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Everything posted by Boeroer

  1. Correct. Expand the spell portfolio a bit (what grimoires do which makes wizards so much more flexible - but to a lesser extend). Could also be from different classes or entirely new ones. And then some more unique stuff like a bonus spells use here and a PL bonus there. Like a Prayerbook that contains only prayers and litanies and gives a fitting bonus to them and so on. The whole discussion is that the big drawback of Priests and Druids compared to Wizards is that you are kind of forced to forgo certain situational spells if you don't want to gimp yourself. In PoE you didn't have that problem because Priests and Druids got all their spells unlocked at once while the Wizard had to learn them at level up. The Wizard compensated with a lot bigger selection of spells and grimoires. In Deadfire all three have to learn them BUT wizards get grimoires ALTHOUGH they don't have a disadvantage anymore. They keep the enormous spell selection and at the same time Priests and Druids lose their advantage. And then the grimoires allow you to not even pick a single spell at lvl-up and not be gimped at all as soon as you get some grimoires. That indeed seperates them from the other two - but it's also highly unbalanced and unfair - now that P&D lost their advantage of PoE's "auto-learn".
  2. Because Epic does not even have a review option, they have literally nothing. It's a vanilla steam and it will takes years to come close to the features what steam allready has, if they even plan to implent them. And that's an excuse for infantile behavior? I think only being an infant is. Well maybe some of those people are infants after all...
  3. Yes, it's very nice. I don't mention it too often because I consider it to be a late(ish) game item and I try to avoid to base whole build ideas on those. But yeah: awesome piece of equipment, that's true.
  4. Don't forget Enduring Dance (+3 to +12 ACC) and a SC Monk's Razor's Edge (up to +10 ACC) combined with what you said. I indeed often use it with dual blunderbusses (mainly for stacking Resonant Touch on single enemies) or mortars. Both make sure you have plenty of attack rolls - and if only one of them crits you're good. What I also like is a Rapier+modal (especially Rännig's Wrath) + Dagger combo with Swift Flurry/Hearbeat Drumming. I will mainly use Stunning Surge because it applies -10 deflection, it's a Full Attack that will omit the Rapier modal's +50% recvery but retain its +20 ACC bonus while the fast Dagger will determine my (short) recovery time - and I will have two chances of landing a crit with high ACC weapons. As soon as I will crit I get back all Mortification AND have a 50% chance that the attack will be repeated... and repeated... and repeated...
  5. It does cost resources especially if you want to use it often: if you use it with no curse on you it's 0 wounds. With every curse on you it costs +1 wounds. So the average cost may even be higher than Efficient Anguish's. You could also compare it to Stunning Surge which often costs 0 Mortification. Besides that FF costs you health. Anyway: the point was the comparison between PEN and dmg of fists (weapon) vs. Forbidden Fist (ability). In that context the cost doesn't matter so much as the Power Level scaling that is missing from auto-attacks with fists but not from ability attacks with fists.
  6. Exactly. The White March becomes part of the main game and at some point you will become a hint that it's accessible now. This is not a seperate expansion that takes place after the main quest. But it basically adds tons of side quest + areas, char levels, abilites, talents and items to the main game. Good level for entering the while march is 8 (challenging) over 10 (good spot) to 12 (almost too easy). That's my personal experience though that I try to project onto new players. Don't pin me down on it. Experienced players might want to do it earlier, "storytimers" might want to play it more easy. But I think a new player shouldn't tackle that area before lvl 8. You didn't need to start a new game by the way. A tip: the expansion will also add a map called "Crägholt Bluffs". Geographically it's on the way to the White March. But it's a lot harder that WM and is supposed to be tackled after the expansion because it's very high level content. You will get warned by your steward who will tell you that's a very tough place and basically that you need to level up more - but most players tend to overread that. They then come here and complain that the Bluffs are so brutal.
  7. Grimoire Slam does. I tested that while writing the bug report. I didn't test Kalakoth's Frozen Fishfingers or other "melee" spells though.
  8. I can understand why some people are mad (even if I'm not). But even if you are mad about the Outer Worlds going to the Epic Store - why go to PoE's or Deadfire's Steam pages and leave bad reviews there? That's the reasoning of imbeciles.
