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Everything posted by Boeroer

  1. An older human standing besides a younger orlan obviously... :shrug:
  2. ROFL... right. Brainfart. Then it's only +6 before shifted and +7 while shifted and back to +3 after shifting.
  3. Sure CW gets triggered by scrolls. It gets triggered from every hit roll that does damage.
  4. I think Barb is a bit wasted on a Fury since the ranged weapons won't work with Carnage. Except if you want to do a build with Deltro's Cage + helm and Lord Darryn's Voulge and go all storms + Carnage and skip Spiritshift. Then I'd use a Berseker because you can shock yourself with your own Storms for Deltro's Helm - but you'd need immunity against MIG afflictions to not stun yourself all the time. Sadly you can't use Effigy's Resentment for immunity - but maybe there's another way. You could take a Coastal Aumaua and simply love with the Daze. You'll have +4 PEN but +2 from Frenzy and +1 from Fury. +1 from Heart of the Storm... Or better: cast some other shocking spell like Dancing Bolts while confused to trigger the lash from the helmet and then get rid of confusion.
  5. If it worls anything like El Nary it should be very good (especially with Empower). But it seems to only attack once in an AoE - not projectiles or jumps which usually work great with Power Level. Speaking of Druid, lvl 9 spells and Power Level: Did anybody check Pollen Patch (keywords Rejuvenation + Plant) with the Spine of Thicket Green? As shifted Lifegiver you get +7 Power Level on Rejuvenation and the staff can give +2 to Rejuvenation and +2 to Plant (and +2 to Restoration as well which malde me thing if a superhealer Liefegiver/Priest would be fun where the Priest part takes over once the spiritshift ends). That would be +11 Power Level! +12 with a Nature Godlike (which would fit so well). +12 Power Level... that is 3 more than the normal max Power Level. Cast it with Empower - what will happen? The staff can also be enchanted to +3 to Beast and +3 to Plant. That alone could lead to a great Druid nuking/healing build. That and of course Deltro's stuff with Lord Darryn's Voulge. Druid get some nice gear.
  6. No, only Strike the Bell. I suspect it has something to do with "two handed attack only" and that maybe the AoE hits don't pass that check.
  7. Quite unfair if Rogue's strikes only apply to single target while Fighter's Mule Kick or Monk's FoA or Stunning Blows still applies to the AoE.
  8. They already did this a while ago, during backer beta. For example you couldn't apply Crippling Strike with Blast. But it got reverted. Now again?
  9. Galawain is known as the Seeker God, Father of Monsters and the Changeling. Among other things, his domain is Perseverance (Survivor). Since the DLC is Galawain-themed it's not a far fetch to assume that this statue with its three faces depicts the Huana version of Galawain that has those three major aspects.
  10. Why don't you file a mod request at https://poe.peardox.com/modreq ?
  11. Legos. He's able to break himself apart into tiny, edgy bits - and if you step on those you almost die from the pain...
  12. Iirc the level cap does indeed rise with Seeker, Slayer Survivor. Can't find the source though...
  13. For me Secret Horrors is a nice "defensive" tool. Huge AoE and Frightened at least prevents all active ability use.
  14. I think it depends on the enemy. I was testing against dummies before writing that. One time with that SB/Streetf. and the other time with a Berserker/Monk. Due to the crappy deflection of the dummies the monk did kill the dummies faster. Just because Swift Flurry + Heartbeat leads to +100% multiplicative damage once it procs - and not on a single enemy but it triggers the cone attack again. Then there is the burning lash... The AoE itself also leads to a lot of procs against those low defenses. It also wasn't easy to get flanked for Heating Up and at the same time place the cone perfectly well in order to hit as many enemies as possible. With Torment's Reach and WotEP it's easier to position yourself perfectly well because both are cone-shaped. The stun of TR also helped to produce more crits I presume. Also Stunning Surge with the WotEP is quite nice (not necessarily in terms of dps but overall usefulness as hard CC in an AoE). Against high defense/high AR I think the monk would be worse. But as I said: Soul Annihilation works from lvl 1 on and profits from Sneak Attack right away. So over the course of a whole playthrough this may be the better pick for dps anyway.
  15. Too pervy? The cellar dwellers these days...
  16. Fourth time is the charm? Afaik the first three times he switched accounts without being forced. Maybe forgot the password. Three times.
  17. firkraag888 ---> master guardian --> no1fanboy ---> Teclis23 It's easy to create a new account. The Black Jacket is the best candidate for a single class fighter in my opinion. He wants to get Quick Switch, Unbending and Clear Out asap and the focus of this "debuffing" via weapon modals doesn't need a second class. If you have a Black Jacket with Clear Out in the team you can quickly reduce the defense your Nuker wants to overcome by 25 while dealing good AoE dmg. Also as I said: WotEP + Clear Out is quite spectacular and doesn't need second class. Although in this case stuff like Fighter/Monk is also *very* appealing.
  18. It's killing you really quickly. Especially if it grazes. Haha - that mechanic is so bad. I hope they do something about it.
  19. Good point with the cape. Clarity stacks, yees. Most importantly the -5 secs get substracted from the shortened afflcition time which results in 0 secs often. Nobody was talking about solo yet. I did a quick test with 35 RES (-75%) + Strand of Favour (-10%) and Cabalist's Gambeson and shot my dude with a rogue. The affliction should have lasted 21 secs. It lasted 4.7 instead. This is somewhat in line with mutiplicative stacking. The remaining duration is not 5% (additive stacking) but ~22% - although I would have expected 20% - but maybe rounding happened in between. So with 75% and 10% and 10% you land at 78% (I expected 80%). You could as well leave the gambeson and necklace aside. 75% or 78% doesn't make a big difference. So I removed them Now comes Clarity: With 75% from 35 RES + Clarity: I you cast it before you get hit with an affliction only the 50% reduction comes into play and will stack multiplicativetly with RES's 75%: instead of 21 secs it's now 2.5 sec. But the -5 secs will only get substracted if you active Clarity AFTER getting hit with an affliction. It's quite hard to do: 2.5 is so short that I can't finish recovery and cast Clarity fast enough again. Lone Wolf (once fixed) might lead to 7% duration overall when combined with RES, Clarity, Gambeson and Buckler... in this case 21 would be reduced to 1.5 secs.
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