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Everything posted by Boeroer
Yeah - I guess a lot of people don't know and thus don't realize how goot additional PLs are. Also a reason why so many people think multiclasses are superior (while I think it's the opposite as long as you have a Full Party). But in their defense: the information is obscured. How would you know if you didn't read here or run excessive tests?
@thelee: could you maybe rephrase your thread title so that it's more obvious there's a severe bug we're talking about? Something like "[4.1.2 BUG] Broken core mechanic: Afflictions not supressable/not removable by inspirations" or something? Maybe also edit the first post (insert a bug description right at the top) so that the problem is clear right from the start and the thread is recognized as a bug report? Atm, only judging by the title one could think this thread's just a rant - and maybe devs stay away from those? Not criticising you - I just want to make sure that this gets noticed because it is indeed really bad.
Since those new trollish reviews all mention the Epic store and all popped up directly after the announcement about TOW getting released there I think your last point is not valid here. I mean yes: him being political might make him and the games designed by him a target - but in this case that doesn't seem to play a role.
The study which said that Baby Boomers behave more entitled than Millenials unfortunately isn't online anymore. Anyways: I don't live in the US and thus can't judge about the situation without reading a lot of stuff - which I don't have the time for. But here in Europe there isn't such a big discussion about millenials. Sure - every once in a while people will say that today's youth is xyz and whatnot and that mobbing is a bigger thing, that mental issues are on the rise etcpp. But often enough the explanation for that is that those things get diagnosed and monitored a lot better/sooner than they were 30 years ago. Anyway - there's no big discussion about that here. During my time as researcher at university (after I graduated) I would also lecture students and supervise student associates. Later I worked with trainees in companies and so on. Those were mostly very competend and well behaving, decent people. I seldomly heared or hear a complaint about their work ethics compared to "the good old times". A discussion we had recently was that conservatives said that kids/students who are currently protesting on fridays because of climate change (and show a lot of engagement) shouldn't skip school. I mean if that's the biggest problem with european youngsters then everything is in order... While we speak about the difference between US and European youngsters: One thing I have noticed is vastly different. Let me give an example: In Berlin and other capital cities around the world (that's where I live - I move a lot) you can meet quite a lot of US Americans with their families (expats & diplomats mostly, sometimes military). Especially if you are connected to the diplomatic community like I am. You not only meet them at receptions but also on the playground and so on. Geberally speaking, US Americans seem to treat their kids very differently. In the eyes of most Germans they are overprotective. Its funny to see how stoked US moms are if they see that you let your 2-year-old daughter climb up the monkey bars all by herself. "What if she falls?" "Well then she will get up again I guess?" "But it will hurt!" "Sooo....?". There's sand, there's padding - but still they will look around in panic - in search for those uncaring parents. One even asked me where the playground security is. Playground security in Berlin... that provoked some thigh-slapping. Several parents from the US told me how hard is was for them to adapt to the german "laizzez-faire" approach when it comes to supervising your kids. I also met several Russian families - and I guess they think the same about us Germans, haha! :D
What? As a chanter you simply run around with Dragon Thrashed active, find a good place where only few enemies can attack you, tank the damage and just burn/slash the enemies with your chant. The more enemies in your reach the better.
It might be intended - because Time Parasite depends on the effect you put onto your enemy, not yourself. If you pay close attention you will see that if you kill the enemy whom you cast Time Parasite on it will stop immediately. Same with Wild Leech. Both are buffs that only work if you put the effect on an enemy and thus I suspect Slavation of Time or Wall of Draining won't work since it's not the effect on you which determines the duration but the effect on the enemy. There are other cipher effects that might have the same behavior: Psychovampiric Shield, Body Attunement etc. All those powers require you to cast teh spell on an enemy. They are not mere self buffs.
I agree that it doesn't really matter at which Power Level you pick Uncanny Luck. It doesn't scale with additional Power Levels, so generally it's no problem to move it down - eh... or up. Depends on how you look at it.
Oh... I know that there's only one conversion into one direction - so no graze->hit->crit conversion with one attack roll. But I'm not sure in this special case. Couldn't it be that the attack gets converted from hit to crit and then back to hit by the enemy? I don't know. Good question.
Not really. Because then it's a lower PL than Dirty Fighting but has the same "net percentages" while being a universal/generic ability - which is not desirable following thelee's point of view (not trying to be snarky!) which says that class specific abilites should be better than generic abilites (hope I summed that up correctly). Dirty Fighting is PL3.
But I didn't just look at a 25% dmg modifier. I gave once case which might be fairly common for a non-crit build and another ridiculous case with an extreme crit dmg build (+150% dmg!) with impossible hit range (100% - in favor of UL). All that to show that not only with a failry normal case but even under the best (impossible) circumstances UL is bad from a dps perspective. I also explicitly added that one has to consider PEN and Overpenetration as well. I gave cases that where in favor of UL. In reality it's even worse from a pure dps perspective. Now take these extremely low numbers (resulting from the rare occcasions in which UL actually triggers) and also consider Underpenetration/Overpenetration (which would totally take a seperate thread if you wanted to do elaborate on that complicated matter) and you would still end up with a lackluster ability. You can ask yourself the following question: "Would I take an ability that offers ~2% additive dps (taking the average - I'm being generous I think) and also grant you a chance of ~2.5% (also generous) that your attack gets *1.5 PEN while it also gives you +5% resistance?". If the answer is "Totally" then Uncanny Luck's actual conversion rate is right for you. If you think that's a bit meh then you think the same way as I do.
