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Everything posted by Boeroer

  1. It's always considered ranged - no matter how close you get. So abilites that are restricted to melee will never work with a ranged weapon. An exception is Backstab. There you have to get <= 2 meters with a ranged weapon.
  2. Because of doulbe inversion it's actually much higher than 75%. Look at grazes "official" -50% or at Full Attacks' "official" -35%. Switching to Engolio is very smart when using SI and as soon as enemies start to die. You will heal instantly and deal good additional AoE damage while the switching doesn't slow down the damage output of SI at all. The lesser PLs do, but that gets balanced out by Ghost Blades.
  3. For example. Or you just stick to it because you're not playing PotD and don't need to micro everything into the ground. The sabre is good enough as is and it has some nice mechanics for chanters who like to cast some empowered invocation, get 3 phrases and then stack some more phrases for the shocking lash + attack speed. Can't see a lot of gimpage here for a non PotD run.
  4. Warlock comes online on lvl 13 right, once he gets access to Citzal and can focus on phys dps? And before that is played like jack of all trades offtank/offdps/off-cc? Erm not really. Frenzy + Bloodlust makes you cast much faster, the +5 MIG helps and especially Lion's Sprint (ok that comes rather late) helps to land critical spells (like landing Combusting Wounds on a boss or so). Spirit Frenzy's staggering works with spells. Berserker's Tenacious, too. I don't even bother with weapon attacks or weapon abilites. Lvl 19 is the peak with Blood Thirst of course, but it works well right from lvl 1.
  5. 50 times each over 6000 hours of my life! You watched The Simpsons that often? Phew...
  6. There are two shields that count as offhand weapon. You get the bonus from dual wiedling, Two Weapon Style, Weapon & Shield Style and Full Attacks. More of those would be fun. But I don't think we need a general change of the mechanics - because those two exist.
  7. You obviously never casted an empowered Eld Nary with lots of general PL bonus, +1 PEN and +10 ACC once every encounter - without the need for resting. My pick would be a single class Troubadour by the way - but I guess the Skald is set.
  8. Yep. DoTs are logged properly in Deadfire. Just killed some dummies with DoTs only and the counter went up.
  9. I didn't check to be honest, let me do a quick test (have a high level Animist with Plague oI in the party atm). Be right back... By the way: Sacred Immolation is no DoT and thus was properly counted/logged in PoE. Like Chillfog and Storm of Holy Fire and Wicked Briars and stuff it pulses periodically and does a hit roll every time. But it has no "ticks" where the initial attack does a hit roll and the ticks always apply.
  10. I'm sure it's only women who use that word in the wrong way. Because we all know that only men are the masters of linguistics, right. I'm still in shock that women now have voting rights when they still can't speak properly, jeez... What's next? Employment laws for child labor? Pfff!
  11. One nice trick is to cast spells from stealth. Stealth gives you a 85% recovery bonus - which lets you cast two spells at the start of battle very quickly. Or even three if you use seal spells. So for example you can cast a Searing Seal (spell uses refreshes), then a Holy Storm from stealth, followed by Devotions. Storm's pulses will profit from the later ACC boost and enemies run into your seal and get blinded while getting hit by the storm. All that in short encounter time. I know why I like my weakest class.
  12. Which restriction? That hirelings are one level below yours? I strongly guess to make the official companions more attractive who can't be min/maxed like hired adventurers can. Nice idea with the Berath's Blessing though. Once you did a playthrough with the (kind of 1-level-pimped) official companions you could then embrace the full potential of hirelings.
  13. Sawyer won't do that because he's not in charge of PoE/Deadfire anymore in the first place.
  14. I know that you know. We are kind of Illuminati you know? We got "Barring Dullness' Door" + "Really Endless Salvation of Time" cast opon us.
  15. If we're ranking them by boredom factor j/k Priests are generally good IMO, although some of the casting times could use being snappier. I never pick Boring Death's Door, but ofc other players' mileage may vary. Well... Teclis23 obviously ranks them by usefulness. Else I can't explain statements like But since its the Lord of Auxesis speaking we should maybe take this with a grain of salt... paired with a "Touch of Reason". That would be a nice new priest spell by the way.
