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Everything posted by AeonsLegend

  1. Exept if you join all of them (like in all games that have factions) it will probably end very bad for you.
  2. It's kind of hard to pick one because they are all depending on when you fight them unless they are all scaled to max level and you are max level. Only then can you say for sure which one is the most powerful. POE tends to pick "highest level" as most powerful, which doesn't mean anything. According to POE I the Laguefath Broodmother is more powerful than all the dragons in the game. I think Fampyrs are annoying because they have strong magics and domination and tons of health. As far as bosses go they were all relatively easy. I think Nemnok had the most HP, but I'm not sure.
  3. A Deus Ex Machina is, by definition, not done right. I haven't seen Dragonslayer, so I can't really make a comment on how well that movie does or does not handle its story. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deus_ex_machina As stated before it can be used to good effect. It all depends on the story and setting. Deus Ex Machine has a bad history because it's also been used poorly before this is why it is best to avoid it if you're an unexperienced writer. There's plenty of well known classic plays and stories that have raving critical reviews that use Deus Ex Machina. So saying it's wrong by definition is simply not true.
  4. Windows PC? Yea. The topic doesn't state this, but after opening the logfile I saw it was about mac.
  5. Selling superb items gives you so much money you don't know what to do with it. It is very easy to spend a lot though.
  6. A game is considere too easy if you select normal mode and have the AI win the game for you. Stating it becomes really hard on the hardest difficulty mode is good, but that doesn't mean the game itself is hard. The fact that you have to select level scaling to prevent you from falling asleep during encounters on veteran mode is just dumb. What? That's the whole point of the setting It's a setting that was made necessary because of how the game is made. The fact that it requires a setting such as this proves that the levelling system with this open world setting is not optimally implemented.
  7. companions dialogues were firing too fast . As for them coming onto you....you can say no . And sure it make sense ! you fight monsters , don't you ? does that make sense ? Sureeeeeeeee...! you are a cipher that throw magic , does that make sense ? Sureeeee!....everyone is Bi ? Damn right it make sense... Sigh. 1. I don't want to have to say no to my companions. 2. I love it when people use the fantasy setting as a rule to allow all sorts of nonsense. Next up, space ships, laser rifles, cars and anime characters. Because reasons. and I love it when peoples hide behind 'reality stuff ' to hide homophobia . and Le Sigh... Romance are stuff peoples like . Romance are for everyone . It's only nonsense for peoples like you..cose reasons . Dude, I am the last person who is homophobic and you take your careless insult back! You don't know me, you make baseless accusations on an internet forum? Grow up. I'm asking why all my characters are bisexual and the only actual reason is because people want all possible romance options. And to me, that's pleasing fans and not something that makes sense from an RP point of view. Geezus the frikking SJW are back. I thought we were long past that, but I guess it is still not acceptable to question sexuality. Oh boohoo . SJW this....SJW that... if anyone need to grow up , it's you . And anyone for that matter that see SJW everywhere , as soon as a game doesn't cater to them anymore . it's Hypocrite , very very hypocrite . Why do you need to question sexuality ? Do you go around asking 'Why this movie has females innit ?'' 'Why this store sell only kid stuff ?' . RP reasons , pray tell.... what RP reasons ? Funny how it goes . Everyone hetero , and it's fine . Some bi get in there and it's pleasing fans . everything in a game is about pleasing fans . From Loot , armors , weapons , class , spells..etc . They create Dungeons cose peoples ask for them . They create Tavern with dancers....guess what ? Cose peoples asked for them . Isn't that pleasing fans ? Are you actually serious? How little you know about me. Go throw your SJW stuff elsewhere and keep your petty uncalled for insults to yourself.
  8. companions dialogues were firing too fast . As for them coming onto you....you can say no . And sure it make sense ! you fight monsters , don't you ? does that make sense ? Sureeeeeeeee...! you are a cipher that throw magic , does that make sense ? Sureeeee!....everyone is Bi ? Damn right it make sense... Sigh. 1. I don't want to have to say no to my companions. 2. I love it when people use the fantasy setting as a rule to allow all sorts of nonsense. Next up, space ships, laser rifles, cars and anime characters. Because reasons. and I love it when peoples hide behind 'reality stuff ' to hide homophobia . and Le Sigh... Romance are stuff peoples like . Romance are for everyone . It's only nonsense for peoples like you..cose reasons . Dude, I am the last person who is homophobic and you take your careless insult back! You don't know me, you make baseless accusations on an internet forum? Grow up. I'm asking why all my characters are bisexual and the only actual reason is because people want all possible romance options. And to me, that's pleasing fans and not something that makes sense from an RP point of view. Geezus the frikking SJW are back. I thought we were long past that, but I guess it is still not acceptable to question sexuality. And I'll have you know my gay son agrees with me.
  9. companions dialogues were firing too fast . As for them coming onto you....you can say no . And sure it make sense ! you fight monsters , don't you ? does that make sense ? Sureeeeeeeee...! you are a cipher that throw magic , does that make sense ? Sureeeee!....everyone is Bi ? Damn right it make sense... Sigh. 1. I don't want to have to say no to my companions. 2. I love it when people use the fantasy setting as a rule to allow all sorts of nonsense. Next up, space ships, laser rifles, cars and anime characters. Because reasons.
