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Everything posted by Parasol_Syndicate

  1. Idle question: Does agreeing to a relationship lock out the crewmate event? I've never seen it happen in my games.
  2. I am keeping the details of these quests as intentionally spoiler free as possible. Please keep that in mind as you comment. In the Quest Trade Secrets, I can resolve the quest to favor Delver's row. I get a point in Benevolent despite never taking dialogue options for it. In the Quest Coming to Terms, the same thing happens if I resolve in favor of the Duape. I am almost certain there are other quest triggers like this. I am not sure if they raise other reps than Benevolent. Now, the trouble is, my Watcher is not some noble altruist; In the former case, He's trying to ensure continued supply of contraband and information, mainly for himself. In the latter case, He's trying to screw the Valians over, and maybe catch a reward for doing so. I'm not asking for the game to keep track and cater to every possible player motivation. That's ridiculous and improbable. But it would be good if it could recognize that motives are complex, and not award reputation for resolutions, only actual behavior.
  3. The fact that there are 2 votes for Woedica as best god, I get. Some sort of a femdom cult thing? Lingering Oswald-hatred? The fact that there are 2 votes for Abydon as worst, I absolutely cannot even. Golembro is Kith and Kin's best bud. The fact that Skaen has more supporters than Ondra is frankly hilarious. Ngati certainly didn't choose this.
  4. Since the new patch came out. I can click a button to change my watcher's colors and hairstyles. Great!. But attempting to actually change those hues, I am left with no way to confirm the changes. If I click escape, it brings me back to the game, with changes unsaved. if I click the character portrait, it takes me back to the inventory, also with changes unsaved. I haven't found a CONFIRM button, and if there's a keyboard shortcut to do that, I sure don't know it. Please advise.
  5. I like that Konstanten's motivations are simple and his humor sort of earthy. It befits a dwarf, and makes him sort of the anti-Pallegina. While I'm neutral to the whole sidekick issue, I enjoy that he doesn't argue with other party members and just finds his groove.
  6. In the interest of ugh, BALANCE: If repair of the Fonferrus were contingent on pledging to the Principi, and they provided the repairs, I could still see there being takers. In general, the lack of stats and upgrades is a non-issue. By the time you're heading to Ukaizo, you've (hopefully) done most of your bounties and shiphunting. No sense in fighting a powerful creature for a magic boat only to leave it all battered and worn, though.
  7. https://pillarsofeternity.gamepedia.com/Sky_Dragon_Wurm Ranger's Companion i mean. Like bear, but ranged. Bear Artillery.
  8. So, the dimwitted are often drawn to violent occupations- because they're better at it?
  9. Yeah, Maia with Mechanics is a triple threat utility party member. The thrid bullet is she is not terribly gear dependent, meaning you can slap any +PER items you come across on her. Ydwin would probably need food to get those numbers.
  10. I take issue with Devoted and Unbroken being on the same tier with vanilla fighters. The advantages to these archetypes in their designated roles is undeniable, even if the class itself is not what it was. Obviously, this is about the expanded tiers list. None of the fighters belong on a higher tier than mid.
  11. I'm not sure I'll go too far with Durangand to be honest. He's frankly pretty horrible. I set his background to "Everything Bad" and made him a Priest of Magran/Sharpshooter with a pet boar named Whoreson Junior.
  12. You're the Herald of Berath, so they're drawn to you, and look to you for guidance. They're following you to rejoin the wheel, and be reborn. Xoti has a tiny piece of living adra in her lantern that will house the souls. But that in and of itself doesn't recycle them. If you keep traveling with her you'll have to do more about that. You're not at cross purposes because Xoti is only holding the souls, not actually doing anything with them (yet.)
  13. I recommend everyone visit the watcher pictures thread for another nice surprise... https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/99146-share-pictures-of-your-watcher/?p=2045635
  14. Irrespective of politics, this is the most German thing I've ever heard.
  15. It's important for everyone to know one thing: I regret this. I regret every part of this.
  16. 53 out of 42 health seems to suggest an overall lack of bonespurs.
  17. I love this, and I'm debating playing through the game with it, or making it my forum avatar. We shall see.
  18. Sure she will. But it's conditional. W:"But Maia, think of the brighter future!" M: "Nothings brighter than an artillery bombardment. I'm out, dweebs." W: "But Maia, Pirates! hundreds of scurvy buccaneers laying waste to the chosen city!" M: "Ok, fine. You make a good point. I'll stay to watch the pirates."
  19. Huana are the natives (and they're arseholes too) Well, there's the rub. You can't support the natives, only the system of power they've been subjected to. Huana execute hundreds of Huana, to support the rule of the Huana, and to keep outside influences from corrupting the Huana.
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