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Everything posted by Boeroer

  1. Well the missing recovery of guns means you can trigger stuff like Smoke Cloud or Escape right after the Backstab which is nice. But I can not see where the special shtick of the Black Jacket (multiple gun sets with Quickswitch) would synergize extremely well with Assassinate. Except if you want to do stealth --> assassinate --> Smoke Cloud --> switch ---> run to next enemy --> assassinate in very quick succession.
  2. The best single target ranger is one with a wolf as pet and Persistence as main weapon, high MIG but rel. low INT, bow abilites and ranged talents (WF Peasant, Driving Flight, Twinned Arrows, Marksman, Stunning Shots...) and damage focus on the pet (Merciless + Vicious Companion, Predator's Sense, Takedown/Brutal Takedown). Followed by a Stormcaller Ranger who has a bit more of an CC- and support aspect and can be used to lower enemies' shock DR for a storm druid for example. Also melee ranger with Tidefall or Drawn in Spring and Shod-in-Faith boots is still not bad (see "Riptide" build for details). Or one with a marking + coordinating weapon (Cladhaliath can be made in such a fashion): +10 ACC for the pet, +4 ACC and +25% dmg for you if you attack the same target. Those builds also work well with the flanking bonus from survival and a fitting item that also gives a bonus for flanking (Crossed Patch, Stalking Boots, Vengiatta Rugia...). A critting pet with Brutal Takedown and a ranger who not only gets crit bonuses but also up to +70% dmg bonus from flanking (coordinating+25, +30% from flanking, +15% from Apprentice's Sneak Attack) pulverize every enemy in seconds. Silver Flash with a ranger can be pretty devastating because of the many procs of Divine Mark and the blind debuff. With Powder Burns it's pretty ouch in an AoE but watch out: friendly fire! If Fulvano's Blunderbuss worked (I mean the charm proc - for me it doesn't) it would be an awesome weapon for a ranger as well (because of driving flight increasing the proc chance of charm).
  3. Don't know when you quit, but it's unchanged basically from 2.x till now: On-hit and on-crit effects on weapons proc with Carnage and Blast - like overbearing, disorienting, stunning or spell chances like Expose Vulnerabilites on the Golden Gaze or Dominate on the soulbound Scepter and so on. Special attacks like Envenomed Strike or Runner's Wounding Shot don't work with the Carnage/Blast. Battle Forged (Fire Godlike) has no interaction with Carnage. No new tricks. Well, depends what counts as new... Glittering Gautlets (proc dazed on hit) work with Carnage, maybe that's new since it's not a weapon but gloves.
  4. So... nobody knows? Or where they sit so that I can extract them from the correct file without searching around too much? Or is there a doc? I really don't want to find out all by myself.
  5. @Gairnulf: what did you use? ECMA-/Javascript I presume, but did you use some framework or special bibs or so?
  6. So maybe something like MIG 18 CON 15 DEX 15 PER 12 INT 15 RES 03 Or so...
  7. Moon Godlike is a good choice for even more "passive" healing. I like Boreal Dwarf as well because of the ACC bonus - and dwarf + boar somewhat fits. As always a slight shift in stats doesn't matter much in PoE. As I said I would max out MIG and go with high INT, CON and DEX. MIG because the wounding tusks profit from it, melee damage anyway, spell damage and also healing. CON because you might want to prevent too many tests because of low health. DEX because it sucks when your shifting and other buffs are limited in time but you are so slow that you can only hit a few times. RES can be low (boar after all and rest in PER.
  8. I already saw pets with +1 to PL (party wide) and several items with bonus to PL - so maybe Wellspring of Life will not have such a big impact anymore if you have several of those. Let's wait and see...
  9. It would be better if Full Attacks would be implemented as a series of fast hits and dual wielding would simply add one more or so. But yeah - whatever...
  10. Hm, sounds like a bug. I don't see that behavior on the PC lately (and recently had a party with 2 priests).
  11. Very nice and interesting stuff. I hope the PL boosts of pet an familiars will stack...
  12. Same basically. Lots of Full Attacks that would be better with a dual wielding setup. Backstabs would be better with a two hander/gun. The only setups where I see a benefit is the early game, an overbearing/stunning weapon or a chanter with Dragon Thrashed (because for weird reason offensive chants get the +12 from one handed usage).
  13. I'll just say that a Nature Godlike Lifegiver gets +9 Power Level for rejuvenation spells while shifted. That means +90% healing power, multiplied with MIG and also with the new 15% healing talent (which I forgot the name of). Instead of 8 health per tick Moonwell does 25 - at lvl 9... no priest is getting there anytime soon. But actually I meant PoE1...
