells either. They are meh.
  8. That's not modern at all. And it has nothing to do with slavery either. And slavery still exist. No wonder they get butt hurt.
  9. I have many custom histories, but currently I have no way of seeing what choices they have. So I just have to delete them and create a new one. Same goes for imported games. (I got like 12 of those or something...) Is it possible for you guys to add a popup that lists all choices made? Thanks ever so much.
  10. Wizard should get firebrand spell as well, or Druid should get some more fire spells. Currently my Fire Godlike needs Wizard to be RPed. Lack of decent fire spells for Druid is really bugging me and Firebrand is required for my build. I just opted to give him a permanent version of Firebrand through the Unity Console.
  11. It's not about nerfing multi classing or making it less enjoyable. It's about single classes being considerably weaker and less enjoyable. And that should definitely change.
  12. And MC will be even more stronger. You need to accept the asymetric progression. A single class unlock more powerfull abilities faster. A part of the problem is the usefulness of these abilities. Some times what you unlock isn't very interesting and early abilities stay the most interesting. You can't just compare dps of martial classes. Because a MC will combine passives. So a fighter/rogue with sneak attack and deathblow will always do more dmg than a pure fighter. By combining passives you'll get bigger numbers. But Veolfen, you should have tested a pure Paladin and compare. Because perhaps your problem isn't MC superior to single class, but more Paladin can do more dmg than a fighter? A fighter don't have the dmg bonus like a rogue or barbarian. Not all classes have to be equal in dps, not all martial abilities are about dps. People never take into account support, utility and team role. Classes need more balances and some skills be buffed/reworked to be more interesting choices, specialy late abilities for some classes. Classes need to offer more interesting choices. I think comparing fighter to swashbuckler is an excellent comparison. There is absolutely no reason whatsoever to choose pure fighter over swashbuckler. A pure fighter is far far weaker than a swashbuckler. And what does swashbuckler lose when comparing to fighter? 1HP per level and some level 8/9 abilties that nobody uses. It gets all the benefits of fighter and all the damage from rogue. It's just dumb.
  13. Thanks. I'm RPing a Magran's chosen Fire Godlike with Firebrand. I use a permanent version because I don't want to play Druid or use scrolls.
  14. I haven't tried this build, but isn't having a low Con together with low Res kind of counter intuitive? Sounds like this is just begging to get popped.
  15. So I'm wondering if weapons, be they summoned or not benefit from abilties like Scion of Flame. Is it pointless to get this ability or does it add a penetration point for that damage type?
  16. You can multi anything with rogue and make it work. Since Paladin is defensive you could work towards a riposte build
  17. It's intentionnal for multiclasses not be stuck in 50/50%, I think they talked about it in an update. You loose too much power. At 50% there is lot of chance you don't stay competitive. Two classes at 50% don't necessary = one full class. Even though that's definitely true, giving them 80% of the powerlevel of two classes doesn't even come close to balancing vs single class. I mean you get the benefits of two classes without actually losing much of anything. I don't see the logic here.
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