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Everything posted by drunetovich

  1. Quick weapons for casters and tanks, slow weapons for damage dealers, heavy armor for tanks, light or medium for everyone else depending on unique armor bonuses.
  2. There is a similar wizzard spell, death ring, it also does few grand of damage for 0,3 sec to targets with low endurance.
  3. Trap efficiency should go up, or trap set limit should go up, they are worthless at the moment
  4. As I understand the platform in the center should unlock the secret door in this room, but there is no option to interact with the platform, is this a bug or am I missing something? http://cloud-4.steamusercontent.com/ugc/529511938019285527/53AF4AB286CFEF48060992992298FE99CE1F6810/
  5. Yes, confused characters wander around and attack things randomly
  6. Tom missed the opportunity here to make things interesting. I would have made something like: Miss - No effect Graze - Dazed Hit - Confused Crit - Dominated
  7. It is assumed that you spent this gold beforehand in the town buying reagents required for crafting. Exactly as it is assumed that you dedicated all your spare time to training a specific talent that you select on levelup.
  8. Palladin with righteous soul talent may solo such encounters. Otherwise use knockdown\stun abilities on controlled characters.
  9. Game becomes progressively easier with your knowledge of encounters, game mechanics and loot locations.
  10. Then a certain sister will tell you how she is waiting for her sister and it is her fault that she is dead now, while her sibling stands right beside her alive and well?
  11. It seemed to me that this bash thing makes my fighter do less dps, due to skipping strikes from a decent main hand weapon.
  12. Aaand Topic Necromancer of The Year prize goes to PugPug. This was changed a very long time ago.
  13. I agree, side flipping mechanics are BS, they made a cheap implementation with simple join party\leave party system, instead of implementing proper class of out of control characters. Charmed enemy gets immediate benefits of your party auras, heals, and gets immunity on yellow AOE zones, while i just want to make him jump off the nearest cliff instead of this.
  14. They hate you for not liking things they love, it is that simple. Walk into the biker bar and proclaim how you hate the bikes, see how that will end for you. Welcome to real life chum. I think the guys here went so far as create a list of critics that gave a bad score to PoE, so that vengeance would never stop. UPD: Yeah, just checked - you made it there, congratulations, you are on the list.
  15. All spells use your base class attack score + char level*3 + spell specific bonus + any general accuracy bonuses your character has including buffs
  16. Paladins with properly leveled faith and conviction, combined with level 10 righteous soul passive is near untouchable, my main is built like this, his DT is close to 30 across the board, and defences are at about 120, enemy control effects bounce off him and most attacks are miss or graze for min damage.
  17. There is no difference which faction gets you in the hearing or what you do there, result is always the same.
  18. There is a priority list at work here, enemy will try to engage closest target, if route blocked, it will look for next closest target, it will also reevaluate target priority every few seconds, new closest target, low hp enemy or someone who recently damaged them will also get on their priority list.
  19. Rogue with a hunting bow is viable if you don't mind micromanaging, as he can rapidly switch targets and apply his raw damage dot to 6+ targets, overall dps output will be considerable.
  20. I agree, crawling around whole map just to find hidden items is annoying, search should work passively as it was in NWN
  21. My guys got down to maimed and then it was gone. Definite bug though.
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