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Everything posted by Boeroer

  1. I still wonder if there's still Citzal's Spirit Lance... and if it works with carnage (if that's still in the game)... Anyways: multiclassing will solve a lot of problems I had with PoE rogues and fighters I guess.
  2. Please keep the style of PoE1. I liked it a lot. I must say even the Sanguine Plate was too fancy for me - all that red and the spiked, crownlike helmet. I really liked the White Crest though - especially if combined with the White Spire estoc. I don't think ornamented armors like those or Osric's Family Breastplate are bad - loved them. But once the models start to become very edgy and "badass", with spikes and stuff, it bores me. I really like the design of the fine plate armor model, even the exceptional one is to fancy for my taste. Maybe this is also a question of age.
  3. Ach dammit. Forgot about that. That's the problem when you don't actually play the game anymore. They should have made TLP in a way that they fly with extened middle finger, doing pierce/crush damage... Well, maybe it works with Blood Testament's raw lash? Or does this also get blocked completely? Would take forever though...
  4. ^the approach sounds good so far. lvl 12 might just be a bit too low. I would only engage the dragon in melee when the adds are gone or a lot less. He tends to do wing slams and breath attacks if he can't reach his targets, so it's best to feed him summons or a very sturdy tank in order to prevent that - if you can't keep him in control with charm and/or confusion. @MaxQuest: Priest should work. Defenses and the ACC is there, so is the damage potential. Shining Beacon + Cleansing Flame or Envenomed Strike + Cleansing Flame, aided by sigil and Storm of Holy Fire. Cipher might be good. It's not that hard to charm the alpine dragon. Monk with Long Pain and high move speed should work, too. He has two summons - distraction can be very valuable. The spirits will give you wounds while not beeing too harmful while you fire away at the dragon with Beast Hunter talent and survival bonus for maxed ACC. TLP have +20 ACC at lvl 16 if I remember correctly. What about wizard's summoned weapons? Blunt Wisdom is strong, so is the Blackbow. Same with druid's Rot Skulls. If it's allowed to hold a torch, then a chanter could use his healing phrase in order to gain a lot of endurance- and health-healing (first Vet. Recovery + Ancient Memory + Beloved Sp., then via potions) while burning/slashing the dragon with Dragon Thrashed with +12 ACC from single weapon bonus.
  5. They confirmed dual guns with lowered accuracy. Reloading animation will be that you put one pistol under your arm while reloading the other. I don't think it's OP at all. Crossbows, guns and esp. pistols were weak in comparison to bows in PoE and only good for limited special attacks that relied on weapon's per-hit-damage like Flames of Devotion, Wounding Shot and so on. No wonder you don't see many gun builds around. And if you do, they are quick switching most of the time, which is very tedious on higher levels.
  6. So true. Although... I like breaking the released game with a char build and then see OBS fix it with a new patch release. RIP Backlash Beldam and friends...
  7. Really nice idea! Initially give the combination the standard name, but make it editable.
  8. The only thing I really feel bad about is the health mechanic. I thought it was very nice and not too complicated as it was.
  9. Last patch was the last "official" one. At least that was the plan.
  10. No. 1 priority: Scroll against fear. Will give you +20 ACC because terrified aura will not work. Then scroll of valor. Then scroll of confusion, paralysis and whisper of treason. If you manage to confuse or charm the dragon you don't have to tank him. If you manage to paralyze him: same. If you manage to confuse or charm those around him it's the same because he will attack them instead of you. Dragons are only resistant to prone, not immune. If tou manage to apply a Force of Anguish he will go down for a good amount of time. Don't use fists for this! Transcentend Suffering's ACC bonus doesn't get applied to FoA. Instead, use a single weapon for FoA. This will give you +12 ACC (which is badly needed because the dragon's fortitude is superhigh), plus the enchantment bonus of the weapon plus the ability bonus of FoE plus valor. It makes a huge difference to fists! If you have, put a marking weapon into a char's hands who is also attacking the dragon. Only this one and the monk will attack the dragon! This way the monk's FoA will receive another +20 ACC from marking and flanking (if you attack in melee from opp sides). If your paladin has Coordinated Attacks, then use him to wield the marking weapon. This would add another +10 ACC to the monk. Every now and then, try to charm the dragon with cipher's whisper. Even if you manage to charm him only briefly: use FoA with the monk! Charmed enemies have crappy defenses and that gives you more chances to land the initial FoA hit. Same if he's paralyzed. Once the dragon is disabled by prone or paralyze, attack with everything you have. The trick is to defend yourself against afflictions (prayer scrolls), boost your ACC a lot (valor, marking, single weapon use and so on) and then disable him. Since you don't have a priest you have to be creative. With Coordinated Attacks + marking + single weapon + scroll against fear + exceptional weapon + FoA + flanking + valor + weapon focus + your monk's FoAs should attack with +108 ACC on top of his base ACC. It should work from time to time...
  11. He meant the Long Pain I presume, but had had "the Long Fists" in mind for a short momemt.
  12. *sigh* 2018 will be a very unproductive year for me - I mean in real life.
