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Hassat Hunter

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Everything posted by Hassat Hunter

  1. But one person said such a method of doing it and you immediately went for "you did it cheesy" and "you should beat them the fair way; MY way." So if there's many ways to beat them why go all moral high ground on the other person just cause he chose a different one? The conclusions you go through doesn't compute with your earlier actions, words and accusations. Just calling everyone who didn't play like you "restspammer" doesn't help make your case either, rather than just making you appear as an elitist that needs to downpad other players to feel better, even in this game that apparently gives so many resolution choices. They're also highly annoying, much too common and probably single-handledly make the Underdark my most hated BG2 area. BG2 lost a lot of fun for me once Athkala was over anyway. Linear dungeoneering didn't suit it. (and damn you guys post too much, just finished 5 of 12... 7 more to go :/)
  2. In other words: Didn't knew how to 'play/exploit' the AI. Let's not make it more than what it is, your IE Targeting isn't some great massive function BioWare added in, it is you exploiting how basically the AI was of the IE-games, and then taking that as what's to be sought for. *shrug*
  3. It's not exactly about 'forcing our way' it's more... "Economy in this game is a non-issue since you can buy everything you want, pimp your castle and still have 150K+ to show for it"
  4. You surely must mean BG2, since BG1 didn't have any companion personality at all. Really. Also, pretty sure it didn't have much of a VO for people either, it's BG2 that came up with the partial VO that PoE set forth (and IMO taken a bit too far).
  5. Do you have damaging effects on them? I think damage reverts the effect. Also if no enemies remain anymore, they all turn hostile again. The lvl 6 "confusion" is much more powerful, useful and reliable, but this has it's uses till you can get it, like having a certain dragon kill pretty much her adds with her insane damage AoE attack XD
  6. Brighthollow resting does give a boon lasting several rests afterwards (but as I noticed, doesn't stack with other Inn/Brighthollow bonusses, those will overwrite them).
  7. This is because a lot of backers heavily (and loudly) cried out for "What you see is what you get" loot, which ends up selling 100 armors to the nearest vendor combined with the infinite stash. Worse that they don't stack and make vendors list huge, and this seems to affect savegames too. Find a vendor, selling your stock, then killing it is a good idea, *shrug*
  8. Hear hear. I've given up on plenty a MMO since everybody expects you to use this pre-designed builds that they tested for maximum use. And generally end up with the most boring gameplay known to man repeating the same stuff over and over. I don't want to do that, if that's all there is to a game I rather play another.
  9. And here I was thinking I was standing completely alone in that opinion. And I found the PoE final battle much more fun than Sarevok. Sarevok: *wand of monster summoning* x 10... WON! As for the IEMod; * I really like a 'proper' solid UI. * Blue-circles?! YES! * Tooltip didn't bother me till the crowded with companions Twin Elms. That's about all I would include, the others just nerfing battle or overpowering the player too much. IMO.
  10. That is a really unusual request for a player to make. You must not have been around with the "remove AoE looting" thread.
  11. Quite the feat... you completed the game (since act IV is the end) and yet have game to play afterwards in 'the next chapter' How's that X-pack time traveller friend?
  12. Those 2 doors can not be lockpicked... but neither have a key EDIT: And yes, I've had several times that traps just outright killed off my characters (Durance seemed the most prone to die by single trap even with 50% HP).
  13. Yup, all the 'big' NPC's all have special lines once you return (which is an awesome touch), but that's about it. A few ghost Kickstarter NPC's appear you can have a chat with if you like the stories. But mostly it seems just to allow you to finish your stuff if you didn't do so in Act II.
  14. Did that... got the offer. Didn't take him up on it though...
  15. Really a question if gameplaywise or storywise. Gameplay wise I dumped Aloth rather fast and never looked back. All foes like shades just swarmed him and he was pathetic in doing anything useful. Storywise Durance is with no competition in a near distance the winner. That "talk to me next rest" mechanism is made in hell I swear. I still probably haven't heard 25% of what he can say...
  16. Can't say I've been taking notes 0_o That's cause it's the RPGCodex place, the book there references many users as do the weapons in the store. Not quite a secret since you get a note about it on some bandits early on. No idea what happens without the code-word though. (I was dissapointed after finding him he offered nothing good at all ) Not much a secret either as it's simply a mechanism to not make the story get stuck at that point.
  17. Galawain. Seemed the most reasonable option of the gods, and I made a promise then... Damn my lawful good character build! But even with the other options added later, this seemed the best to me, except maybe for adding them to the cycle.
  18. It happens most frequently in Defiance Bay and Dyrwood. Had some in Twin Elms too, generally with companions who I swapped out to do their plotlines. Guess Act II is so big it goes through all the banter if you're thorough.
  19. I see, no it's something you'll see nearing the end of the game, no worries... nothing is wrong with your game
  20. There's not intended for there to be a delay between action and change. So adding that is only adding features to conform to a bug, which is rather pointless since fixing the bug would be a better alternative.
  21. I've done this conversation several times, but never got any reputation from it? Or do you mean the statistics (first you see in the character screen). If so pretty sure it saying 'honest' doesn't grant 1 point of honest (can't say for certain using Expert mode, but I should have had much higher values if it were true).
  22. Try moving to a different area... I've noticed all spellgranting items that can be cast require an area-change to appear. Definitely annoying yes.
  23. Depends on the foe... some don't have an entry, some do. Lionesses unlock for lions for example, and "Young Bear" give the lore entry and XP of "Bear"
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