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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. I like this one cause...well...because. I'll try to get some more non-Atton ones made up today. He tends to be in most of mine. http://crimsonkeep.com/images/screenshots/gotta_hurt.jpg
  2. Oh, hush. I'm actually interested in combat pictures. Anyone got any of those to share? http://crimsonkeep.com/images/screenshots/a_combat24.jpg (62kb)
  3. That first one is a nice one of Bao. I guess this is turning into a screenshot thread. Heh.
  4. I'd love to be able to disable the HUD for screens too. Sure, you can hit capslock for standing-still screens, but it doesn't seem to let you do that during combat, even if the Exile isn't involved in the fighting.
  5. Disciple doesn't love the Exile in that way, because he sees relationships as something other than carnal. He says so. Sort of. Course, he also says he may, perhaps, even have 'feelings' for her. To me he sounds like a monk or priest trying to ignore feelings he's not supposed to have. Atton - I agree about the redemption part. I mean, even his name could indicate that - Atton - Atone (I know it's pronounced differently but it's still suspiciously similar) - But I also think he believes he loves her - perhaps because he doesn't really know what it is, if that makes any sense. But in the end, he doesn't have it in him to do anything more than watch from a distance and be jealous of Disciple for no discernable reason, since Disciple seems content to do nothing but meditate and study star charts.
  6. Forgive me, but a page after that I couldn't read any more giant blocks of quotes and replies, so I don't know if this was mentioned already - But Kreia says that exact same line when you turn Disciple into a Jedi. Whether that disrupts the theorization of whether she's Handmaiden's mother I don't know - but I just took it to mean that she was commenting to herself on how the Exile training new Jedi was a step towards...something. Perhaps the end of the Exile's self-imposed exile/desire to run away from the Force etc? I think making assumptions of plot based on whether or not the Exile is male/female is kind of moot...a lot of the stuff seems to duplicate to a degree, only because you have Handmaiden/Disciple or male/female Exile you can put a different slant to the potential meaning behind the words. (EDIT - there's probably a universal plot notion behind many of those types of things, rather than specific character-dialogue dependant ones) Oh...and...I thought that the Handmaiden that you talk to in the Secret Acad. (the 'last Handmaiden') is The Handmaiden? - ie, if you're male, she joins you later when you leave the Academy - if you're female, she does not, and that's all. If that's the case, then yes, as a female Exile you do meet the Handmaiden, if briefly.
  7. Yup...a lot of work. I have the time & resources to set something like that up (it wouldn't be fancy....) but I'd certainly need help in policing it. Either that or I'd have people email their stuff and I'd do all the loading to the server. That would limit some possible problems.
  8. I use no mods either. I rarely use mods in any game, I'm just funny that way. If I get bored enough of a game to consider using mods, usually that means that even with the mod I'd still find it boring so... The exception was Morrowind - I used a lot of small mods for that game, although I still never used any that changed the actual gameplay.
  9. This is what I'm using for my wallpaper at the moment. heh (586KB) Edit: I turned it into an attachment instead of a direct link...whoever was using it as their myspace background, sorry, too much hotlinking lately... )
  10. I'd like a place where people could share them - which would probably be a forum or some other kind of content-sharing site devoted to screenies. Of each character, of action, of whatever. Could even include Kotor1, and the fanart. I could probably make one myself & bandwidth be hanged, but if it's not something people would be interested in it's too much work for nothing. :D
  11. What kind of screenshots? And actuallly, I was kind of wondering if people had made websites for sharing such things, myself. heh
  12. So far the Dxun one always works for me. Although I don't just stand in one spot like some recommend - I dash between the two areas they spawn (the practice spot and to the side of the city entrance spot). In my game, some of the Mandolorians never die, so if I stand in the right spot in the middle sometimes I can just walk away and they kill them (takes a long time tho) and I get the exp. But I noticed the Sith seemed to take alternate turns which spot they re-spawn - hence my running back and forth.
  13. Exile: I singlehandedly saved a city (something like that) Atton: You think you're hot stuff, don't you?
  14. That's what made me smile. :D Good to hear...I'm about ready for a patch now, myself.
  15. No...nothing super good. One or two middling weapons and some lower end misc. stuff. Don't know if it's random loot tho.
  16. In my game, I got that compartment info, went back to look, it wasn't there. Then at some point near the end of the game, I went to talk to Visa's, and it was suddenly there. I have no idea what triggered it to show up so long after the encounter with the guy claiming to 'own' the Hawk.
  17. Wondering if you could elaborate on that? I know I saw someone mention something about his high charisma messing with the NPC's or something and i don't quite understand it as I haven't noticed anything. At any rate, you could just toss him out of the party before an influence encounter.
  18. Unfortunately, there's no way to check influence without using one of the save game editors. However, when you gain influence, you can see their 'light/dark' side indicator bar move further towards your own side. Just keep checking that. As long as you haven't lost influence you'll get tehre eventually. Kreia is the exception - stays Neutral no matter what - that's just the way the game designers made her. Gaining influence with her just brings some story and rewards, not a change of side. P.S. Oh...and even if they look like they're completely, say, Dark, their actual disposition towards kindness/meanness doesn't change.
  19. I didn't like silver/white until I found a black robe in my 2nd game. My 1st game I didn't find any black robes at all. Love that random engine.
  20. Yeah, it's random...sometimes when you get a saber from a quest it'll be bronze (it'll look yellowish in your inventory, but orange when you equip it).
  21. There's also a way to get infinite exp on Dxun moon, when the Sith assasins attack....just stay away from the area in front of Mandolores HQ entrance so as not to trigger the 'go to Onderon' cutscene, and the Sith they keep on comin.... P.S. I find the Dxun one more fun.....
  22. I thought that scalvenger shop lady on Dantoon was the one...just save before you talk to her the first time etc. And bronze crystals look pretty much the same as orange, to me...maybe those would do, too?
  23. Lucas is quite obsessed with the universe he created. Some might say a tad too obsessed. Doesn't matter how he changes them or polishes them - to me SW will always be the memory of being 9 years old and seeing the original SW in the theater...and then seeing it again..and again. Pestering my older brother to take me etc. All the added stuff just seems to kind of degrade my idealized childhood memory. Some people don't know when to leave something alone, that's all. And yeah, I know I'm biased by that memory. heh But...he did have a vision.
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