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Everything posted by AeonsLegend

  1. There's a similar bow called Saint Omaku's Mercy (https://pillarsofeternity.gamepedia.com/Saint_Omaku's_Mercy). It also has an upgrade that has 50% refresh on crit just like the Veilpiercer. It's probably easier to obtain than Veilpiercer. That wiki has bad intel though, killing Okaya will not make RDC hostile. Perhaps that was a bug from earlier game patch.
  2. That's pretty much all the companion stories? Anyway, subjective and all- people will respond differently to different characters- but I don't think that can honestly be called a bland story, just from the aspect of it being so unusual. Yea somehow all companions have some sort of issue you need to comfort them on. There's no one that doesn't look for praise, pat on the back or encouragement. They're all some sort of melodramatic cry-me-a-river goofball. Some less sane than others.
  3. You can exit at towns as well like Port Maje, they don't show an anchor. Islands that have no town near the water will have an anchor.
  4. I don't understand why people confuse dps with average damage values. Average is average. dps is damage per second. If I gain 1 accuracy my damage per second does not increase. Because damage per second can also be calculated over 3 seconds. Sure I may get lucky and get a crit instead of a hit, but that is totally situation dependent and unreliable. Talk about potential dps instead of actual values and forego using exact numbers in a theoretical situation and we can talk. I mean are you guys also going to complain that you get 0 crits with an ability that adds 25% crit chance? Or are you just assuming you're going to get 25% crits all the time?
  5. You really seem to be confused about the seconds part of damage per second. Again, I haven't played one, but you don't need both of those things. On another site, I read someone who described doing quite well with a single class streetfighter and largely ignoring flanked after the early game. The idea was to stand on the front line controlling positioning in the early stages of a fight, then jumping to the enemy's rear once bloodied and deleting the casters and ranged fighters. Part of the reason that can work is that streetfighters gain comparatively little from might, since they already get overwhelmingly large amounts of +% damage. So I imagine they're durable enough to work as an off-tank or flanker if you go with low might and very high constitution. I think you are. Dps is calculated per second. That means you devide the damage you did so you get what you would deal in 1 second. But that's not what I'm contesting. I'm contesting the fact that people say 1 accurcy means 2% increase in dps. It doesn't work that way because it is an avarage, not a direct value.
  6. That might do nothing, too, with my character. that's because stats are broken in this game. If you're dominated they can tell you to take off all equipment and jump in a pool of lava. Game over.
  7. Of course it exists. Accuracy does affect average dps. Sorry for just quoting this tidbit, but dps and average dps imply different things. At the end of the game your dps is decided by three things: 1: average damage of your weapons with all buffs. 2: attack speed and recovery. 3. Chance to hit your opponent. If you count all damage at the end of the game and look at accuracy values then yes you can calculate that a certain point of accuracy takes a percentage value of this damage. But it doesn't work the other way around because it is an indirect reference based on theory and you shouldn't use it in a discussion to prove a point. There is no circumstance where accuracy directly affects dps. Only indirectly over a long time can it be measured. Saying 1 accuracy point is a 2% increase in dps is wrong. Saying that a certain value of accuracy contributes to a certain part of dps over the course of the game, yes sure. But again those are two completely different things.
  8. "To acquire this class, you just need to have a Monk class and a Monk class."
  9. My main PC was a Battlemage and had all sorts of buffs to make himself near invulnerable. In that fight only Xoti went down and Eder and my PC lived. I did it in one go and even though I had to use a lot to get through it I didn't feel it was hard at all. I ended up not doing the fight and just talk to the guy a little bit further in to resolve the situation. My PC now is very squishy, Soulblade/Assassin. But I don't have invis yet to make it work.
  10. That statement doesn't make any sense. Accuracy works like this: You either have enough to get a hit or you don't. Having 70 accuracy and hitting an enemy is no different from having 80 and hitting. In no situation does 1 accuracy add 2% dps. The only thing that adds dps is attack speed and actual damage. His quote make sense because he considers attack hit rolls into dps calculation. Not sure 2% increase per 1 acc as there are more factors to consider. The fringe cases are when the bonus acc is huge enough to render the 1d100 roll inconsequential in miss/graze/hit/crit consideration (ie Acc - Save > 99 such that all attack rolls are crits ignoring external conversion effects) or vice versa. With such large rolls it only matters if that particular 1 accuracy would have made a graze a hit and a hit a crit. It has to do with the value towards deflection. There is no direct relation to accuracy affecting dps at all. I believe most here will include hit resolution into dps, and not just consider it in a vacuum where it is "Damage Per Second of when only all grazes/hits/crits have landed". Sure you can use math to make a point that doesn't exist. If people want to think that way then I can't help that.
  11. No both crush and full attack on the target. Not just full attack on the target and crush in between as per description. Description is wrong.
