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Everything posted by the_dog_days

  1. Is Cyberpunk 2077 due for a 2016 release? Side note: call it BioWare syndrome, but I'm never buying another game before I see a half dozen great reviews, and I never pre-order (last time I did was DAI, and boy that was a mistake).
  2. In the Pack's defense, Arizona is the best team in the NFL and my pick to win the Super Bowl.
  3. 2015 Game that I loved the most: The Witcher 3. Simply put, it was the single best role-playing experience I've ever had. Five minutes into the game and I felt like I was Geralt of Rivia. I cared about the people he cared about, I hated the people he hated, I laughed, loved, and for 200 hours WAS a monster slayer with a heart of gold in a beautiful and detailed world where NPCs felt real and not like quest dependencer. As someone who prefers literary entertainment to any other forms of entertainment, I could sense the weight of an entire book series behind the story and it made the world more vibrant and alive. 10/10
  4. If it was a purge of non-humans then that's the result of helping Triss with the mages. ***SPOILER*** No matter if you helped her or not, there's still a purge either of non-humans or mages.
  5. The NFL no longer has clear rules on what constitutes as a catch. I prefer the old "maintain control of the ball all the way through the catch." Control now seems to be mostly mean the WR had the ball in his hands at one time.
  6. If you bought the base game separately (which is what I did) they're not worth it, unless you're a huge DA fan. They have a Game of the Year edition that comes with all the dlc that's more worth your money.
  7. It's true that the third team point guard for the community college women basketball team isn't likely to earn as much as a Heisman winning quarterback, but that's life; some people make more money than others. If an athlete is determined to earn a living through their athletic ability alone, they need to start considering how to market themselves in college, anyway. Call it the thinning of the herd (but realistically, it's more like separating hobbyists and the career oriented).
  8. When the NCAA was talking about giving the players stipends (which they are now, so on top of tens of thousands of dollars in free education they are also getting basically ALL their experience paid for while at school rather they're actually passing their classes or not) I was of the opinion that they should've implemented what I call "the Manzel rule", giving players the right to market themselves and their likeness for profit if they so choose.
  9. Yeah, that was probably the single best entirely unrelated cut scene ever.
  10. There are random encounter quests that you can only find through exploration. I was playing a couple of weeks ago and found a humorous quest in Skellige on a small island (with no fast travel option) and an NPC gave me a quest to find books to, in a really roundabout way, convince his girlfriend's family to let them marry. Some of these are small and meaningless (like the dozens I can think of in Skyrim) others are have more meat to them or are more challenging. Just looking at the map, you can't find them.
  11. I think there are several settings you can toggle on and off regarding the mini map, like the gold "Follow me!" trail (which I especially dislike).
  12. And yet I still think the Buc late 90's unis look better than their current ones.
  13. Well Bethesda has -always- been just about the best when it comes to designing open worlds in the industry. Still, wanna know simple way to vastly improve Witcher 3 experience? Go to map -> Filters -> disable question marks. Never enable them again. Done. Suddenly, discovering random crap is something which happens while you're exploring as opposed to blindly following compass. Most question marks which are worth seeing are those you'll notice on a map anyway - caves, ruins, burned towns etc. Or you can do what I did and disable the mini map all together. Either way, boom, instant exploration with a minor cosmetic fix (which is what I've heard Fallout fans say is where F4 beats W3).
  14. I was considering a mod to remove the question marks, though not quest marks as I don't think I'd find anything without them. I can't imagine running around clicking on every NPC like I do in most RPGs, there's just too many. Regarding the NPCs, at least CD didn't name each and every NPC like they did in W2. Now all you have to single out are NPCs with unique names to find quests.
  15. Most of those question marks in the sea are loot. They're not worth the time to track them all down at that point in the game. After you've leveled up four or five levels it will greatly increase your chances of finding higher level loot, and then it's worth checking out a few.
  16. My aliens I assume you mean tentacles . . .
  17. Three consecutive wins! My Jets are on a roll, and if they show up this week it should continue against the 'boys. After that they have the Pats, which I already count as a loss, then they end the season in Buffalo (a pick 'em as far as I'm concerned).
  18. Been there, done that. The Seahawks used to play in the NFC Worst and they made the playoffs with a 7-9 record in 2010. (Then we beat the 11-5 Saints in the playoffs. ) I think 7-9 might be too optimistic for any NFC East team.
  19. Please be true. I read an interview yesterday with one of the CDProject's leads who said they'll be working on TW3 (expansions, improvements, patches, and maybe more) all next year.
  20. Her's my question, does the main plot feel artificially inflated like DA:I did (due to grinding and influence points requirements--the central plot is actually really short)?
  21. Adding two teams to the playoff bracket means about half the league gets into the playoffs. I think there's already too many playoff slots, watering it down farther won't help. I would like to see reseeding done when a division winner has a worse record than a wildcard.
  22. The NFC West seems to be operating under bizarro world football rules; the team to lose the most outrageously is the winner. Side note: I was cracking up listening to the broadcasters for the Minnesota vs Seattle. Towards the end of the half they were talking about the Vikings resting Peterson for the second half. I was sitting there thinking that resting him now means he'll be plenty rested for next week because they'll be so far behind that they'll be passing on every down in the second half.
  23. Ah, that explains it. I usually don't play through romances, and JE wasn't an exceptions.
  24. I think you may have a Baldur's Gate 2 mod and Jade Empire confused. There was no incest in JE.
  25. That was actually a damn good game. I kind of wish Bio had kept with that franchise. Please no , don't. I wouldn't want anyone currently on BioWare's staff working on the Jade Empire franchise. They've already ruined Dragon Age and did their best to ruin Mass Effect. I hope they leave JE be.
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