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Everything posted by hilfazer

  1. I think you should test it just one more time, with Driving Flight and Twinned Arrows. Just to be extra sure
  2. Generally Durgan should be used on weapons with attack speed bonus to capitalize on it or weapons with on crit effects. Don't use Durgan steel on anything with reload as the bonus to attack speed will be almost totally wasted. With Cipher in the group i'd use durgan on Rain of Godagh field warbow, but since you have Stormcaller you should probably stick to it, people say it's uber awesome.
  3. With 21 might my Relentless Storm has 4.(6) DPS and that's with 0 DR enemy. Is it that much? Other lightning spells have more but they are single target.
  4. Tornado is a lvl 4 spell at best and it's not like i'd prefer it to Overwhelming Wave. But it occupies lvl 8 slot. Gimme metamagic already!
  5. More likely to make up for focus cost increase. Nerfing drugs was simply a cipher nerf. BTW: Obsidian seems to hate absolute numbers per hit. First they removed it from cipher talent, now from drugs. They prefer % because this is, more or less, equally effective with every weapon, while absolute numbers are better with some weapons than with others. Do not let players make mistakes!
  6. Max INT. Nothing has chaned since release in that regard. You'll need duration increase for your spiritshifting.
  7. But not everyone can Carnage! Yeah, wizards can, even on range, but they are omnipotent by design so you can't really compare.
  8. If your playstyle works for you than by all means stick to it. But some players use Torment's Reach probably because it's just a good ability.
  9. The cone of Torment's Reach is also shorter. It's not that bad but if you want to hit archers as well then yeah, 10 INT won't do this. But because you can buff your INT or use ring of overseeing, base 10 INT should suffice.
  10. Not to mention nerfs to both Faith and Conviction and Deep Faith. Obs wanted fighters to have better deflection than palas. But instead of making Defender actually good, killing 2 birds with 1 stone, they decided to introduce potential balance problems by touching paladins.
  11. 6 Killing Bolt traps were pretty useful to me in Alpine Dragon fight You can buy them in Stalwart, as well as Chaotic Orb (or what it's name) trap which is good vs groups. However, most damage traps are pretty weak.
  12. Wrong. Apprentice Sneak Attack is horribly underpowered, avoid it. While other cross-class skills have 67%-80% of original's skill power (or even 100% for some numbers) this one has only 30%.
  13. With 2 retaliations there's still only one thunder Perhaps it's a bug!
  14. Well, it's melee only and that's what description says as well. Contrary to Wildstrike's description.
  15. There's Sabra Marie but where's Borreseine? You should either include CC bows or not.
  16. Are bonuses from equipment items supposed to stack now or is it an exception to the rule?
  17. Extra damage for spells would be really OP early game but would become more or less balanced later, i think. That's because of all those shiny, awesome items you're going to loose when spiritshifted. I'm thinking of high level druid talent that makes Wildstrike bonus apply for all druid attacks.
  18. J.S.: You know what Fergie, i think we should make a second expansion for Pillars. F.U.: Don't worry Joshie, i've already taken care of that. J.S.: What? What do you mean? F.U.: Remember when i told you to split White March into two parts? J.S.: Yes, that was rather strange decision but you're the boss. F.U.: Hehe, yeah. And now you will understand why i'm the boss here. Those players now think they already got 2 expansions from us! J.S.: O_O, impossible! F.U.: But it's true. Check the forums. People are already speculating about third expansion. J.S.: Hmm, i can't find anything. F.U.: OUR forums, not Something Awful. J.S.: Ahhh, now i can see this. It's incredible! F.U.: The power of marketing. J.S.: But we still have energy and all those cool ideas ... F.U.: Save them for PoE2. Sequel is supposed to match BG2, we'll have to do our best. Now, take your rest Joshie, you've done well.
  19. I didn't say Avenging Storm is a lash but you're right it's a separate attack so it will not benefit from lashes. OTOH it's never mentioned in Wildstrike description that it affects melee attacks only
  20. What about making Deep Faith follow Obsidian talent design and make it buff Faith & Conviction by 50%?
  21. I'm pretty sure it is a bug. Two identical recipes don't make any sense. Also, how come you can make refined ingots when enchanting your weapon? I can only make them in the Forge which makes sense. When enchanting an item i only have "Durgan-refined weapon" under "White Forge" category. BTW: Prices went up, just like IRL. Refined Ingot recipe needs 4 ingots, Efficent one needs 3.
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