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Everything posted by the_dog_days

  1. Why, in a high fantasy setting where its possible to shoot fireballs, would anyone want a story that is primarily about politics? A bit of intriguing sure, but all politics is like taking awesome and infusing blah. That's the reason I think A Song of Fire and Ice sucks (that and all the violence its applauded for comes in the form of torture porn).
  2. Mistborn is an action adventure in a fantasy setting. If that's not your thing, best to look elsewhere.
  3. Finished Fire Emblem Fates (one of the three paths, anyway). The marriage and children mechanics that fit the story of Awakening were shoehorned into Fates and just outright don't fit. The story wasn't as good either. Over all, it was pretty good but not great. I probably won't be playing the other paths despite already purchasing them as DLC. (I don't regret buying them, but I don't feel like playing the game two more times to see all the content.) Now I'm on to Stories: Path of Destinies. I've already played five different paths and whereas Fire Emblem Fates is so long as to make replaying to get better endings, feel like a choir, each rout in Stories is both short (45 to 60 minutes) but also deviates enough to make replaying even the same path and taking a different branch fun and not at all tiresome.
  4. Finished Hard Luck Hank: Basket Full of Crap. Listening while driving may not have been the smartest decision I've ever made. I imagine who saw me laughing uncontrollably at a stop light must have questioned my sanity.
  5. This draft was about as sexy as a sumo wrestler covered in baby oil for my Jets. They are so old on offense I thought they would do something to add some youth, instead they draft a QB in the second round who failed to complete more than 55% of his passes in college--they say they 'believe in the talent', but I believe in production. Sigh. Even if Fitzpatrck does sign, he's a 33 year old journeyman and not a franchise QB. So in two years Fitz, Brandon Marshal, and Matt Forte will be retired and they'll be back at square one. God I hate the management of this team.
  6. Is he ever going to make a new game? I appreciate updating the graphics and making sure old titles work on new OS's, but I'd like to see something new from him.
  7. No, you get to do that is Dragon Age Inquisition or otherwise hear ambient dialogues all game long about other people doing so.
  8. "Electric Brick is the best console name ever. Buy now!" - the_dog_days
  9. That is a part of the main quest line, but I think many players either didn't read the book (opening it so to update their quest-log without looking at it). My only basis for this theory is asking people I know who've played if they made the lore connections and all of them just stared at me in confusion because they didn't actually read the book. To clarify, I'm talking about an in game book and not the Witcher Saga.
  10. Ha! You caught the 'spirit's' backstory; I don't think most players did because an important chunk of the story is hidden in a book. I freed the spirit, myself. Being familiar with the Witcher-verse, I knew that there are never any definitive right or wrong actions and chose to do what seemed right in the moment, which for me was saving the children. (For the record, I didn't like either Anna or the Baron. In my opinion they are both horrible people and their ending that I got didn't bother me in the slightest.)
  11. @Hurlshot: Would that make me the guy with the camera or the one with the microphone?
  12. Brady's suspension is upheld in appeals. I don't think any commissioner of any major sport has ever had so many of their rulings challenged in a court of law as Roger Goodell.
  13. I was a little anxious about clicking on this thread, but now I'm glad I did.
  14. I bought a new Kindle about a year ago because my old one (which was like a Kindle 2 or something) died well after the warenty expired. I got a Fire, but really wanted a Paper White (doesn't strain eyes as much), instead I use a black background and white text and for the most part it works. Anyway, I wouldn't pay $300 for a new e-reader and I'm a voracious reader. Instead I'd just download a Kindle app to my phone (which I have).
  15. Last year after it came out I was gushing about it to a friend of mine. My friend asked me if he should buy it and I gave him an emphatic 'no' because I know what kind of games he likes. I explained to him that in order to slog through the game the player has to be emotionally invested (because the combat, while serviceable, isn't great and being open world the game can kinda lose focus). I've heard several people who felt that, for them all the tension drained out of the story after ***SPOILER*** you find Ciri ***SPOILER***, and I can see that happening. (I thought all the tension in DAI drained away after you find the stronghold.)
  16. I saw those. I'm a bit skeptical about giant mushrooms in the witcher-verse. Are they hallucinogenic or spit acid at least?
  17. Between Tyranny and Ruiner there are some crappy one word game titles floating around.
  18. BruceVC, why do you talk about video game romances like someone who doesn't want a tacked on dating sim is against love? For the record, I liked the Geralt/Yennefer romance in the Witcher 3 because it grows organically out of the story (on the other hand Triss' sucked because you can't write two different romances to naturally occur in the same game).
  19. That's the face of a man who knows what he's doing but has lost all hope.
  20. Reading this was the first I ever wept while eat fired chicken.
  21. CD's taking quite a bit of time to finish Blood and Wine. So despite rumors awhile back, Cyberpunk is probably still two or three years away.
  22. OFF TOPIC! Having to own a game through a specific provider to review it is a worse system. It can lead to having to purchase the game multiple times just to review (even positive reviews). Seems like a good cop-out to force to buy from you. And showing game time is also miss leading as I could boot up a game before going to work and get home with my steam account showing I've 'played' for nearly ten hours. The best review system is the honor system.
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