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Everything posted by AeonsLegend

  1. Dude, you come onto a forum. Complain a game sucks without giving any argument. When I say I disagree I all of a sudden become a fanboy and have to defend myself? Yea that's not how this works. You want to start an actual argument you throw something on the table we can actually discuss other than "This product is bad and the developers are lazy". Your move.
  2. The problem is the moment they take out leveling you will compare the game on the story you get. And I do think PoE really doesn't want to be compared on story with witcher/DoS or even Tower of Time just to name a few. The story in this game doesn't really live up to Obsidian standards, that's true for the DLC as well. They did a very good leveling/class system which takes the game on its back and makes it fun. Let's be honest, the story (even in the first) is mediocre at best - it's in the ballpark of TESO and that's an MMO. They offer a product. I gave feedback on that product. It's no different of leaving a review of a restaurant where the side dish is killing the main course. Nothing wrong with giving feedback. The level of respect you show with this feedback ultimately says more about you than about anything else. I disagree on the quality of the story, but it's your prerogative to believe whatever you want. It's much easier being a hater.
  3. I thought they removed XP gain from bounties. On the other hand that means that anyone that doesn't have the DLCs will be out of luck. Or they completely separate progression when you gain the same amount of xp within the base game or base game + DLCs. Which both just reek of unprofessionalism and lazy game design. The proper solution is increasing cap - no surprise that every game does that with DLC and expansions, otherwise you are paying to actually get less. Hm, just increasing cap gives other challenges. The game is balanced around a party of about level 15-16 end game. If your party is level 20 you have an "I win" button for each fight, even on PotD. If they had to increase cap, which I'm sure they will do with another DLC, then they have to redesign the entire levelling system for it not to break the game. And I wholeheartedly disagree on getting less when you don't increase cap. You pay for a side adventure and that is exactly what you get. And wow, you certainly have no qualms to come onto a forum and insult the people that give you an amazing game without having any understanding of what goes into this game from a developer perspective.
  4. You're hilarious you know that. Do you even know what you're saying? I've made countless of arguments, but you choose to ignore them and when you do reply to me you pick out a single sentence of my post, pull it out of context and then reply to it. But go ahead. You go ahead and imagine you're right.
  5. As others have pointed out, the Watcher does have a great deal of relevance...just not when it comes to stopping a god. Which is fine with me because the objective of the game was never to stop a god. “Fail” assumes that there was an objective. There wasn’t. *You* seem to think there was and I can’t figure out where that comes from other than expectations you created. Let's just agree that you disagree with most people then. What you and a few others have mentioned as being relevant many others including myself have discarded as actually being relevant. Well, at least you felt important doing things that would have also happened without you there. I rather be doing something that was actually important. But hey, we all have different things we enjoy. You’ve had numerous opportunities to plead your case and have refused at every turn. So far as I can tell, you just want me to roll over and accept that the plot is something other than what it is just because you say so. If you’re done, that’s fine with me. If you want to persuade me that your argument has merit, I’m happy to hear you out, but handwaving isn’t going to cut it. Nah, I don't really want to go on discussing with someone who just says "I disagree" with every answer. I even tried examples, but you're not even up to discuss those. Let's agree to disagree and leave it at that. I like to have more impact in a story, you're fine with imagining you have an impact.
  6. As others have pointed out, the Watcher does have a great deal of relevance...just not when it comes to stopping a god. Which is fine with me because the objective of the game was never to stop a god. “Fail” assumes that there was an objective. There wasn’t. *You* seem to think there was and I can’t figure out where that comes from other than expectations you created. Let's just agree that you disagree with most people then. What you and a few others have mentioned as being relevant many others including myself have discarded as actually being relevant. Well, at least you felt important doing things that would have also happened without you there. I rather be doing something that was actually important. But hey, we all have different things we enjoy. I felt that Eothas was one of the biggest morons I've ever had to endure in video games. This is why I also really started to hate Xoti. But then again she appears to have around 80 IQ as well. Whoever controls Ukaizo is kinda meh. I don't see how this affects the Deadfire in the end. But most importantly I don't see how any of this game affects my PC. I don't care that I change some political strife to sway a tad more to a single faction. I care how my character is linked to what is going on. Now if my character was the one taking control of Ukaizo then it kay have had some sort of relevance, but giving it to some pirates, some warmongerers, or money grabbers or the Queen. Well I don't really care either way. People say there you do significant things. I disagree, but whatever. And Even if you do impact some things, I don't see how any of that has to do with my character. My character has no personal stake in those things.
  7. ...which doesn’t matter because the point of the game isn’t to stop him. Yea I get that. I didn't say I wanted to. I'm saying whatever you do has no impact on what unfolds. So there is no point to you being there. That's my gripe. My gripe isn't with not being able to kill or stop Eothas, my gripe is that the only way to have impact is to stop him and you don't. I guess I’m trying to understand why you think it should. There are lots of things that you have no impact on in the game. In any game. Yet you keep coming back to this one. You're trying to think why it should matter that you were there? That whether you were there or not has no significance? So you're basically saying it's ok to be the main character in the story and have no relevance? Like not even trying to be relevant? Because that's basically what this game forces you to do. They don't even allow you to fail, you fail by default.