But you don't consider that the crit conversion doesn't stack additively. If you get such a weapon/item your goal will be to stack ACC and conversions. Funnily though: the higher your ACC the less impact the conversion has. And the more conversions you stack the less impact every individual one has. And since Uncanny Luck is a very low conversion it has almost zero effect on such builds (which rely on crit effects). An unexperienced player might think that it does something for him - but in reality it does not. It is kind of a trap choice for a player who longs for crits. It is - especially with an item you describe and a build taylored to this - a very weak effect. Stuff like Disciplined Barrage is not only 5 times better. It's more than that - especially if you stack conversions because of the stacking mechanic. To achieve a 25% conversion (Disciplined Strikes) you would need to stack 6 Uncanny Lucks. To achieve the same with Uncanny Luck that you can achieve with Berserker Frenzy + Disciplined Strikes you'd need to pick 13(!) Uncanny Lucks. I'm not saying that it should be comparable - the one is passive and the others actives - I just want to show how badly it falls off once you start to cumulate ACC and conversions. A bit better numbers on that PL5(!) ability would not hurt anybody and lift this talent from rubbish to maybe somewhat useful. At least it will have more appeal without being a complete trap for crit-gluttons. I'm not set on this change. I can totally do without. I just want people to understand why it's not a good pick in most cases. It's just a bad ability. Tough is also bad by the way. Why does the +2 health per level not get applied to the base health (as it sounds - and thus profits from CON bonus or malus) but simply adds a flat bonus like an amulet of health (even less at most times)? Power creep can be avoided if we tune down the abilites which are too powerful. There are enough of that. See Resonant Touch, Blade Turning etc.
I'm quite certain that that's only the impression you get - because nowadays it's much easier for every individual to be heared than it was 30 years ago. 30 years ago, when a youngster would rant about whatever and all got self entitled - who outside his village would have known? He wouldn't have written a letter about it and send it to a newspaper who then would have spreaded the word - no way. All that overly silly stuff was filtered. But I don't believe for one second that it wasn't there. Nowadays the youngster just goes online and posts his nonsense - before he has the chance to sleep over it.
I don't like the "everything was better in the old days" and "oh my - today's youth" sayings. Until today every generation has the impression that the youth behaves worse than it did in their generation - and that's most likely nonsense. If you know Hans Rosling you also know that the world improves constantly (of course there are potholes) - despite the constant feeling that "we're doomed". If you don't know him please check him out. He was awesome: https://www.ted.com/playlists/474/the_best_hans_rosling_talks_yo Some youngsters nowadays may have a strong feeling of entitlement and a lack of tolerance for frustration. But the youth is also more involved, they re better educated, pick better decisions, are more cosmopolitan and so on. Well whatever, that's it from me about that topic.
They are surely weaker than in PoE (that might explain the bashing) but I also think they are quite enjoyable and useful in Deadfire, especially in a party. Only gripe I have is the limited spell portfolio you will have - without a helpful mechanic to expand that selection (like Wizards who can use Grimoires) a Priest can sometimes feel a bit... onesided?
That may be. But I think we can agree that we can't always put out superreasonable arguments - as seen a few posts ago. It's just an additional argument, even if it's a weak one. It sure is a reason for people to not take Uncanny Luck. Most party builds are not hybrid tank/dps builds that would be longing for both bonuses. Thus one half of the ability will feel like a waste. I would also be happy with two 8%/8% abilites instead of Uncanny Luck. Again: if an ability will not get picked by at least some people (who understand how it works) then that's a strong hint that it is not worth the ability point. I don't care that much if this gets increased to 8% or 10% or just left at 5% - but to me it's very obvious that 5% crit conversion at PL 5 is as good as nothing. I gave some numbers. If you'd had an ability that would give you an unconditional +0.4% or 0.5 or even 1% additive dmg bonus you would rub your eyes and ask yourself if the devs drank too much nail polish when designing that one. And talking about power creep once it goes up from 5% to 8% or 10% - I mean come on. If you look at the avererage effect this has this is not even noticable. It's more like a cosmetic change. I thought 8% was nice because it's less than Dirty Fighting but souds a bit better than 5% (because Exalted Focus does the same in a huge AoE at lower PLs).
I think it's easier to not use dual wieling but a strong shield (Little Savior for example), drop DEX entirely and let Dragon Thrashed and summons do the work for you. I think I'd do something along the lines of: MIG 18 CON 10 DEX 03 PER 17 INT 18 RES 10 without race and background bonuses. But honestly a few stat points here and there are not really important. Stats in general don't have such a big impact on your char's perfomance (I mean if we speak about 1-3 points here and there). It's important to not get catched by hard CC (paralyze, petrify, stun, prone) when soloing. Those are the things that will kill you. You either have to equip and consume items which will protect you (Potion of Recovery, Little Savior, Fenwalker Boots etc.) or use abilites (Bear's Fortitude etc.) - best if both. The most important defenses when soloing: fortitude and deflection, then reflex (against dragons' breath) then will (getting mind controlled is not a big problem). Dumping DEX will lower your reflex, but you can push it back up with a shield and weapon & shield style. Also you shouldn't stick to one item setup. Best to adapt your gear to the upcoming encounters. For example you want to use the awesome Aila Braccia over Little Savior gainst Lagufaeth and against Thaos - while it's not good against melee attackers like Ogres.