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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. At the moment I have a screenshot from KOTOR2 of Atton, wearing some geek red shades....yes I 'm sad. :D
  2. Love is taking a preaching Disciple and a rascally Atton and twisting them around in circles until one fights the other to the death. Damn I wish that had been in the final game.....
  3. The scene in Nal Shadda's bar, where you're supposed to get rid of all the pazaak champions - what the female one says to Atton after he 'plays' a game with her for 'you'. That one cracked me up. I can't remember the exact words off-hand tho.
  4. Great work at helping flesh out the story/NPC interactions for people. I would have really liked to see Atton & Disciple fighting, sounds like a cool scene. One thing I noticed, is that some of those cut scenes were supposedly to be triggered depending on influence - for example, "if player has more influence with Atton than Disciple" - I know it appears that there was a dialogue/scene in case that wasn't the case, but it brings up the issue (to me) of....since so many players like to try and get max influence with everyone possible, I wonder how many would never have seen those scenes even if they'd been included. :D Makes me wonder if there's anything different like that even in the truncated game in that regard. I always seem to get max influence with Disci and Atton, for example. I guess I should try to not do that and see if they react different. I wish there was an in-game way to see your actual influence rating with an NPC - not just by how well their bar matches yours.
  5. Or maybe even downgrade the drivers. nvida's 66 drivers have caused a lot of trouble for some recent games, lately.
  6. This is one of those times where I'm convinced you're thinking three steps ahead of me, and I cannot see the destination. -- Disciple's reaction to when you 'give' the Ebon Hawk back to the guy in Nal Shadda
  7. I had a hard time being 'evil' in Kotor2 myself...I'm usually a good or chaotic good sort. But I really wanted to see/play the dark side in this game so I forced myself to go that way. Had to restart twice before I could stop thinking 'nice'. heh But.....I absolutely loved being Dark by the end. I'm playing Light now, and it feels more dull - I can't tell people to jump in pits, or kill that guards by the Exchange door just for fun, etc. Plus I have to refrain from snapping at Kreia....nooooooo! Being Light has brought up different dialogues with my fave characters tho, and that's enough reason to continue. I want to hear/see everything. :D And it's been a lot easier to achieve Mastery and keep it there (so far) with Light than Dark - especially in terms of the NPC influence stuff.
  8. I haven't slept much in three days - first to finish the game and now to being a second game. And now my husband is playing it too - glitchy or not, balancing issues or no, it's still the best game in ages. I was getting so tired of the same old RPG and RTS....
  9. It's 5 to max out influence far as I can tell - I've counted - after that, they still do their cutscene reactions to something influential but you get no actual influence gain anymore. I max out Atton before I even leave Telos.
  10. Atton left because he captured a jedi who touched him with the Force and threw him into mental confusion chaos - so he killed her because he hated her and loved her at the same time or something (for causing the confusion and making him see things differently) - and to save her from further torture maybe? - and then left.
  11. Wow...another fan. I was blown away by Tigana. I still haven't read the Tapestry...even tho I bought it years ago. I mostly read sci-fi like Asimov or Jack Chalker, or fantasy...with a little horror and historical fiction thrown in (particularly the US Civil War period). But I became tired of never ending series syndrome and stopped reading, mostly, several years ago.
  12. I got DS mastery and saw the bonus, but never tried to get any of my party to mastery so I can't comment on that. But I was noticing this evening, that I now have Light mastery and two converted jedis who seem like they should have it (their bars are the same and I have max influence with them), but they do not - certainly no bonus. I was assuming party members just don't get the mastery bonus, only Exile - but....*confused*...ah well.
  13. Oh wait...sorry...yes it's the Exiles skill used to breakdown items - anyone else's skill can be used to create, but only Exiles is (supposed) to be for breakdown. Although, some say that's not true for them. Just more inconsistent glitches. P.S. The endless components/energy shield etc. tricks don't work on my PC version of the game.
  14. You need a Repair skill of 20 to have an item breakdown into the same amount of components that it would cost to create. If you'er breaking down something that's worth only 1 component to begin with, 20 Repair won't make a whit of difference. But if you're breaking down an 'expensive' blaster or armor, you'll notice.
  15. Once you leave Iziz/Onderon the first time you can't ever return 'normally'. You can't return to complete quests or play pazaak or...etc. You just return to fight.
  16. Oh...also....about the smuggler quest....keep in mind that....
  17. The two escaping crimminals quest - they never showed up on the planet for me either, but after finishing with the Handmaiden hideout I went back to Telos and talked to Grenn and told him I'd killed them (even tho I didn't) and the quest completed. But you don't even have to do that.
  18. I'm no fan of purple/violet/pink hues, but I like that one much better than the 'violet' in the game.
  19. Yeah I think I only had 2 or three influences to Bao and then he jumped to Jedi too. Got one in Atris lair. Got one on Dxun. If there was a 3rd I don't remember where - maybe Dantoon. I think in terms of number of needed influences he's fairly minor - but there's not tons of places where he's allowed to gain it and easily missed. Which causes the "I have 50 savegames per character" syndrome.....
  20. Disciple (melee/force storm), Bao and Mandalore (both ranged) to Dxun - no problem. Atton refused to be seperated from his Exile so guess where he went. My current game I'll probably make Disciple the leader again (he really does make a crushing Jedi fighter type) but use maybe...HK and Mira. HK might be fun since I like ranged support. I think it'd be funny to pick all three droids for Dxun...
  21. So the unpopularity of Disciple carries over even to this? lol Funny how I hated him at first and now I'm so attached to him. I couldn't say why, either. Contrast probably. *shrug* The voice-actor looks nothing like Disciple, IMO. http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0254862/
  22. Yes, Visa's hurts them...but she can't kill them. They'd get down to 1hp or something and then their lifebar would just pop back to about 1/10 full, repeat forever till she finally loses her half-health. And they are damaging Visas on their own. I didn't touch a hair under her veil. :D Edit - Disciple was the only one good enough to put her down in a few swipes. T3 took a while, and I wasn't going to wait for Remote's result. teehee
  23. Intriguing. T3 & Disciple and the Remote all attack/follow her. But Atton can't get his skinny arse wedged out from behind his chair, and Bau-dor & Kreia take an attack stance but don't actually fire/attack. I love this game.
  24. Nothing to add that hasn't already been said, but yes, I agree...he wasn't that difficult. None of the bosses were, since by the time I got to them I was lvl 26-29. Heck, those Veteran Mercenaries on surface of Telos near the Military Base gave me a harder time, for my chr. lvl/items etc.
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