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Everything posted by hilfazer

  1. Kinda hard to do when mana is used for rangers/fighters/rogues etc. I meant "being creative and calling it something else than 'mana', which is used so often that it's a trope in itself". I meant "If Obs was to use 'mana' they would more likely use it for rangers/rogues etc (because their resource works like mana) than for wizards".
  2. Kinda hard to do when mana is used for rangers/fighters/rogues etc.
  3. I'm more concerned about variety of magic, which equals 0 in this video. I don't like how they shown us how to beat story important boss. I'd rather end the video right before battle starts and use that extra time to show spells. I heard she's a mage. I like she's not wearing chainmail bikini.
  4. Fury in 3, not Strife as was hinted? I blame their new corporate overlords! IMHO Fury looks pretty Blizzardish.
  5. There's no such thing. If you combine tank and damage dealer (BTW thank You for saying 'damage dealer' and not 'DPS') you are back to regular everyday normal standard warrior.
  6. Hey guys. Did you know rapiers have crossguards? It means Ydwin does not have one, but rather a smallsword (yeah, hilt is not too standard but it can pass as a smallsword). I really like it. Ydwin does not seem very strong and since rapiers are not light it makes more sense to give her something lighter like a smallsword. Good job Obsidian. And i've yet to see a proper explanation on why Ydwin looks anime. Just showing pictures won't cut it.
  7. You don't need Might for CC, you can take points from here and put them into Perception which you do need. Maxed Intellect wouldn't hurt. For Spell masteries: lvl1: either Nature's Mark or Tanglefoot. lvl2: Blizzard used to be good but after heavy nerf i won't risk recommending it so you can stay with Insect Swarm. lvl3: Returning Storm. lvl4: Overwhelming Wave - it can be used twice per combat if you cast it out of combat and out of enemy vision range (per encounter will refresh before spell hits the enemy). Or Calling the World's Maw if you're not comfortable with Wave's template. Borresaine does CC, Cloudpiercer AFAIR does not. There's also Sabra Marie warbow but it comes later. Can't go wrong with warbows if you want ranged weapon. As for elemental talents - for typical caster druid it's fire > lightning > cold (no acid, it's useless due to a bug, except for resist). But for CC druid lightning takes a priority. They don't really help you with CC but if you have a spare talent they are worth it. Remember druids only have one paralysis spell that works vs only one enemy category. Ditto for mind affecting effects (charm). It doesn't make them bad at CC, i mention it so you don't get surprised.
  8. I wish Obsidian return to their original idea and make Wildstrike add bonus damage to all damage instead of just spiritshift melee. And also to this: "Over the course of the game, druids can acquire additional spiritshift forms to give them more options." Source: http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/65829-update-74-the-mob-rulers-wizards-and-druids-and-our-partnership-with-paradox/
  9. Nope, but level 1 spells in Pillars are a lot stronger than they are in D&D. Spells in Pillars are, in general, a lot stronger than they are in D&D because spells can graze. Sometimes you don't really need to petrify them for the full duration - a couple seconds is all you need. In D&D, if they save or resist your spell, too bad. In Pillars, grazes can often get you by just fine, especially if it's a control spell and not a damage spell (hence why control wizards tend to be orders of magnitude more reliable and better, overall, than damage wizards.) I wouldn't call them stronger, but more raliable. It's nice you use 'petrify' as an example - it is incomparably stronger in D&D than in POE, and you can get it from lvl1 chromatic orb instead of lvl 7 Chaotic Orb (with a duration of 3s). They are stronger at dealing damage, i'll give you that. Keep in mind grazes are not specific to spells and they were not introduced because of them - they are more general thing and were added because Josh does not want us (and our enemies) to miss much. POE2 gets rid of many grazes and most likely will replace them with hits. This is what i forgot to mention in my previous post, my bad. There's similar spell in IE games, with same name even! There is also Chaos. Not sure if both of them lacked FF but at least 1 did. You. I'd really welcome such a spell in my POE. But maybe it's just me, i like positioning in combat, i like FF and dealing with it. But i understand gamers who do not want to be bothered by such things and want cast their spells whenever and wherever they want. So does Obsidian since they made Tyranny. Not enough FF on spells could be another problem (why did they remove it from Winter Wind? ). That's what i missed in IE games. Status effect spells were either always useful if an enemy failed his save or never useful if he didn't. Sometimes useful is a welcome addition. If you can take advantage of that short duration - good for you.
  10. There will be less attacks that can graze in POE2. Obsidian already did something with CC compared to its spiritual predecessors - durations are short. Take for example this D&D spell: http://baldursgate.wikia.com/wiki/Emotion-Hopelessness 1 round = 6 seconds. Is there anything in POE that can compare with that with duration? Well, maybe Binding Roots if ranger has lots of INT and crits but its single target ability and does not prevent all actions. And Hopelessness is still going to beat it with enough caster levels. Keep in mind Binding Roots is a CC with exceptionally long duration. Grazes have only half of those durations.
  11. Is it necessary a nerf? Won't heavy hitting weapons benefit more from % focus generation increase?
  12. Not sure if you forgot to credit me for Cipher + Priest = Inquisitor or you had this idea as well.
  13. Not everyone. For example Colonel RPG didn't and he's not exactly new to RPGs. You can find his LP on Youtube. He's the first person i checked so it's not like i did some extensive search just to prove you wrong.
  14. I was talking about how valuable things are. One of their purposes is to counter each other. If an attacker raises its accuracy by X defender needs to raise his deflection by X as well to mach attacker's increase in accuracy. But not just deflection! He also needs to raise his reflex, fortitude and will by X. Otherwise an attacker would have easier time hitting defender's will/reflex/fort and balance would change.
  15. Cooldown rotation. No friendly fire. % damage reduction from armor (yes, i know).
  16. I'm being generous here and consider deflection to be as good as 3 other defenses togehter. If it's weaker then imbalance between RES and PER is even greater. Everyone knows that accuracy is rolled against all defenses so: 1 acc = 1 def + 1 ref + 1 for + 1 wil assuming 1 def = 1 ref + 1 for + 1 wil we have 1 acc = 1 def + 1 def and after simplification 0.5 acc = 1 def
  17. It's sad and strange at the same time that Resolve is so glaringly unbalanced with Perception: 1 deflectionequals about 0.5 accuracy. Crits are only 150% damage if attacker doesn't have any damage bonuses.
  18. If you're right won't cipher/spellcaster multiclasses be a bit UP? It's strange Josh wants to add another scaling to Soul Whip. It may not be obvious but SW do scale in POE1 already - it scales with max focus and i'm pretty sure max focus will depend on cipher level in POE2.
  19. Are You sure Blizzard stacks with Cautious Attack? It's a spell and a modal. Swift Aim is a modal and does not stack with spells/other 'active' sources. And there's a typo "penetrating ahot".
  20. 15 accuracy vs 15 deflection= 15% chance to miss, 35% chance to graze, 50% chance to hit 15 accuracy vs 30 deflection= 30% chance to miss, 35% chance to graze, 35% chance to hit vs 85 accuracy vs 85 deflection= 15% chance to miss, 35% chance to graze, 50% chance to hit 85 accuracy vs 100 deflection= 30% chance to miss, 35% chance to graze, 35% chance to hit hmm... same. Some classes can get more accuracy than others with abilities/talents, some others - more deflection. The difference is actually bigger at higher levels.
  21. One can triple his enjoyment from Underrail by using speedhack and disabling autosaves on area transition (just don't forget to be saving manually).
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