  13. Ouch - sorry. I read your post again and realised that I totally misread it the first time. Maybe I accidentially skipped a line or so - whatever, shame on me. You are absolutely right of course. I just wanted to point out that all the ACC stuff stacks - which is pretty neat. Yes, Inspiring Radiance stacks with everything. It's absolutely great. In fact, with Devotions, Inspiring Radiance, marking and Coordinated Attacks you can buff a fighter with +50 ACC and his Disciplined Barrage will stack, too - giving him +70 ACC. It's a supergood trinity setup against dragons. None of them is immune to prone. And fighters can prone bosses all day long with Knockdown and an overbearing weapon like Tall Grass or Hours of St. Rumbalt - turning dragon fights into a child's birthday party.
  14. Coordinated Attacks (+ a marking weapon) is also good if you have a priest. Because it stacks with every other ACC buff. That way you can give an ally +26 ACC via Zealous Focus, Coordinated Attacks and marking plus +30 from a priest's Inspiring Radiance + Devotions of the Faithful. That one character will have +56 accuracy which is really enormous.
  15. Mourning Gloves can still give you lots of interrupt power, endurance per kill and so on. They are still a very good pick. And the 10% speed will kick in as soon as Swift Strikes runs out. Blood Testament are quite good but come so late. If you can find Gauntlets of Swift Action then I'd take those. They stack with Swift Strikes. Also nice: Archer's Gloves as long as you don't have the Cloak of the Frozen Hunt yet.
  16. You skilled your paladin mostly like a tank. But then you didn't take Weapon & Shield Style. Your offensive potential is quite limited, so I wouldn't have picked Sworn Enemy. You don't need Untroubled Faith if you don't plan to violate your dispositions. Also, in my opinion Deep Faith is not worth the point, but that's a matter of taste maybe. You shouldn't need stealth at all. I would strongly advise to put those points into survival. There is a Kind Wayfarer build somewhere hidden in the forums named "damaging healbot". It's strictly skilled for offense and killing and tries to trigger Strange Mercy & Sword and the Shepherd very often. You would play it a lot more offensively but it sounded like a lot of fun. Once you reach lvl 13 with Sacred Immolation you will heal everything around you all the time. If I'd use that approach I would probably use a Great Sword or Estoc. Another way to skill a Kind Wayfarer is to use the Counselor Ploi build ( https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/89995-class-build-counselor-ploi-charming-paladin-supporter-tank/ ). Originally it's a wood elven Shield Bearer, but it's also well suited for a human Kind Wayfarer - instead of the Shieldbearer talents you take the ones for Kind Wayfarers and it's done. It's a very supportive character (can give your main damage dealer or cc guy a lot of bonus accuracy for example), good CC options via mind control and with good spike damage but low DPS overall. He has to be played more actively than a pure tank. You could even combine both ideas and use Counselor Ploi with a special Pollaxe (Spectacular Spetum from Vincent Dwellier in the Salty Mast, Ondra's Gift, Defiance Bay) and later switch to the Blade of the Endless Paths (Estoc). Instead of Weapon & Shield Style you would take Two Handed Style and you would skip guns and the related talents and use Savage Attack instead. Although it's really hard to drop the Outworn Buckler.
  17. It's an ingredient for enchanting. It will give your weapons +0.3 crit modifier and +15% speed and +10% hit to crit conversion. And it costs 0 enchantment slots.
  18. The pollaxe from the Club of RPG (Spectacular Spetum) is not bad at all. But it's not that great for a barb. More for a fighter with Overbearing Guard or a paladin with Coordinated Attacks. The CRPG has some really nice hidden treasures, like the Vile Loner's Lance and the Sword of Daenysis.
  19. With Quick Switch + the Coil you can still skip recovery, yes. Also the reloading phase of crossbows, guns etc. can be skipped with that trick or bug. So you could fire two arquebuses all the time without recovery & reloading. But the superhigh micro you need to do that doesn't make it interesting in my opinion. You'd have to micro that char so excessively that it's no fun at all. That and the feeling that you cheat makes this bug a very minor issue for me.
  20. Argh - really? Sorry for the misinformation on that part. Man - who coded that stuff? Last things I said still apply: dual wielding is best for TR. Fists are cool until the late mid game and clearly fall behind after getting durgan steel.
  21. I did a whole playtrough with that barb and rushed to get the shield as early a possible. I played with it for several hours (rest of WMII, Act III) and it always triggered Taste of the Hunt more than once with HoF. You didn't even need to look at the combat log. The barb got healed from low to full endurance a lot of times. Only possible with multiple procs. Also, as I said, the sound effect of TotH looped like crazy. Another hint it got triggered more often. Maybe there was a fix between our testings. Unlabored Blade now also procs correctly.
  22. Cool! Glad you have fun with it. By the way: do Mourning Gloves' haste effect and Swift Strikes stack now? The gloves' effect used to get suppressed in the past. Maybe they fixed this (which would be awesome).
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