  9. You can't compare Forbidden Fist (ability) with plain fist (weapon) though. That's like comparing Mule Kick (ability) with a Sword (weapon). I mean you can - but that's not an overly useful comparison. Forbidden Fist is a (non-weapon) ability which scales its damage, PEN etc. with Power Level - like all offensive abilities do. Since it also proftis from Transcendent Suffering, it scales with Power Level twofold - as all offensive Monk abilites do if you execute them with fists. So if you wanted to compare the non-weapon ability FF with your fists somehow and come to some meaningful conclusions you need to pick an attack ability that you use with your fists - for example Force of Anguish. Both then profit from PL scaling (+5% base damage, PEN increase, ACC and so on) and then you'd have a more meaningful comparison I think. You might be able to see then that the PEN difference between Force of Anguish and Forbidden fist isn't as severe anymore - also because you can use the fist modal with FoA but not with FF and also get some passive PEN bonuses via multiclass (Devoted, Hammering Thoughts...) that don't work with FF. I personally think it's quite bad that FF is not considered to be a weapon attack - because it's odd that it doesn't generate focus and doesn't get bonuses from Sneak Attack and so on. If I'm right it doesn't even trigger Swift Flurry and Heartbeat Drumming. That's not the slickest of ability designs if you ask me. I guessthey wanted to emphasize on the "fist" aspect and thus wanted to make sure that it only does crush damage. But giving it its own base damage and make it a non-weapon attack was not the coolest move. Instead they could have make it so that it's only useable with fists. I mean they do it with Aegis of Loyality - so why not with Forbidden "Fist"? Since Mons want to have their fists in at least the second weapon slot it woul have been a lesser deal than this weird non-weapon-things that prevents some nice multiclass synergies. So atm can be seen as an unusual debuffing ability but not a dps ability (besides the self damage). THe nice thing is that it scales quite well with Power Level due to its starting PL of 0. That means you already get +5% base dmg at lvl 1 I guess?
  10. Anecdotal Evidence It's also a cultural thing though. As I already said - in Italy young people stay a lot longer with Mamma e papà than for example Germans or Romanian do. I can still can't see that italian millenials feel more entitled than german or romanian ones. So maybe this part of the discussion doesn't have that much to do with one's overall behavior in the first place?
  11. Hello, I have news: Will you guys help me and post/attach such things as vids or savegames here? I will tell Sam that he can collect it here in this post. Thanks!
  12. Yes, you can just put that ring on your finger before resting and take it off afterwards: no hangover.
  13. Dual wielding automatically gives you a 30% bonus, not 15%. Two Weapon Style is 15% like you said. It's better than a normal small shield. Especially because of Full Attacks and the unarmed-enchantments which apply to shield and fist. I wouldn't say barely better but much better.
  14. Eh? Usually Edér as swashbuckler is a vanilla Fighter/Rogue, no subclasses.
  15. Dammit. That makes Forbidden Fist/Soulblade a lot less attractive. I guess this also means it will not trigger stuff like Swift Flurry, Heartbeat Drumming and Sneak Attack, Deathblows und such?
  16. Why is that? Forbidden Fist can't generate wounds from damage - or do you mean FF will not catch a lot of afflictions once defenses are too high? You can help that with self induced afflictions which do no attack rolls (e.g. Powder Burns). Besides that: with high RES the Forbidden Fist curse is short enough that you don't need much else (if you also pick Enduring Dance). It's also very difficult to completely avoid stuff like your party member's pulsing AoE spells (Binding Web, Tanglefoot, Pull of Eora etc.) - even with high defenses you will get grazed (which is great since the duration is even shorter then).
  17. Oh - then that has changed or I must misrember. I thought I used it with a SC Paladin and a Beckoner in the party, combined with Devine Retribution and so on... The alternatives are not so nice: Ring of the Solitary Wanderer and Harmony Ring kind of contradict each other... Chameleon's Toch only raises RES for Priest (ok when mutilclassing with one of course) and Druid (played a Forbidden Fist/Animist already - was meh)... what else is out there?
  18. You are really trying to make a good impression with your first posts, aren't you?
  19. Right. Cloak of Poverty - good point. You can also get a lot of +RES with those necklaces that give you +1 RES per fallen ally (includes summons) - caps at +4. Then you would already be at +10 with items and pet, +15 with inspiration - if you had 20 starting RES you are already at 35. Sweet. Then add the other duration reductions like Lone Wolf... Too bad that afflcitions that get negated by Resistance don't count.
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