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Dr <3

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Everything posted by Dr <3

  1. Tks maxquest! Apart from monk also the rogue can pile up a good number af full attacks. But monks is clearly better. Anyway good old boeroer already did something similar in his wich doctor build
  2. Another quick question: after all, if you are at -80% recovery using dual wield, and in One hand you put a speed weapon (-20% recovery) you get: A) -100% recovery with both weapons Or B) -100% recovery with 1 hand and -80% with the other hand?
  3. I would like they optimized a bit better the game in case One want to play solo. In particolar to fix the "fight reset" when you go invisibile or charm everyone for mystake. Soloing with chiper or rogue is a pain, you use some of your best ability, and baaam! Fight reset, all your buffs are out and you are often already surrounded.
  4. In which version did you try this? Because in the current (beta) 3.03 version it works on the first two attacks regardless of weapon style and weapons used, provided you don't interfere with the auto-attacking. It also works fine from Shadowing Beyond (and any other invisibility effect, as far as I'm aware). This is mostly how it worked in 3.02 as well by the way, though you only got a single backstab from Shadowing. However, it failed to trigger on the first hit when you used one of the rogue Strike abilities, which is presumably what you were doing when you got the results you describe. This is also (mostly) fixed in 3.03 (beta), you now can eg. Blinding Strike + Backstab from stealth on the first attack as well. For some reason this doesn't work properly from Shadowing Beyond yet, so if you Blinding Strike when Shadowed the backstab is suppressed (I'll report this in the Beta support forum). Ok, you are right i always used the strikes for the full attacks, i have to try again with normal attacks.
  5. Ok, some thoughts: 1) backstab is not fixed 100%, when you hit from "stealth" with a double attack (dual wielding) for me the backstab dmg bonus applies only on the second hit, not the first one. Moreover for me does not trigger at all out of shadowing beyond, so the hit and hide plan is a bit of failure for now. So backstab is useful really only at the start of the fight, you can't have multiple use of it apart from feign dead (see n°2) 2) a great ability to abuse instead is feign dead. After the first timer in wich you feign your dead expires you have some seconds in wich you are invis and backstab trigger all attacks. So also if it is more or less 6-7 sec, you can deal otrageus amount of dmg. The problem is that if you solo usually using feign dead reset the fight after some sec, so you will find yourself still in the middle of the battle, without per encounter ability renewed and without the invisibility --> so pretty much dead. The only way i found to go round the problem is cast some evocation (figurines), feign dead, hope that the evocation survive the whole feign dead timer and after that you are an invisible killer. In non solo this obviously is not a problem, since you should always have some companions alive. But is also true that in non solo take out the rogue of the battle for 10-12 sec at the start of the fight may not be a great trade anyway. 3) swadding sheet proved superior to the fixed cape of master mystic, since the invisibility triggered doesn't consent backstab, instead mass stun from swadding sheet gives you salvation (everyone stunned) and dmg bonus via sneack attacks/deathblows 4) expert evasion is worth it also in a non super high reflex rogue, really gives you a huge protection vs every aoe attack 5) in game using double bittercuts (+ corrode dmg talent), purgatory or drawn in spring took to very similar resaults, maybe a little better for duoble bittercut, but not so much above the others (tested on soldiers in craghold buffs)
  6. The thing for me is that the rogue is able to deal a lot of dmg really fast at the beginning of the fight, with all the attack abilities that trigger full attacks. If you dual wield is really an hallluva of dmg. I just surprised myself today killing the Orlan monk in less time that the initial stun wears off ( 6,5 sec). The rogue is more "explosive" at the beginning, but after he shots withering strike, sap, something more starts to fall behind the twin arrow ranger + pet ( but have usually already killed a couple of people)
  7. Apparently posting in this forum is unproperly unaffected by your impending marriage debuff. I will write a bug report :D
  8. Between sap, withering strike, hobnle strike you can just pop out of invisibility, kill 1 or 2 mobs, shadow beyond and repeat. Backstab makes that even smoother. Finally i have the feel of fight like a "real" rogue that i missed since bg2 ( good old backstab, kill, run around the corner and repeat ). I killed the Orlan monk in craghold before First sap expires. Much wow. And now i feel that doble wield drawn in spring in actually the best dps hands down
  9. Ok tank rogue testing in course. Max res, some const, some int, dump dex. Wild Orlan. Heavy armor, bagdyr barricade+ a good 1h weapon. All def talents that boost deflecion taken + talent for bonus def in disengage. Up to now my impression is : work and viable but not so impressive. in the end the repose trigger not enough time to pair with the nHig attack speed you could have dual wielding. But near immunitys to everything that target reflex is really nice.
  10. Next build i need to try are a revamped ripose rogue and a solo barb, maybe 1 hand with stun hammer Actually the devil of caroc with the low dex and all' the immunitys will be a very solid choice for a ripose rogue
  11. Horaaaay!
  12. Just for known, single hand weapons that have stun or prone on crit are we toki, starcaller and what else? I don't t remember others
  13. I think that dual purgatory is better, accounting for the High accuracy and hit to crit conversione rogue has. You heal yourself and deal + 50% over normal crits, i bet is even better then dual drawn in spring. Need to test this. Or dual flames of fair rhian like boerer suggest for massive aoe DMG if you enable deathblows. You can do up to 100 DMG every fire ball.
  14. For sure there is a dex chech, but also size matrers: With amanua you fall every time ( or at least that was for me) . And was writed... like "you fall [amanua]"
  15. I take always gallant focus in solo, it is like have a weapon focus but better sice it affects also spell and abilities. Never leave home without. Also the druid Mark per encounter can do wonders at the beginning of the game, later when you have better things to spam you can always respect. PS: i was also dubious about the interdiction and painful interdiction, never liked much that ability since i thought that the duration was too short. But after trying this build i have changed my mind. It is actually fast to cast and lower opponent def more than other things. And is per fight and not per rest. And have really a huge area. Since as a Priest you have quite a lot of freedom in chosing talents ( apart from fire DMG bonus and +10 accuracy to the aoe heal ) i think that interdiction is a solid pick
  16. Resume for starlite: for our pure luck this game is so good well designed that every class can be played in a ridicolous number of different builds ( talents, items and stats). So my opinion is: try your First run following just your guts, probaby you are not playing an optimized charater but neither a too bad One. And someone finished the game at the max difficulty in solo with a lvl 1 ranger, so you defenetly don't need to seek the perfection for reach the end. And after 2 years that the game came out there is still people in this forum that manage to create new and original builds, so tale your time and have fun.
  17. Tested the build, absolutely amazing. He is a monster of dps & cc and have a cool look too. One of your best works.
  18. I have to try this build and confront it with my illuminated master build; because i'm really curious to test all' the dmg you can deal with this guy. I was quite sure to have made the final dps machine ( over 100 dmg most of attacks in a cone because of sabre + 50% dmg for crit + 50% dmg for annilation, +25% swift stikes, + 50% fire for maxed turning wheel, +50% crush for torment reach, +25% lash, + xx% for str value --> ~ + 300% dmg) but i think that the higher base dmg of long pain could actually outperform my major dmg multiplicators
  19. My solo melee wizard have both 2h style and sword & shield style. The shield bonus to deflecion and reflex is fondamental to protect you while chaincast your buffs at the start of the fight. While Battle start i trow in order alacrity, llengrath displaced Image, sometimes vital essence, citazel lance or concelhaut staff, for heavy battles also citazel martial power and veil. Sometimes also a Ice cloud. You wreack havoc every time, and is much more fun than use only spells.
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