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Everything posted by Parasol_Syndicate

  1. Raedric hosts a massive temple in his keep, and gets special dispensation from Berath to return from death. He is anything but a nonbeliever, faith is everything to the man.
  2. Of course, these nongods still have advanced magic, and individual goals, and strike bargains with certain members of humanity. Making them perhaps less than deities, but certainly MORE than mere mortals or golems. So what's the difference?
  3. I totally persuaded that guy to do the right thing. Because I'm Tough.
  4. I played with Anomen. And Jaheira. Basically, I got hurt a lot.
  5. If you're going to make a whole thread about this, at least be prepared to repost your central point, or link to where you do.
  6. I don't know what kind of any evolution future pillars properties will go down, but at the ending of the game, the 'Gods' still have disproportionate power and the ability to grant miracles. From a purely pragmatic perspective they are deserving and fitting of worship, for anyone who isn't a archmage or accomplished animancer, and probably those too. Of course, now that we know that it's possible to serve one god by killing another, things COULD get messy. I sure wouldn't mind a crack at Woedica.
  7. At the start of the game, Durance only knows that he's been spurned, not why. He's certainly not caring a bit for his own self-preservation. He's been "speaking up" for years, which is from whence the 'fiery whore' bit stems from. We are left to question whether 1) he is forever out of reach of his diety or 2) Magran approves of his soul being conflicted.
  8. Yes, that's probably the case. What I was saying was more along the lines of he comes back with the same face, voice, and build. Which may be somewhat of a shock to some of his parental units...
  9. Thaos is reborn in his current form because Woedica cheats, and knows the system well enough to. Recall that his voice and face do not change across your varied memories.
  10. Professionally speaking, I like Kolsc. He knows you're formidable in combat, and he knows you can be appealed to. These are both good things, when you're fortifying land technically under his purview. He also grants you looting rights to an entire castle, which provides a fair bit of coin and some equipment upgrades right when you need them. True, he can't cope with his rival's late game determination, but that was probably a bit of a surprise.
  11. I had issues with this quest. A lot of it comes down to the fact that I'm killing this guy as a favor. I don't have any particular reason to want him dead. His buddies even less so. The other part is that Stalwart's population is in freefall. By completing it violently, I'm actively hurting my employers. It just seems that a professional murderess should be able to plan a better murder, perhaps with the target isolated, and the method obscured. And maybe if she isn't, then my character should.
  12. So are the Aumaua beardless by design, or wut? The fact that there's a scruffy one in the portraits, but not the game engine irks me.
  13. I'd say that strongly depends on how well you like your current playthrough. I don't have much monksperience, but if you like that playstyle better than ranger, go for it.
  14. I shall be quiet as a calm sea.

  15. Magran's fire casts light in dark places...

  16. I made a female dwarf Goldpact Knight to help assault Raedric's keep. I've never actually used her past Caed Nua, but she stays there as a sort of active steward/ captain of the guard. I intentionally gave her a perky voice set and an outre haircut, so my headcanon is that she's a terrible knight, and not exactly beloved by her superiors.
  17. Mini paladin aura is nice for a party that doesn't want a paladin. I stick it on Kana and give him a big shield.
  18. Katie, are you playing this on easy? It does double duty, because not only are encounters easier (duh), they take less time to resolve. Which is helpful for someone who doesn't have 1600 hours handy. Durance (and Eder) is a native son of the Dyrwood, so isn't quite as unbiased about history as some. His faith is one of bias and aggression, for one thing.
  19. On the one hand, I like the concession to realism. Eder's armor is still armor, even if Durance/Lady Webb/The Riow is wearing it. I'd personally favor a little MORE simulationism, with Aumaua-sized weapons doing slightly more damage and being less accurate in smaller hands. And the fact that a suit of dwarf-sized armor fits my entire party is a little… iffy. Little stuff like that makes it feel less worldly, and more gamey.
  20. If it were more akin to Shadowrun Returns and less like final fantasy, I could definitely have some fun with a turnbased system.
  21. I'm certainly not saying don't play against type. There should be smart, and dumb barbarians, just as there should be smart and dumb monks. What POE does wrong is suggest an effective barbarian SHOULD be smart, which is so counterintuitive I can't even. And many thanks. It was too good not to use.
  22. Kana is an intellectual; he is far more impressed with the alchemy and mathematics required to craft propellents. But the skinny, short things running around the Dyrwood? He can mow those down with blade or gun, no problem.
  23. Pillars stat check design also leads to some unmitigated disasters with character types. A Barbarian - the least likely candidate- will be able to make those high INT checks easily. As for Resolve, fuhgeddaboudit; Life on the tundra is EASY. A High might, low Int wizard is perfectly valid as a build- what are we to make of this character? He read the same books as the other wizards, but can't remember them? And he got big muscles from lifting those books? I don't necessarily condemn POE, but it's failings are often closer to the surface than I'd like.
  24. Considering Ashfall incorporates the Cloven Wheel abbey, I'd place it right above Twin Elms.
  25. Based on the map above, the erl of the Grasp is likely to reside in New Heomar, or the fortress nearby. Wonder how he feels about the whole Raedric situation?
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