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Everything posted by Boeroer

  1. Fun factâ„¢: Mikey Dowling got promoted to Obsidian's "Director of Communications" last week. So don't bother one of the top brass now.
  2. While I like PoE I appreciate that sharp but delicate sarcasm.
  3. Plus: it's Twitter. There are so many users that will vote for anything even if they don't plan being a part of it in any way. But even here: I mean have you followed the poll for the Black Isle Bastards in the Deadfire subforum? Votes came in... one year after the Fig campaign ended.
  4. You can edit your thread title with [Edit]-->go to the bottom of the textarea input field-->[use Full Editor]:
  5. You can edit your title via [Edit]-->go to bottom of the Textarea input field-->[use Full Editor].
  6. I guess they couldn't reproduce reliably. Anyways: if you take Dirty Fighting you are safe.
  7. When I tested it worked with all charmed targets (NOT dominated though) - no matter the source of the charm. BUT you had to have another conversion ability - like Dirty Fighting. Else the Debonaire conversion wouldn't trigger. I reported that weird behavior as bug here: https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/106967-40-debonaires-hit-to-crit-conversion-behaves-weirdly/
  8. Buuuuump!! No idea guys? Or is it maybe not reproduceable?
  9. It's harder overall but still becomes easier and easier the further you level. That is because (as completionist) you will be overleveled for most later content. Most DLC stuff can be a good challenge though if you start them at the recommended char levels.
  10. With RES 3 and DEX 10 you will get interrupted (higher chance and slower attack animation) unless you have a priest with Holy Meditation. That helps. Or you drink potions of Spirit Shield. Later on there are items that help passively. If you don't try to take on a lot of foes it's not a problem though. Flanking enemy groups shouldn't get you interrupted a lot. But if you get pummeled by several ones you will see that it can be a problem. If you experience those problems you can lower CON a bit and also PER and put some of those points into DEX and RES. 16 CON and PER for example is still plenty. Once you get an item that boosts your concentration you could drop RES again I personally could totally use the stat spread you posted above though. You lack one point by the way. I guess you haven't taken the cultural backgroud into account yet.
  11. If I would want to follow that logic I'd say that in the late game it doesn't matter how powerful the high level stuff is because the game is way easier then than in the middle part (where you can profit from earlier abilities).
  12. With mediocre INT and a faible for great swords Tidefall is one of the the best options for you. It is one of the best weapons in the game and can be obtained fairly early. But you need 10 mechanics on a character in order to find it. Another very fun build with great swords is this: https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/106646-class-build-the-cauterizer/ It dishes out a tremendous amount of (AoE) damage but is also sturdy enough after some levels because of maxed self healing. You can always adjust the attributes you your liking (like lowering INT, raising DEX, whatever), they don't matter as much as in other games like BG and so on. With Tidefall you can basically use the same template. With Tidefall you want to max MIG and lower INT (both raises its wounding dps). High CON can work very well on a barb because he already gets the highest endurance and health numbersin the game. And further bonuses from CON let those scale very well. It is possible to reach 5000+ health with a barb. That means you can neglect deflection and rely on self heals for your endurance while your health won't be low too soon. High MIG is only good (compared to DEX and PER) if you don't only use it for damage but also for self heals. When it comes to pure dps then DEX and PER are better. But you also want to live, so MIG can be a great compromise between damage and survivability. Self heals are Veteran's Recovery (I recommend it), Savage Defiance, heals from items etc. There are no 2-handed axes in PoE.
  13. Once the multi-projectile-problem of the Imbue abilities is fixed (e.g. Blunderbuss: only the first projectile hits) then Imbue:Missiles could be a nice option for a Geomancer: cast Combusting Wounds on enemies and then attack then with a Blunderbuss/Frostseeker/the new Crossbow from Forgotten Sanctum in order to apply a lot of hits (4 or 3 plus the missiles whose pprojectile count is supposed to scale with PL) in very short time.
  14. It is def. the main campaign. It is rather short - but you want players who do crit path only to be able to finish the game. This results in each of the crit path quests giving a lot of XP. If you avoid the crit path as much as possible you will not level up as quickly. I mean still quick enough...
  15. Sure you can build a barbarian with lowish INT. It's just so that your selfbuffs will be short and you AoE will be smaller. But even with very little INT you can manage to hit several enemies if they come close. I wouldn't advise to ompletely dump INT though. However: no matter how much CON you pump into him he will always be squishy at the start of the game because his deflection is superlow an his higher health/endurance can't make up for that - yet! You need some levels and then he'll me a good meat shield. So don't let the first few levels demotivate you. IN the early game it's of great advantage to wear the thickest armor you can find. What kind of weapons and what style do you like?
  16. No, its not opinion. you just tend to follow me around and use "Unless its fact" on every comment you disagree, nothing wrong with it either OP clearly doesn't like Pillars, him openly stating it doesn't "have to" be negative, only those who enjoyed it will translate it as such. As another member said, text is easily misunderstood but in top of that we have members ego's and e-drama to throw into the mix. This is nothing new on forums, it us after all, the Internet hehe Most of all, even if members thought it was "bait", you'd figure that they'd be smart enough to ignore it instead of making the forum more toxic, but alas, the "evil OP" already won. Yes, I'm fact-stalking you. It's the truth. But... which truth...? Don't think OP was evil. Just teasing. Nothing wrong with teasing - just don't whine when you get nudged. Oh wait - it wasn't the OP who whined...
  17. Great. I mean... not great - but good to know it's in the database.
  18. Here you go: Every Invocation that works has that little spellshaping symbol attached to it. But the upgraded ones suffer from a little UI bug, so I marked them green for you.
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