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Everything posted by Boeroer

  1. Can't you make a char with Ydwin's "vessel-race" yellow skin and bald head and equip her with the Breastplate? Then export the build? Shouldn't be that hard and when you zoom out you can't tell the difference.
  2. I vote "awesome"! Give us the Gear Shredder!
  3. Export and (share and) hire is a very cool feature. Also for players who liked the Helwax Mold in PoE1. Like me. Isn't it the case that everything that procs off of items does stack?
  4. Fair enough. Was and is still my biggest gripe with Deadfire: why putting so many resources into reinventing the wheel when they could just have left the mechanics as they were and focus more on content? But as is they reworked all mechanics, tried to streamline everything and listened to the feedback they got on PoE. This all took a lot of time and effort and thus (naturally) there wasn't as much time and money for content related stuff. And while I like the main game although it's not my fsvorite, the DLCs are top notch in my opinion. Here you can see what happens when the foundation is done and the devs can just come up with stuff and play with it.
  5. Berserker self damage does not stop Dance of Death, so I presume it doesn't stop Psion's Focus gain either.
  6. If he spams Mule Kicks (interrupts on graze) - why not take a cipher with Soul Whip?
  7. Critcs are badass? Well even if crits would be supercrankredonkulous Merciless Gaze's conversion chance would still be too low compared to stuff like Disciplined Strikes and Dirty Fighting.
  8. Wrong forum my friend. You posted in the beta patch forum of Pillars of Eternity 1.
  9. Oh, finally somebody from Torchlight in the PoE universe.
  10. The good thing is you even generate focus when executing and recovering from lenghty abilites (so, mostly spells/cipher powers). So I guess the rate of generation is ok. But this "stop when getting hit" is a bad thing in my opinion and reduces the subclass as a whole so much. Put it away!
  11. Maybe he's not classified as "critter".
  12. Ahhh... "useless" - my trigger word. Crits have a bigger impact on spells than they have on weapon attacks. Especially since you can't enchant spells with bonus PEN and dmg or use them with another PEN-boosting offensive ability like Crippling Strike or Penetrating Strike. If you take Power Level into consideration (raises your abilities' base damage) then a +25% increase in dmg becomes more interesting. Also crits are more about PEN than the additive dmg increase. Especially on PotD you will sometimes have trouble to penetrate with spells if you only hit. If you can turn an underpenetration into full penetration with a crit that means a tremendous dmg increase. The spell duration is also very long. So it's not "useless". You could also stack some more conversions to macke the whole mechanic worthwhile (like Battlemage could add Disciplined Strikes to Merciless gaze for an overall conversion rate of 36%). Having said that: it surely should get a buff. 25% would be good. Generally the conversion numbers in Deadfire are too low. Because the cons are: - Conversions don't stack additively but get multiplied because one conversion chance is checked after the other (and checking stops once they are all done or one triggers). A 0.15 with a 0.25 conversion only leads to an overall chance of 0.36, not 0.4 - and so on. The more you stack the less impact. - The better your ACC compared to the enemies' defenses and the more you crit "naturally" the weaker this conversion becomes. - Crit damage is lower. - You need to get the spell (ability point or grimoire) and "waste" a spell use in combat. While stuff like Dirty Fighting (+10%) is a passive... I still think that some designers who determine the numbers have no grasp how the mechanics are implemented. Reminder: guns got -25% crit damage with "Blunted Criticals" because somebody thought that +25% crit damage and -25% crit damage would result to +0% crit damage - which is not true due to double inversion. Now it got altered to -15%. ALl in all: not useless - but could do better.
  13. Best second post in history I presume.
  14. Dance of Death is uselessful even when getting hit: you turn 2 Mortification into a wound and bonus ACC - immediately after touching the button. And you can still gain wounds from the damage you take. Psion gets hit and is just screwed... Edit: damn - I wrote useless instead of useful. Sorry.
  15. Sure. The sabre is not that important. Actually the weapon is not important on a Dragon-Thrashed-Chanter at all. You can use anything. Just put Dragon Thrashed into your chant book and nothing else. It will repeat over and over again and stack with itself, doing ridiculous AoE damage.
  16. Sure. Abilities for Power Levels 8 and 9 are only cosmetic. Minoletta's Missile Salvo only puts rouge on enemies' faces. Same with the new abilities for martial classes for all Power Levels. I'm pretty sure stuff like Penetrating Strike and all the upgrades like Mule Kick, Gouging Strike and so on are only cosmetic, too. All the Subclasses add nothing except they change the behavior of the class abilities (see Watershaper/Stormspeaker/Shattered Pillar, Bloodmage and many more) or even grant different spells (see Priest). Almost nothing... Story is weaker etc.: just your opinion. I could say Minsk an Boo were silly and shallow as a puddle. Just my opinion. But ok - the horrible, game breaking Spiritshift bug in the inventory is really bad. I mean how can anybody even play this game when I can't see my Spiritshift model in the inventory? I mean looking at the inventory is so useful during combat - who wouldn't be upset about this? By the way what are you doing in the inventory during combat? Edit: this forum has a quoting function. You can either use the quote button under my posts or directly type [quote]the stuff he said[/quote] The button in particular may be more convenient than copy&pasting sentences. You can always edit the quote that gets inserted into your post before submitting.
  17. A lot of effort for little outcome in my opinion. Except when the focus generation continues on grazes and only stops on hits/crits. Didn't test that.
  18. Yes it stacks. If you take the empower-passives every offensive invocation is quite nice with empowerment. Eld Nary's Curse comes so late...
  19. <irony>That's because the game explains all those things totally fine...</irony>
  20. It stops generating focus when getting hit. Sounds not so awesome for a melee cipher
  21. Hm, I once had a Berserker/Nalpasca with max MIG (who most likely accumulates more dmg than a Bloodmage?) and had no big problem with Xoti as only source of healing.
  22. Pure CC Bloodmage with dumped MIG seems like a solid option. Also helps with Alacrity. Those spells also aren't too great with Empower anyway. Are there items that reduce MIG? Don't remember any...
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