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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. Less NPC's for me too. I think six or at the most, a max of eight. I understand they were trying to give more options and also probably replay value with 10, but I don't think it worked well with this game & the way it's structured. Also, in this game, IMO, most of the humanoid NPC's, at least, can all be molded into essentially the same sort of support character - whatever type one favors - negating one of the reasons to switch (different abilities). It's not like in BG1, where if you picked up a wimpy Mage, he was a Mage, and you couldn't use him as a melee tank. In terms of story - less works better for me there, too. The more you have, the less time can be spent on each one's story etc, unless the game takes a month to play through or something. heh So yeah, less NPC's in order to focus on their story/backgrounds better, agree.
  2. I'm not sure what you're asking. Their alignment tends to come closer and closer to your own the more influence you have with them. if you're asking whether or not you can make them 'Masters' and have them get the bonuses, there seems to a bit of debate on that issue. I, for example, have never been able to achieve it. They get to just under Light/Dark mastery (99 out of 100) and stay there, no matter what I try and do. But some have said their NPC's have recieved Mastery so dunno. I did notice that sometimes, if someone is lagging behind (even with high influence) sometimes if you allow yourself to lose a LS/DS point or two, and then regain them, that somehow that brings the lagging member up to speed.
  3. Capercaillie - song, 'Hi rim bo'. Over and over again. Hubby's not home so, well, I can. Harhar.
  4. Edit - wrong again...influence part does register some. Not sure if it's worth more than being nice in the first place tho. Meh..I need sleep. Eyes are buggy. If it isn't a bug, it sure seems like Atton-favoritism, giving the player a way influence him positively even right after PO'ing him off.
  5. What's the deal with the bit about his Echani training re: influence? If you Force Persuade him to try and get him to tell you, then Persuade to say 'sorry, you'd be an asset' (or something like that) you lose and gain influence at the same time, plus get a DS point. But then, you can click on him again, he says "ready to start interrogating me again?', and you can (skill) Persuade about being an asset again, to gain influence and a LS point. And then you can do it again, it's exactly the same, for another + influence and LS point. It's not infinite, just the two times - if you click a 3rd time he goes back to saying he's fine - but it's odd.
  6. Of course he cheated. heh What I want to know about that picture, however, is why, with all those beefed up stats etc, he has a Fortitude of minus 122?
  7. Yeah..what was with that? DS, you get the nifty black long johns. LS, you get...the same brown underwear you started with. Where's the shiny white LS underwear??
  8. Cause I'm not that into the SW universe and when it originally came out for some reason I thought it was more of an action game (maybe I mixed it up with another SW game) so I ignored it. I picked up KOTOR2 (and a couple others) because I'd just built a new PC and was looking for mid to high spec games to test it out with. And now...I'm afraid I wouldn't like because I'm so enamoured of the 2nd one. Maybe later.
  9. I was kind of wondering the same thing myself. I tend to go the middling road with stats, since I play Sent's. Such as 16 INT for the skills...10 in Wisdom (still get enough mana/do enough damage, with all the bonuses/items in the game) and Charisma (I pump Persuade and/or get Force Persaude & have no problems there...) and the rest into str & Con. I ignore Dex. I was thinking for next time I may lower the int to 14 and put the points elsewhere, probably wisdom. The Sent. really doesn't need that many skill points.
  10. Since I haven't played Kotor1 can't really judge those characters, but from the pics/fan art, I'd still prefer Atton. I like clean-shaven over facial hair. I wonder if you can use a lightsaber to shave. That'd be...manly. Or foolish. Or both. *wink
  11. Nal Shad is really frustrating because if you don't do things in the 'right order' you miss out on a lot of the quests, or whatever. I think some of them you can come back later to finish, but it's still annoying to be in the middle of something, leave an area to try and finish that something, and suddenly be whisked away to deal w/the Exchange etc. It took me a long time but I did finally figure out the best way to progress for my own playstyle. Barely. I manage to get 3 lightsabers and Atton to Jedi and most of the quests I cared about done.
  12. And that's why they needed Anakin to 'bring balance to the Force'. As they say sometimes - be careful what you wish for... heh
  13. I'm not good enough/fast enough to fare well in MP strategy, otherwise I'd like them more. :/ I agree about the AI of computer opponents - even if it's pretty good, it's still predictable after a time, unlike the human mind. I think RPG's are difficult MP wise because of they way they're generally written these days - having to make a decision about a quest, say, or how to answer an NPC - where the group has to come to an agreement about how to handle such things before doing it. It's easier to do that over a tabletop face to face, or alone, than over the net, or something.
  14. Of those choices, I'd go for the lightsaber too. Never need matches or fear hungry bears while hiking again!
  15. I just had to come back to this thread and mention how much I love this cutscene. It's so dark....with Atton standing in the shadowed doorway for long moments, just staring at Disciple's back as Disciple is meditating alone. Then the way he strides into the room saying "That's where you're wrong." It really makes me wish, even more, for that story-arc of Atton fighting Disciple. I can picture it in my head...all dark and gloomy and....sigh
  16. I had a real struggle to play Darkside, since I'm usually such a goody-goody - or at least neutral - in games - I was determined to do it for the first playthrough tho. I ended up liking it immensely. Playing Light is fun too, but it does feel less satisfying somehow - alas, Atton looks much better while Light....fortunately, since I don't care about the Mastery bonus, I can do both - play Light and still be mean on some of those quests that are fun to be mean with. :D
  17. Possible spoiler: 2nd Edit - sorry, I didn't think about this being the non-spoiler forum. Added spoiler tags just in case.
  18. Occasionally playing multiplayer with a few friends is fun...but I'm not very into the concept of MMRPG's either (money's not the issue for me). Every single one I've tried, I end up going off by myself, refusing all the "Party? PARTY?" requests, and play until the game becomes too hard to go it alone and quit. heh I like having the MP environment, where things change, patches are loaded all the time etc,, and there are people around if you want to play with others, but most MMRPG's mostly 'force' you to play together and that I don't like. Something in-between would be nice.
  19. Did you try all the mods for Morrowind? There's a ton of them... But yeah, agree with the others....you've tried most of the known good ones...
  20. OK...here's the answers. A = B = C = D = E = F =
  21. That's an interesting discovery. I suppose that makes sense...never would have thought of it myself. Thanks for sharing that. Makes me think of...some strategies...
  22. This is another case where I didn't find the character annoying so much as the battle-cry. That whiney growl he makes with every hit or when talking or whatever....killing all the guys before letting the Exile out, I nearly went insane from that noise.
  23. The comabt animations, and to some degree, the NPC AI. It wasn't perfect, they'd get stuck and stuff, and occasionally dash miles ahead of you, but it was a lot better than what I usually see of AI. I don't play many action games, so maybe it's graphically old hat to most, but their reactions to battles, movement wise, made them seem more 'real' to me somehow.
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