  16. Yeah - Druids and Priests would want to get some love in terms of spell choice (looking a grimoires) and spell uses (looking at Vaporous Wizardry). But instead of the planned speciel trinkets for every class we get universal trinkets that give us a 1/rest ability. Argh... Whatever - I played every class so far (not from start to end with every single class obviously, but I like to switch party members a lot during playthroughs) and I don't think there is any that is particularly bad. But you have to find out its strenghts and weaknesses. I personally never liked rangers, fighters and rogues too much in general - but there are certain builds with those classes that are very fun. Even my single class Black Jacket was great (debuffing all defenses like crazy with 4 weapons sets of Morning Star/Club/Flail/Pike).
  17. My experience is completely different. Doing a playthrough with a priest (doesn't need to be single class) followed by one without a priest will show you what you lack. Also priest subclasses are pretty distinct. The most fun with a character I have atm is an Assassin/Priest of Skaen because he can turn invisible 6 times per encounter AND cast support and nuking spells. And then there is the Barring Death's Door + Salvation of Time thing which immediately puts priest into the top ranks. I mean besides buffing the whole party with +15 accuracy which makes an immense difference. Also the single class druid is very nice because very versatile. Great(!) Healing, CC, buffs (PL 3 source of AoE Robust!), nukes - he has it all without the need for a multiclass. Playing a Nature Godlike Animist with the Spine of Thicket Green (it can't get more druidy), Stone of Power and Prestige. His plant and beast offensive spells (Wicked Briars, Insect Swarm, Plague of Insects, Venombloom) and his plant based healings are so powerful (Garden of Life). And then there's Pollen Patch which gets +6 PL from the staff alone... The good thing compared to Wizards is also that most of his DoT spells are foe only and usually come with an affliction. So you do CC/lower defenses and deal damage with one cast. And Plague of Insects' AoE is so huge... I don't even bother with Spiritshifting.
  18. Sure, Shared Flames, Brand Enemy, Lay on Hands, Exalted Auras and stuff are all totally unexiting. I mean I would love to see another active melee ability on a paladin (for example something like "Smite") - but you seem to be up to your neck in hyperbole.
  19. The word "ranger" doesn't stem from ranged weapons though. So one could say that a ranger'salways using a bow is the first trope here.
  20. The mechanics with spiderlings etc. sound pretty sweet. Nice change that.
  21. Hey, I didn't know that. Sweet! That means Grave Calling-->Chilling Grave which does a Chillfog for every skelly that falls by your hand will have +shocking lash and you don't even need to spend phrases for that.
  22. Hi, the enchantments are: Finale (already has) --> Encore: after empowering an Invocation get max phrase points Finale (aleady has) --> Refreshing Finale: after empowering an invocation you get back 3 phrases AND the empower point. Prelude (already has) --> Companion's Prelude: 5m-aura that gives you and your allies +2% stacking attack speed bonus per held phrase point Prelude (already has) --> Shocking Prelude: give yourself (not allies) 2% attack speed per phrase point held and +2% shocking lash per phrase point held. For a single Skald I would recommend Refreshing Finale. This turns Empower into a 1/encounter ability basically AND gives you back 3 phrases. And a single chanter can get Eld Nary - which is supergood when empowered. You can mix that with the high level passives which grant +PEN, +ACC when using empower. It's pretty sweet. For the upgrade of Prelude it depends... as a Skald who wants to attack in melee I would pick Shocking Prelude most of the time I guess. Lashes are strong. You coul dual wield Sasha's with Scordeo's Edge whith Blade Cascade and Adaptive which are quite nice enchantments for a Skald. Another nice alternative could be Grave Calling with Chilling Grave: if you kill your own skeletons (summons) with it you will automatically cast an enemy-only Chillfog which profits from the weapon's enchantments. And Grave Bound works a bit like Shocking Prelude (stacking 2% freezing lash on hit 10 times - then paralyze on every crit). Both nice. I would have to test a lot to say which one I'd like better as buddy of Sasha's. Of course you can pair Sasha's with other weapon types, too. I just think that two sabres look best...
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