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Everything posted by the_dog_days

  1. And the bullets are clearly representation of hard nipples. I stand erec . . . ah, I mean offended.
  2. It can get tedious at times since there is no proper fast-travel system in the game but the world is worth exploring, it's pretty unique. I also enjoyed the ending a lot. With the Dark Arisen expansion (and let me just say, I'm not a member of the grammar police--hell, look at my posts--but the misuse of English in this game, even in the title, is horrendous) lets you fast travel easily. I used fast travel to cheeze most of the escort quests.
  3. Finished the first part of Van Helsing. It was pretty good. The last boss killed me about seven times before I figured out that his goons just respawn infinitely and started targeting the boss. Now I'm back to Dragon's Dogma. Not a mind blowing game, but addictive.
  4. Exactly! The more a game tries to be all things to all people the more bland and watered down it becomes. This is the reason I find it nearly impossible to get into AAA games anymore: because of their huge budgets they have to try to appeal to as wide an audience as possible, which is why most big name RPGs more closely resemble dating sims and action shooters than role-playing games.
  5. DAI won't let you as it points out, in regular five minute intervals, just how 'important' DA2 was. Because things.
  6. ". . .deep progression and customization and systems." I'll believe it when I see it, BioWare.
  7. In order to avoid having to make the decisions you made in the trilogy more than token dialog references. They're doing the same thing for DA4.
  8. Really? Why in the world was travel fatigue removed? Because someone "realized" walking long distances doesn't make one tired? No idea, really. I didn't watch this game's updates at all since I first finished it just after release, so all these changes were kinda big surprise for me. I even thought it's a glitch at first (when I realized that my character just never gets tired except after climbing a wall), but then found confirmation that it was a patch. Guess someone decided that it was too much trouble travelling back and forth between Caed Nua and the cities otherwise? It was a bit irritating, sure, but they could have just added another expert-mode controlled switch for people who don't want to manage their travels properly, instead of taking most of the challenge out of an existing achievement. If I were to guess, the adjustment to athletics is probably a response to the added 'content' to the stronghold (to it more like the one in DAI, which I hated because it forced me to travel back and forth between the stronghold and the real game rather than just letting me play the real game).
  9. Just bought the classic Xcom series.
  10. The only companion quests I didn't like were GM and Durance. I would like to know who thought it was a good idea to link a companion quest with the amount of time that particular companion spends in your party in a game that passively encourages you to dump companions you don't like and buy new ones.
  11. I would like to be the Watcher again, but also start at level one. IMO, the base game had some of the best level progression I've seen in an RPG in years. It would be very difficult, if not impossible to emulate that if the PC starts at level sixteen.
  12. I understand that FirmSoft developed this in conjunction with Sony, but I hope this gets a PC port.
  13. If such a thing were to happen I would blame poor business practices rather than laws allowing LPs. Unfortunately, from what I've seen a lot of the companies that struggle are quicker to blame either consumers or the market for their own poor decisions.
  14. http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2016-03-25-that-dragon-cancer-has-not-yet-seen-a-single-dollar-from-sales But what if people watched the Let's Players and then decided this game isn't something that suits their taste, therefore didn't bought it themself? Can't blame the Let's Players here, imo. That merchandising stuff is something else entirely, though. Lack of sale even after millions of views may lead situation where publisher and indie devs start in mass say that they don't allow Let's Plays of their games (as in many places Lets plays can be done only if Game's rights holder don't forbid them), or go Nintendo route (and force lets players to give them percentage of their income). Although I would say that problem mostly only applies to this kind virtual experience products that have very narrow amount game mechanics, where there is little variance to be found and where major of the entertainment comes form narrative, as one can actually experience the game quite wholesomely without playing it. I can only see LPs doing that sort of damage if the product isn't up to consumer standards. Lately I've been watching EpicNameBro's latest LP of Dark Souls. I eventually bought Dark Souls, not because I intend to play it (I don't; it's simply not the kind of game I would enjoy playing) but out of artistic appreciation of the product. It isn't an unreasonable conclusion other many consumers would be willing to do the same if the product is particularly good. (Note: I'm being biased, and I know it. That still doesn't invalidate my opinion.)
  15. You have to talk with the animancer hanging from the in Gilded Vale after your first rest after reaching Gilded Vale.
  16. I don't know, I think a 3D Dragon Age 2 would be worse.
  17. Thank you, now I have Pepsi all over my computer screen.
  18. I didn't get it either. use the French words for the numbers and be a little creative - e.g. 7 = Sept -> set or e9 = e + neuf -> enough Okay. Thanks, I was very confused at just how much of a stretch those puns were in English.
  19. This is me. I've never liked shooter looters. My enjoyment of any game that focuses that heavily on loot (even with my recent arpg kick) is limited.
  20. @Raithe: I don't get that one. Are those supposed to be number related puns?
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