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Everything posted by Boeroer

  1. Yes, but don't forget that their ACC bonus doesn't get applied to special attacks! This is a big disadvantage of monk's fists. The Long Pain don't have this problem, they are as fast as fists (I mean they are fists), do more damage because they have huge base damage and don't get that weird bonus and their ACC bonus is higher and works correctly. I think most monk builds are way better off when they dual wield or use a bashing shield. Torment's Reach is the main reason: full attacks (meaning two cones instead of one for the same amount of wounds) and the cone doesn't care about your weapons' damage. So summoned 2handers don't make a lot of sense in my opinion.
  2. Absolutely right. That would also make Backstab more useful. Although I still think that Backstab should add a fixed amount of damage and not +x%. Since the number of attacks you can do with Backstab is very limited (usually one or two) atm it's best to use heavy hitting weapons - which contradicts with my idea of a sneaky "back"-stab. With a fixed amount of damage it wouldn't matter if the weapon is light or heavy. Things like Envenomed Strike and Avenging Storm already do it this way. A fixed dmg wounding DoT effect would be nice (profits from MIG). And with feign death and unbreakable invisibility the fast weapons would be even better than the slow ones because you could do more fixed damage backstabs in a given time - and that's how it should be in my opinion.
  3. If you use a monk and want summoned weapons I would strongly recommend the long pain. Also works in melee and has great base damage and ACC. Way better than fists because those have low base damage + a bonus. Only the base damage gets influenced by things like savage attack, crits and so on. Also the normal fists ACC bonus doesn't get applied to special attacks like Force of Anguish and Torment's Reach. Long Pain's (even higher) ACC on the other hand works perfectly well. Firebrand for monks is kind of meh. It's cool on paladins, fighters, rogues and barbs - until you can get durgan steel. Then unique greatswords are better.
  4. My experience with DMS + HoF was that it clearly triggered more than once. Sometimes the stacked sound effects of all the Taste of the Hunt procs lasted several seconds after HoF was completed. Damage was good and healing too. Look at my Golden Dragon build. I played it with DMS in a PotD playtrough. No issues with carnage or HoF. Good on a barb, but I wouldn't put it on a fighter.
  5. Ach random draw stinks. Why not a few rowing decks with hundrets of slaves - all the same models - who have names... each worth 8$? Would be fun. Sure - sombody needs to convince OBS to put a pirate galleon into the game...
  6. Ha - as if we would tell you! It's a holy secret...
  7. I just looked up spanish galleons and the big ones had up to 200 guys running the boat and up to 500(!) soldiers. Easy!
  8. I get frustrated by managing coins in my purse, so yes.
  9. It would be supercool if the "higher than PoTD" difficulty wouldn't mean better stats, but would mean that enemies are "meaner" and smarter. So basically that they use tactics that are really difficult to counter - like kiting for example. I would love if a monk suddenly casts The Long Pain and starts to fire at my party and retreating with +5 move speed from Boots of Speed + THe Long Stride. Or if a fighter would instantly charge to my priest and knock him down. Things like that. I know this is hard to achieve. How would I call such an option? Path of the Pwned? March of the Masochists? Hehe - no idea!
  10. Nooo! Seriously - not that fuzz with all those projectiles messing up the inventory. And even if it would be solved with charges or whatever: if you want to fire in combat you realize that you didn't buy arrows (which you would never forget if you really had a bow and a quiver in your own hands). I hate that! And then you have to decide which arrow to use - the +1? the fire arrow? And would this also mean that you have to buy blunderbuss pellets and pistol rounds? Please no!
  11. I think the easiest way is that one trustworthy guy or gal (=captain) collects the money/keeps the records and then buys the ship. Then stays in contact with the participants in order to coordinate the realization (=talks to participants and to OBS). This could involve some work and a lot of communication. I don't know how many pirates usually are on one ship, but 8$ seems to be too low. Too many pirates and too much fuzz for the captain. 625 pirates... must be a big, big galleon with two or three rowing decks. Or maybe one could buy special positions. You know: captain costs x$, first mate y$... guy in the crow's nest costs z$... going down to rowing slaves which cost 10$ each. Maybe this way you could lower the overall number of pirates and still reach 5000$. But how do you prove your trustworthyness? Hm...
  12. I would strongly suggest that OBS reworks the sorting algos for the stash. If you leave it unsorted it's ok, but if you have a lot of items and sort it and then flip pages the sorting algo is applied over and over again. Flipping pages takes forever on a slower computer. If the player sorts the stash, then we can assume he want's to leave it that way for quite a while. Then why not save the stash in the new order? Can't be so hard. Applying a sorting algo on every page flip is not a good solution. Sorting a lot of items takes a lot of time while saving the new order in memory doesn't.
  13. If you have official companions they will shout something like "Oh no, Aloth's down!" or similar stuff. But you are right - it could be more obvious. Several times, when I startet with PoE, I won an encounter and smiled... before I realized that somebody was missing who got maimed, rose again because of second chance, then got killed and silently disappeared.
  14. Please no cooldowns. And don't import any other combat stuff from Tyranny into PoE2. I liked Tyranny, but I only played it once and then stopped the second playtrough because it got boring and felt like a action RPG. PoE, however, I played a lot of times- until today. With six (or five) people in the party it's OK to have one or two who don't need micromanagement and do fine with autoattacks. I wouldn't oppose more active abilities on fighters for example, but cooldowns force you to always watch and micro your timing and in general I think it's a horrible way to limit ability use. X/encounter or x/rest is the way to go for PoE2 - just my opinion.
  15. Cool. Oh - now I see that you're from Costa Rica. I once spend a 6 week vacation there, it was beautiful. Very nice people, too. Costa Rica was the no. 1 (out of 9) on our "wishlist" for our next posting in summer. Now we got Romania (which was no. 2) - also great.
  16. Hooray for throwing weapons - including grenades!
  17. Really? I did something similar once and was able to put an additional burning lash onto it. But that was some time ago.
  18. Doesn't work. She will not deliver any essence because she's a vessel, too. There could have been an option to feed him one of your party members (see Blood Pool/Effigy's Resentment). Devil of Caroc shouldn't work either.
  19. Huh? Edér wielded a disciple of Ondra? What did he do? Bloody crush damage? There is no Swiftness Aura. Do you mean Vielo Vidòrio (short haste in an AoE when using FoD)? I might indeed outfit and spec them like on the picture for my first run of PoE2. Then I will most likely cancel that run after a few hours and play something completely different.
  20. You could have led the little girl from the crypt to the top of the tower. And look at it like that: either you are cruel or you are not. Why free the slaves at all, why save the girl if you are such an evil badass?
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