  14. Try Battle Axes + modal "Bleeding Cuts". It's adding a wounding DoT on every hit and stacks with itself, as well as with Wounding Shots' DoT. It's pretty powerful.
  15. Which funny Iconic Projection did you use? In my PoE on PotD it does mediocre "fixed" damage (no dmg roll) and heals. However, its advantage is that it only has to overcome 1/4th of enemy's freeze DR rather than the full freeze DR - for whatever reason. This seems to be the case for all "fixed" damage effects like Brutal Takedown, Thorny Roots and also Iconic Projection. But hardly OP. Maybe you remember an older version of the game where it bypassed DR alltogether? However - the data in Deadfire is almost identical. If I remember correctly it does 18 (or 16?) base freeze damage and heals for 20 health. I don't remember the PEN value, but I didn't see any exotic I guess.
  16. Yes, Wounding Shot works in melee and is now a Full Attack, not Primary like in PoE. That means that dual weapons will each strike - mainhand (no recovery) --> offhand (recovery). In PoE it was offhand --> mainhand for Full Attacks.
  17. Since recovery is fairly long with a morning star you could do that - if you don't mind the awful micromanagement.
  18. Yeah, but the shots jump, so +100% damage.
  19. I'd say it's one of the worst weapon options for several reasons: Knockdown is a Full Attack The initial hit roll of Knockdown (and any other x on hit/crit effect) gets +12 ACC and hit-to-crit conversion from one weapon (style), but the fortitude roll that determines if the target goes down does not(!) Charge ends in a Full Attack but the AoE damage isn't connected to your weapon - so no ACC bonus Same with Into the Fray and Clearout Disciplined Barrage already gives you plenty of ACC Sword is one of the worst weapon type when it comes to unique ones - they come either superlate, are just meh or only circumstancially useful. But of course it would be viable.
  20. I remember that Josh said that sidekicks are comparable to PoE's companions while Deadfire's companions will have more stuff like relationships and so on. That was a very early statement - but it made me believe that they'll have banter. But as far as I know it wasn't explicitly said they would have it. A pity, but understandable.
  21. You could also use a sword + shield and two battle axes. Sword and axe share the same Weapon Focus. Spears have +5 ACC,so it's not that bad when not using Weapon Focus Peasant for spears.
  22. Oops,I overlooked this, sorry. A bashing shield is a shield that has the special enchantment "bash" which comes in qualities from I to III (or IV?) which only raises the damage. The bash is an offhand attack that alternates with the main hand. But it gets no bonus from dual wield info and Two Weapon Style. But it works with Full Attacks. A bash is considered a active attack ability and thus gets +1 accuracy per char level which makes it's accuracy pretty good later in the game while it's not that great at the beginning. The bash damage is crush and usually it's super low. Only special procs like on the Dragon's Maw or Badgradr's Barricade make it really worthwhile. But bash itself is better than no-bash when you have Full Attacks like Knockdown or rogues' strikes and so on. For auto-attacks it's pretty meh.
  23. Nope. I wrote a few descriptions here and there but not a complete build list. Shock Hog: Take max MIG and high INT, CON and DEX, pick Veteran's Recovery and skill survival to 12. Pick up an item that has +2 to survival, like Jack of Wide Waters or the Rugged Wilderness Hat. Choose healing bonus when camping. Talents/Abilities: Veteran's Recovery, Weapon Focus Peasant, Two Weapon Style, Wildstrike and Greater Wildstrike Shock, Heart of the Storm, Outlander's Frenzy, Savage Attack or Apprentices Sneak Attack. Also Merciless Hand and Dungeon Delver as story talents. Items: any item with a +2 bonus to survival, Wildstrike Belt. Rest doesn't matter that much because while shifted it all disappears anyway. Cast Returning or Relentless Storm (and also Avenging Storm once you get it) run near to your enemies, then cast Outlander's Frenzy and then shift and go to town. A nice trick is to skip Outlander's Frenzy but instead wear Sanguine Plate: it has +2 Survival and Frenzy on a received crit. While you run towards your enemy you often get a crit. After Frenzy gets triggered quickly shift and you will keep Frenzy but the sluggish plate is gone. If you think you need extra healing just cast a healing spell like Moonwell or whatever. Those work exceptionally well with the healing bonus from camping. When enemies are weak you can instead pick accuracy bonus in order to crit more often.
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