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Everything posted by the_dog_days

  1. Troll threads never die. Strike one down, and it will become more powerful than you can possibly imagine. I thought they sprouted multiple heads when struck down, like a hydra.
  2. Nature godlike should work fine for a paladin or fighter, but the racial bonus doesn't buff enough to play as a rogue if you plan on a melee build. For rogues death godlikes (on lower difficult levels) works well. For duel wielding rogues moon godlikes have the best synergy.
  3. Welcome! #1: I've encountered bugs, but nothing game breaking. I saw on the forum one involving unlimited talents during level up. #2: If you bought the game on Steam it comes with a game manual. #3: I've never played as a paladin so I'm not sure how they're different, but with personality reputations the biggest difference is how NPCs react to you. Example, with an honest reputation while received a quest to steal something the quest giver might add a threat about what he'll do if you tell the authorities. #4:The earlier you make companions, the better. The highest level you can make a companion is exactly one level lower than the PC, and at each level the cost (and yes, you have to buy them) goes up significantly. Also, working with the pre-made companions you won't have a full party until chapter 2. #5: Pick one companion early on to specialize in Mechanics (a catch all skill for disarming traps and lock picking) and pour all their skill points into Mechanics. Not sure if this will be helpful, good luck.
  4. I'd love to see Deadfire Archipelago as that's where my character came from, and I see lots of votes for the Vailian Republics, but I think the sequel will probably be set in Readceras. The potential conflicts involving a nation trying to recover after losing its living god (and a war with its neighbor nation) too good to pass up.
  5. In my first play through I was a Moon godlike rogue from Deadfire Archipelago. I was a pirate who became so renowned a group of nations formed an armada to capture me. The ship went down, the surviving crewmen scattered, and I decided to go to Dyrwood (passing through Gilded Vale along the way) on my way to a new life . . . of even more crime. >
  6. THIS. Why do developers so often feel the need to CRIPPLE player companions, making them weak and un-optimised from a whole variety of angles? The completely silly companion stat distribution has been plaquing PoE from the start. But, it was nothing that couldn't be fixed with a little console fiddling. However, now the devs have hit a few new lows in one fell swoop: 1) A "DPS" companion with NON-REMOVABLE ARMOR that imposes a steep 40% recovery penalty, and with a pathetic 8 DR? It's like the WORST armor ever imaginable: it doesn't give the recovery rate of lighter armors, while at the same time remaining far from the protection of full plate (with only 10% recovery rate difference), and it doesn't offer any of the unique armor abilities (such as Second Chance, Retaliation, Preservation, extra flanking damage, skill boosts etc). Not to mention the purely aesthetic "pleasure" of constantly having to look at DoC's C-3PO body. What, did the designers think it was so "appealing" they didn't want players to "hide" it under armor or clothing? ROFL. 2) "Living machine" has to be among the least useful racial traits to date. Not being able to wear armor of the player's choice would have at least merited a decent racial ability; however, immunity to disease and poison (how often does a DPS char - especially a ranged DPS char as rogues are wont to be - gets hit with one of those?) in exchange of being unable to use food, drinks and drugs? At best, this is a zero-sum trait; at worst, it is a penalty rather than a benefit. If there was also immunity to fatigue, it would have been decent (and far more logical); as it stands now, it is pointless. 3) Weapon focus: Peasant? Are you kidding me? Hatchet, Spear, Quarterstaff, Hunting Bow, Unarmed - truly "excellent" weapon selection for a rogue, not to mention "logical" for a mass murderer who's made a career in killing. Using farming implements. 4) And, of course, to round it all up there's the genius stat distribution. 15 Resolve and 10 Dex/13 Might on a DPS character? Sign me up... not. So yeah, all in all the DoC's gotta be the worst companion to date from gameplay perspective. Unfortunately, she's also the only "evil" companion, and her banter is quite enjoyable. I don't know if the devs went for the HK-47 (of KOTOR fame) feel, but it feels like a botched effort. Probably I'm still gonna be taking DoC for a ride (personality-wise she's a welcome diversion from the majority of PoE's milquetoast entourage), but it will require some heavy editing to make her into a reasonably optimised combatant. This is like a giant list of stupid arguments made by min/maxers.I don't know what the usual arguments for min/maxers are, but only 10 Dexterity is just plain silly for a DPS rogue. It's almost ridiculous enough for me to jump on the total respec bandwagon. Thankfully, I can make an entire party and not have to use the pre-made companions.
  7. I've never had this problem. The companion AI works fine for me. What difficulty level are you playing on? I usually play on normal or sometimes scale it down to easy. The bug might be connected to hard or PotD.
  8. Let me say first and foremost, I haven't tried this so I'm not one hundred percent certain, but I believe an animal companion doesn't count as an official companion in a solo run. The reason I say that is I'm pretty sure the PoE community would've had a fit if there was a single class incapable of getting an achievement, and as I haven't heard a peep, I think you're good.
  9. The only option that guarantees Heodan's death is doing nothing. The game only gives the throw rock option if your dexterity is high enough, otherwise you'll have to throw (and lose) the weapon you have equipped.
  10. When you set the AI to Aggressive the NPCs go looking for something to attack. Set the AI to Defensive and they only attack mobs in their field of view. Set the AI to Self Defense and they won't attack anyone that hasn't hit them with an attack first. I usually leave the AI on Defensive.
  11. Or Kevin... Is that really better? He could be Richard. Just saying.
  12. I want bombs as a gaming implement. The existence of gunpowder has already been established in Eora, so I think it would be cool to have a bomber class or simply use them like scrolls or traps. Also, I might be the lone man with this opinion, but I do not want to see romances added to the game. Too often certain game designers *cough bioware cough* get so caught up in romance options that either don't create more intriguing characters (like Grieving Mother or Durance) because no one would select them as partners, or make the oddball character with the option of being romanced but it plays out really awkward (ironbull).
  13. I agree that Defender was OP before & understand why obsidian tweaked it, but a deflection penalty is going too far. Nerfing the deflection bonus makes sense, but replacing it a penalty leaves me scratching my head.
  14. I hope obsidian doesn't get rid of the pauseable combat. As Josh said, players can slow down combat rather than go full pause. They have a nice balance already.
  15. The quest is triggering, but I get stuck in the dialog box after interacting with the soul. The dialog box describes my character reaching out to touch the soul but doesn't trigger the 'soul scan' text, and the box stays on the screen.
  16. What type of party makeup do you have? If you have a stealthy rogue-like character with Escape you can use ambush tactics by leaving the rest of your party behind in the room off to the side and approach with the stealth character. After the exchange is over use Escape to fall back to the room. Raedric and his team will follow right into the room where your mage can set off some AOE spells. If I recall correctly, he has two casters with him so you have to be careful they don't use the enclosed space against you. Setting a trap in the doorway is a good way to soften up the first line of mobs through, but you have to keep your character a good distance ahead of them so he doesn't get caught in the blast.
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