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Everything posted by Boeroer

  1. "No escape from dat nudity" would have been the real killer.
  2. Besides resting and injuries: what I really don't like is that scrolls, bombs and especially potions (with a lot of Alchemy) are so good that your build quality and your "gaming skill" don't matter at all as long as you have consumables. Once I run into a "three red skulls" encounter I drop an empowered spell, gulp down some crazy potions and throw some grenades and that means I usually win.
  3. Please don't waste precious patch time & space to fix something that isn't broken. You could instead redo the portrait because it looks not really like a drunk Mirke but more like "I just had a stroke" Mirke (daughter of Ricky Ballbao, famous Deadfire brawler of Vailian heritage).
  4. My problem still is: I CAN'T INSTALL GAUN'S PLEDGE - FOR EOTHASSESSES SAKE!!!11eleven!! Wonder what the problem is. A lot of people seem to face the same "bug".
  5. PotD is not very difficult (for a whole party) if you know the game in and out - even with scaling (although this makes some boss fights considerably tougher). Meta knowledge is a huge advantage - a lot more important than a good build or the perfect party composition. But if you don't have meta knowledge and know not much about how the mechanics actually work it will be very, very tough in some spots.
  6. Yeah, that might be an approach. Although then it's better than Blood Thirst (which comes at PL 7 and you have to kill for 0 recovery). It would be totally ok to rebuff the percentage value (currently it's 33%, used to be 50% I believe) but make sure that it can't cascade. So a bonus attack from Swift Flurry should not be able to proc another one.
  7. It's obviously hiding under your capslock key.
  8. You don't understand the problem. He's one-shotting whole groups without the use of any resource (besides 1 point of Mortification). Because Swift Flurry leads to an endless chain reaction. It doesn't matter how pitiful the damage per hit is - as long as if you get an endless amount of them. The more enemies you can hit the more likely it is to happen. One shot and - boom - everybody is dead. The probem is that Swift Flurry's bonus attacks can proc other Swift Flurry bonus attacks - and so on. Also works with Rod + Blast, Kalakoth's Minor Blights, the one unique pollaxe that lets you swirls around, Citzal's Spirit Lance and basically all AoE weapons.
  9. One of the most counterproductive and self-defeating statements I've seen made, repeatedly.
  10. The Paladin auras work on summons. Also Shared Flames (+20% burning lash for allies for 20 sec) work on summons. Stacks wth Mith Fyr (+15%). With a Troubadour you can run Mith Fyr + another phrase parallal without a gap. Also some invocations are a nice fit for a "Death Knight" or "Blackguard". Bleak Walker seems like a must. Wizard may be a nice multiclass option. It has several great self buffs and also several "evil" spells that evolve around draining (Concelaut's spell) as well as decay. Freeze spells are also there.
  11. Steam always starts the game when I download a DLC - no idea why. But in the background the DLC gets downloaded...
  12. Awesome! Too bad I hacked Mirke to pieces...
  13. Version 1.2, is that correct (beta branch)? Or 1.0.2? I added it with 1.0.2 to the build list. Correct me if that was wrong.
  14. Nice. Can you tell me at which level (very roughly) you can obtain that pollaxe? I already found it via console some time ago and thought it was really nice, but since I have little time to play atm I couldn't find it during a playthrough yet. I wonder what happens if you use it with a single Berserker' HoF... I added your build to the build list.
  15. I can't see where I came over as whining. In contrast to some of your posts mine seem to be worded in a relatively reasonable fashion so far. You are exactly the one with certain problems, else you woudn't have started numerous threads about them. And that's fine because it's one of the reasons this forums exist. You can be as douchy as you want - I just explained to you why you won't achieve anything fruitful for you and your cause with that approach. You can ignore that advice or consider it - it doesn't matter that much to me, but I will keep opposing such things because I think they are toxic and harmful. It's just a bit sad that somebody who can obviously think straight wastes his time with unprovoked, counterproductive and (passive) aggressive nonsense. I agree that the resting system is kind of meh by the way. It's quite meaningless besides the food buffs (which I personally can totally do without). It's just too easy to rest so injuries as well make not too much sense other than determining at which point you die permanently.
  16. It's the highest perception score of the party (not combined but the individual score) - including buffs, items, pets, potions, drugs etc. Of course your trapfinder should not walk in the last row - because the front row will trip a trap before the back row can even "see" it. Always put the PER guy in the front while walking around. That's one reason why you can make seperate formations for walking around and standing still.
  17. I don't get why paladin's exhortations shouldn't work on themselves. I mean I remember a lot of situations when I shouted at myself to push me further. In PoE1 ciphers could at least cast Pain Link on themselves (which made them potentially good at being retaliation tanks - even without focus generation via retaliation). Now even that is not possible anymore. While it's not that bad in a party the solo cipher would be more fun if you could cast Pain Block etc. on yourself. Or create a passive (great opportunity for meaningful passives) that allows you to cast those "ally-only" buffs on yourself.
  18. I have the same problem with no. 1. Since the item isn't superuseful I don't care much - but it's still odd that I can't install it.
  19. It has the same base damage as (non-monk) fists - which is absolutely terrible. Maybe it's unintended. I would give it the same base damage as a normal sabre. Actually raw damage isn't so uber in general: you can't overpenetrate with it. The attack animation is pretty great though.
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