  12. If Aloth said that to me he shouldn't be expecting to live through the day. I don't take **** like that from people that are supposed to have my back. I'd definitely kill him right there on the spot.
  13. I have all that and more. MC gets 2-3 shot. Eder takes a bit longer, maybe 4 hits. If a character gets focussed by all 7 its game over pretty quickly.
  14. That doesn't help because this guy is higher level than me. Plus I have a party so playing this would be different.
  15. That statement doesn't make any sense. Accuracy works like this: You either have enough to get a hit or you don't. Having 70 accuracy and hitting an enemy is no different from having 80 and hitting. In no situation does 1 accuracy add 2% dps. The only thing that adds dps is attack speed and actual damage. His quote make sense because he considers attack hit rolls into dps calculation. Not sure 2% increase per 1 acc as there are more factors to consider. The fringe cases are when the bonus acc is huge enough to render the 1d100 roll inconsequential in miss/graze/hit/crit consideration (ie Acc - Save > 99 such that all attack rolls are crits ignoring external conversion effects) or vice versa. With such large rolls it only matters if that particular 1 accuracy would have made a graze a hit and a hit a crit. It has to do with the value towards deflection. There is no direct relation to accuracy affecting dps at all.
  16. I dunno. They all have 50+ deflection, 50+ defenses and 70 vs charm. They always hit, they don't miss and my characters hit about 30% of the time. They just overwhelm me. Can't stop the onslaught. Takes too long to take one down. I manage to kill 2 or 3 but by then the charm has run out and I get unlucky and miss a second charm. cipher can't get hits in enough to recharge focus so I have to be sure to get it all right in one go. And that damage lol. Eder has 56 deflection, but he might as well not have any.
  17. Now I've done this fight before with 3 people on PotD at level 4 and it was a cakewalk. Now I'm trying with Aloth and a different PC and it feels almost impossible. Enemies hit for about 40-50 hp in damage. Aloth gets instagibbed. If I'm unlucky the mage throws a fireball and kills 2 of my guys instantly. I try to charm a guy, it has to be the mage otherwise he will just destroy everyone with 1 or 2 spells. Can't focus him, because the guy with the gun does about 50 damage per hit on my team. The guy with the bow is also annoying. I've tried the approach from the south, but then the mage and gunner get me from range before I can do anything. Did they change something in between to make this fight harder? I don't recall this being impossible at level 4 on PotD.
  18. I've noticed another bug. Also weird. Whenever a character is interrupted during a spell or ability they may just move oddly forward towards that enemy (killing themselves in the process) This happens with AI disabled.
  19. I rather you explain directly what puzzle you're talking about instead of a vague comment and a link to a 10 page website.
  20. You can nerf things differently. Removing an entire effect is not the way to go. Having two weapons and only allowing to hit with one because "balance" is dumb.
  21. Seems that in some cases the quickest path to a location cannot be calculated. This happens more often when multiple characters and/or enemies are moving together. Sometimes walking in circles around eachother indefinitely. Becomes annoying with a lot of enemies because they trigger unnecessary disengagement attacks. Causing you to lose a fight by no fault of your own.
  22. Isn't that supposed to be the trade-off, though? If godlikes start off with an advantage over other kith before everyone is kitted up, and if they break even by the endgame, then godlikes are better overall. And the races are supposed to be balanced. That said, I do like the idea of godlike inheriting at least some aspect of their "parent" race. Doesn't make sense that an aumaua-sized godlike aren't generally stronger than orlun-sized godlikes, for example. You can balance in different ways. Making them all the same is not realistic. Look at how D&D handles their Tieflings and Yuan-ti Purebloods. They ARE more powerful than the other races because they have better stats and spell or elemental resistances that the other races simply don't have. They do level more slowly to make up for it. But a level 30 Yuan-ti Pureblood is more powerful than a level 30 human or elf.
  23. Really? So if you manage to get into the arena, everything else despawns? Okay. As long as the rest of PotD presents something resembling a fair challenge once you get decent gear, I suppose I could give it another fair shot. Now it's just a matter of figuring out how to sneak my whole party down there without fighting anything, if that's even possible. Because even the freaking boars and wurms are mauling me. Maybe if I use the ladder instead of going down the stairs... As far as Gorecci Street, as I said, dealing with Ilari peacefully makes sense for my character anyway. The quest giver asks for you to negotiate with him because he's not inclined to cause trouble and she can deal with him later. And bam presto, I've made it out of the tutorial island without fighting more than I had to. They despawn when you complete the digsite Ruin interior (Arena Sub-level) and find Oderisi. Progress is automated that way. Of course it's totally dumb. I think they shouldn't despawn and they should fix this so you need to save the people in the cage no matter what you do if you want Aloth. Puzzle on PotD?
  24. You want to find a way to cheat out of an unrecoverable situation. You get dominated with no one around to save it's game over.
  25. I never managed to get possitive or bad rep with him in all my PTs of PoE II. And I've tried many things.
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