  10. A game is considere too easy if you select normal mode and have the AI win the game for you. Stating it becomes really hard on the hardest difficulty mode is good, but that doesn't mean the game itself is hard. The fact that you have to select level scaling to prevent you from falling asleep during encounters on veteran mode is just dumb.
  11. Sworn Enemy greater_lay_on_hands Cast Time: 0.5 sec Recovery Time: 0.0 sec Range: 10m Noise: Loud Effects: Foe Target: Marked Marks an enemy as the focus of the paladin's righteous fury, granting Accuracy and Damage bonuses against the target until combat ends or the target goes down.
  12. Is there a reason everyone starts coming on to you when they like you enough? I found it really irritating. Also everyone is bisexual. Makes no sense.
  13. Minoletta's missile salvo is the one reason to keep Aloth a pure Wizard class. Everything else he throws is like firecrackers compared to this spell.
  14. It's not necessary at all to put so many points in individual skills. Most skill checks are at 4 points or lower. that is biggest issue i have. you have to assign 1 character and to max out the mechanics leaving him/her out gimped in other skills which are important and contribute to combat: athletics, alchemy, explosives. same goes with sleight of hand. whoever goes the roleplaying aspect for sleight of hand or mechanics they will see themselves gimped in combat. IMHO these skills are should not be optional for potd. also another drawback is scouting of traps are tied to PER which none of your party member has high enough to discover the traps themselves. this makes PER extremely important for any build which limits build diversity. obsidian is making an RPG and RPG is about giving options but obsidian likes to restrict you by giving you less options. I never needed to do that and I still open all chests and remove all traps. Party assist counts when finding and disarming traps. I usually spread out skills on each and every character and I've yet to find a trap or dialogue option I cannot pass. Mechanics is the only skill I put more than 10 points in though, because those skill checks are very high in some areas. But there's equipment and buffs that can increase those skills too. Everything else is somewhere from 2-8 on a character where I feel it is appropriate from an RP pov.
  15. Liquid cooling? There's no way you're achieving those temps with a stock fan. I have similar heat measured in my case with just normal fans. The case is optimized for airflow and has good fans as well. Try to clean it about every year so the dust doesn't hamper the fans too much. Really happy with it. Some pieces of hardware don't seem to have some safety measures in place when it comes to poorly written software. The game Battletech I mentioned before was really hard on your system. 100% GPU 24/7 and big heat spikes. GPU got to about 75 degrees celsius which is actually acceptable, but when comparing to other games it is really high. Game also got laggy when there was really no cause for it. Some people had their GPU fried. It's best to keep track of heat build up in your system. There's so many setups and types of systems and they may handle games and heat differently. I got an eGPU with a 1050ti to use for my, um, uh, cad work (cough, Deadfire, cough). I read that a smaller power supply was fine than the max suggested most of the time. Maybe that is true. It was shutting down after about 5 minutes fairly regularly no matter how much I tuned back the graphics. Obviously I needed the suggested power supply. And my laptop does not go all jet engine on me any more when I play, either. Take that for what it's worth (which if it doesn't describe your system, its not worth much). Everybody's system behaves differently, no doubt. Joe Could it be that your power supply was getting the battery really hot? Some do that and that doesn't really work well when you're gaming and are continuously connected to the powernet.
  16. No? Eh? I picked up Pallegina, never used her and she is at 0. I see. Kind of annoying then.
  17. How about implementing something like this: Higher penetration for two handed weapons If a char has 4 points more in might than the enemy then the enemy has a % chance to be dazed with each hit If a char has 8 points more in might than the enemy then the enemy has a % chance to be knocked down with each hit. (slashing, crushing) If a char has 8 points more in might than the enemy then the enemy has a % chance to be pushed back with each hit. (piercing) Numbers can be changed of course, but I feel like two handed weapons should have a little bit more oomph. I think might should be more impactful on these types of weapons. In D&D we have a 1,5 multiplier when wielding a weapon with two hands. That could also be done as well. I was thinking of a bleeding effect on two handed slashing weapons, but that may be too much.
  18. Why do previous companions start the relationship with you at 0 affinity points? I mean they were there for the entire ordeal. They know you, accepted you adn followed you through death and worse and when they turn up in POEII, relationshipwise they are like "Meh". So help me understand this relationship thingy. I have to do things they like without knowing what that is and then I can romance them? Is there any other point in increasing this? I have had Aloth at -2 and end game at -1 and I don't even know how that happened. He still happily tags along without complaining about anything. Also some party members don't seem to like eachother, but I don't really understand how this is impactful or if their affinity towards eachother influences this. I know BGII had relationships as well, so perhaps this is Obsidians way of honoring that tradition. It was implemented poorly in BGII as well. I mean I remember Aerie wanting to have sex with me in Firkraags cave while when I rested before the battle. The only fun one to do was Viconia's romance.
  19. I killed Eder in the first game so I started the game solo, that was kind of annoying and some battles were really tough. I decided I was already far too strong so I don't need the stats and my character has changed (also my interaction with the other half of my soul). I destroyed the altar. I didn't really want to limit my party any more if there's going to be a POEIII.
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