  8. ...which doesn’t matter because the point of the game isn’t to stop him. Yea I get that. I didn't say I wanted to. I'm saying whatever you do has no impact on what unfolds. So there is no point to you being there. That's my gripe. My gripe isn't with not being able to kill or stop Eothas, my gripe is that the only way to have impact is to stop him and you don't.
  9. I think you're wrong. I think criticism ultimately leads to better products. Sure not every piece of criticism is constructive or supportive, but that's part of how such a discussion unfolds. Don't you think Obsidian understands this as well? And in all honesty if everyone had the opinion of "I like what I have now" then nothing new would ever be created. I also agree with what you are saying. And I think the game could have done a little more with giving the watcher an incentive and in that way the player. Like in Skyrim the player has no incentive to do any of the work or quests layed out before him. That is just poor quality writing. Ultimately in the end the story matters less than story telling. In this case I feel story telling, ie. involving you in the story and pulling you in, is completely lacking. If anything needs to change in future installments then that is it. Like it has been stated in other topics. A big cause here is the open world environment, but even in such a case you can be more directive of what is happening.
  10. You're much quicker to accept this premise than I am. Eothas inhabited the giant adra statue under YOUR keep. The fact that YOU have a strong soul is the only thing that provides even a ghost of a chance for survival. Luckily, YOUR keep has a soulbound steward who was able to spring to action, using YOUR vast wealth to acquire a ship to follow Eothas. Thanks to YOUR previous interactions with the gods, YOU get tapped to track down Eothas. YOUR reputation influences factions leading to companions to help you on this journey, etc, etc. So yeah, sorry if I don't agree that ANYBODY could have done this, as SimonCharming suggests. The game doesn't mention or require a watcher to be on board for the trip to Ukaizo. It only requires a set of strong sails and hull. Factions are also not required. There's a guy who managed to complete the game in about 20 minutes by gathering some cash, buying the ship options and then sailing straight to Ukaizo. Granted, that was some patches ago. But that's all game mechanics. If you use your grey mass you can surmise the same. I mean, the only thing Ukaizo is protected by is the storm. And storms can and will be crossed. Having a Deus Ex Machina backstory is not required. The Watcher is not required. Sure he/she survives and has a strong soul, but that doesn't matter. In the end Eothas destroys the wheel whether you followed him or not. It doesn't make a hoot of difference. Absolutely nothing changes other than him being a tad bit more benevolent. And the discovery of Ukaizo is ultimately not relevant either, because you have no real impact on what unfolds there anyway. Might as well have stayed at home and let the other factions take a few more weeks or months to discover Ukaizo on their own. You could have been rebuilding your keep in the meantime instead of going on this wild goose chase that ultimately leads you nowhere. Like I said in my earlier statement, I don't care about the discovery of Ukaizo or local mundane politics of the Deadfire. The factions are stale, boring and stock.
  11. So you're saying the story is basically following around Trump, but rather killing yourself. I can dig that.
  12. “Part 2’s” exist to move the story forward. They aren’t going to be as sexy as Part 1, where you get to meet everyone and find out what their superpowers are. Neither are they as satisfying as Part 3 where everything gets resolved and everyone gets to go home. “Epic journeys” are what we get when all the parts are put together. It's hard to reply to you since you're replying only to my superhero movies reference instead of this topic. But if you create an RPG without an epic journey then you don't understand what an RPG is supposed to deliver. Having a part 2 should have no effect on the individual representation of a story per game. Except I’m not. The Watcher becomes a Watcher and expands their powers throughout the first game (not necessarily referring to level-up here). Of course each segment in the story needs to have a plot to resolve, but each of those segments come together to tell a larger story. I probably misunderstood you and you simply agreed with my original post. I was assuming you disagreed and you were giving counteragruments, but rereading my post and yours we are talking about completely different aspects of the same topic.
  13. Sure, you're not a spectator, but I wouldn't say you're making a difference. The discovery of Ukaizo was already started before you were there to do it. It's like it was hardly a secret to begin with in all honesty. I found the discovery of Ukaizo, supposedly the biggest secret in Deadfire history which houses a frikking device build by the gods, incredibly lacklustre. Multiple factions including the Wizard circle were already on the verge of this discovery and merely nudged you a bit. Multiple factions would have found this location incredibly easily. In fact it only takes a single ship with a decent build to cross the storm. Anyone could have done it. And sure you choose wchich faction takes control of Ukaizo. But who cares really? I mean really? You point out things you affect, and we can't disagree on those points. But to go ahead and say those things are in any way meaningful or related to your character. Nah. The main story would have unfolded exactly the same way. And Ukaizo would have been discovered as well. Nothing on the primary path of the story is engaging and pulls you towards a goal which you feel is YOUR goal. The only reason they put in to reach Ukaizo is because you follow Eothas. That is the most unimaginative uninteresting reason they could have thought up. Especially because following Eothas has no reason. And then you can't even affect (read: play a vital role) in what unfolds. You get to choose whether he hurts people a bit less? Great, I should have sent him a postcard at the start of the game with this instruction and do something meaningful with my time other than traveling to an Island I have NO stake in and following a God I have no reason to follow. Oh wait, he has part of my soul. Well the game really does make it so you endure hardship because of it. Oh... nevermind it doesn't at all. In fact you get to choice not to rejoin with your soul, so it doesn't really matter if you rejoin or not in this game. It's not just that your character doesn't have any real impact on the story, it's also presented so poorly that by the end you care so little that you simply blind pick the options to get to the credits. And to make it clear, I'm not talking about choices you make. Because in all honesty I don't really care about that and most games implement that so poorly that it just feels dumb. I'm talking about your character impacting the story and parts of that story revolving around your character. This game has very little of that.
  14. “Part 2’s” exist to move the story forward. They aren’t going to be as sexy as Part 1, where you get to meet everyone and find out what their superpowers are. Neither are they as satisfying as Part 3 where everything gets resolved and everyone gets to go home. “Epic journeys” are what we get when all the parts are put together. It's hard to reply to you since you're replying only to my superhero movies reference instead of this topic. But if you create an RPG without an epic journey then you don't understand what an RPG is supposed to deliver. Having a part 2 should have no effect on the individual representation of a story per game.
  15. I think the basis here is that we all expected to be able to make a difference. This is for me the main reason to do an epic journey in an RPG. If I'm completely honest I don't really see this in Deadfire. No one had any particular reason to be there or to follow Eothas and it didn't make a hoot of difference whether we did or not in the end. Might as well have stuck with my first choice in the game and tell Berath to piss off. The problem I see here is not that we don't fight Eothas in the end, but that the story is setup in such a way that you expect you will. It is written in such a way that the only way to make a difference is actually to stop him and that is not what the writer wanted. If you ask me, that makes no sense. Did he want us to feel useless playing this game? If that was his aim at least have our pary "try soemthing" other than just following him around. Of course you will still have people hating on it, just look at the latest avengers movie. But you can't say its for a lack of trying.
  16. Did you kill every native Dyrwoodan as well? I only kill people I really dislike in my games. Mudering someone just because you dislike them isn't exactly a "good" thing. That is situational. With people like Durance it is a good thing. I didn't say I kill all people I dislike.
  17. Did you kill every native Dyrwoodan as well? I only kill people I really dislike in my games. Durance was the representation of the Dyrwood as a whole, so you should have murdered everyone in Gilded Vale, Dyrford, Stalwart, and Defiance Bay since they all share his views. Oh how strange. In my playthroughs he was just an ass. But I appreciate that your confusion of views and personallity makes you urge people to commit genocide.
  18. Did you kill every native Dyrwoodan as well? I only kill people I really dislike in my games.
  19. I am sure that any party can complete the game, but both of these characters sounds like they would have interesting interaction with the plot. I agree that Xoti is gullible, but i was hoping to be able to affect that through interactions. Nah, she gets worse. You don't really change party members in this game. If anything Tekehu has the most to do with the plot. I don't agree about what Eschu and Camonge said about Xoti. She's poorly written and she has nothing to do with the plot. She just follows Gaun/Eothas like a lost puppy. "Ow maah gawd Gaaauwn." It's just annoying. If I'm completely honest no one has anything to do with the plot really. Let's sum up peoples reasons for being there and helping you: Eder: he was just there. Aloth: he just tagged along for no reason, because hey I know you! Xoti: GAAAAWWWN MAAAH GAAAWD PLEAASE GAAAIDE MEEEEH! Serafen: just tags along because he doesn't like his boss and his boss wants him to join your party for no reason. Pallegina: she's in it because the money grabbers want to keep an eye on you. Somewhat related to the plot, but other than that. meh. Maia: she's in it because the warmongers want to keep an eye on you. Somewhat related to the plot, but other than that. meh. Tekehu: hey wait a minute. He wants to do some good for the Deadfire and help his people. Damn really???? I mean, he's not just tagging along for no reason. Weirdo. If I'm honest. Aside from Tekehu, the sidekicks have MORE reason to be with you on this trip than the actual full fledged party members.
  20. And weapons. OMG! How do we keep players from spamming fighting back? Next thing you know players will want to fight with their fists! The point of the game is to lose every encounter! Why can't people get that? Geez! Joe Lol. You know you can win PotD solo without items or equipment? Besides the reason I want stealth removed from non stealth classes is because there is hardly any difference between classes in terms of skills. Anyone can do anything in this game. It's incredibly unrewarding to pick a specific class because they're all so similar in the end.
  21. Maybe you encounter him in the beyond. It'd be worth it if I could kill him again.
  22. Good change, they were stupidly OP. Next up, nerfing stealth and removing stealth from non-stealth classes.
  23. Doesn't matter how you build your party honestly. I would take neither because they're both insufferable. Especially Xoti. Ugh annoying, uneducated, gullable zealot.
  24. DLC about Durance? That'll be interesting because he's dead in all my PT's.
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