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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. My eyes have don't really see much difference between bronze and orange in this game... And you can buy at least one silver cystal from one of the shops..I can't remember which one, I'm sure the other threads mention it.
  2. 1) I've taken Disciple & Visas during the 1st trip to Onderon, and Visa's was more interesting interaction wise. No strong opinion there, since I havent' tried 'em all. 2) sometimes the sabers you get from quests come with those colors already in them. A few can be bought in certain stores/location, that I've seen - the rest is just luck of the random item generator.
  3. I like using two singles, personally. I just like the way the more interesting attack animations look when thus equipped. Since I have a weapon in each hand, I still skip Dueling. Edit - I originally liked the double, and I always get that when I build the 1st, but I like double-single better now.
  4. What's wrong with bowing? Cultures for centuries have used the bow to express all kind of things - usually some version of respect. Kind of like a salute, perhaps. Sheesh....
  5. In my current game I said double and except for one extra double, all I've aquired since then is singles. At least they haven't all been purple this time.
  6. So, after getting back to the EbonHawk from meeting with the Jedi guy on Onderon, I encountered a glitch where no one was doing their usual stuff on board. They were all in slightly different spots on the ship, and were just standing there instead of doing their usual 'on the ship animations.' (edited for being a sieve-brain). For example, Bao-Dur was standing right by the workbench. And running down the hallway, I noticed that Atton was standing, apparently tired and grumpy from having to stay behind to fix the ship. So I tickled him...which appeared to annoy him a little bit at first but then he got into the spirit and tried to tickle me back. :D When I left the ship and re-entered it all went back to normal. But I have a save game of it that loads the error back up. Heh.
  7. Fantasy world philosophy aside, game mechanics wise it's just typical to reserve stuff/certain rewards for the player character only - like the saber crystal. Which isn't to say it has to be done that way - I just tend to expect it I guess.
  8. I think I found one on Malchoir in the academy thing, but by then I was all alone and had no need for one.
  9. Since I've only had the game about a week or week and a half, I'm still playing it. :D
  10. Yeah...lvl up Disciple as a soldier for several levels to get all the melee feats fast and then make him a Jedi, and he kicks arse. He runs all over my game casting force lightning while in the middle of packs of bad guys and swatting enemies with his sabers. I don't even need my own force lightning most of the time.
  11. The game plot & character philosophy/motivation, I'm not good with, so I'll skip that. Kreia's murder reference to Atton has to do with his 'deep dark secret' that you learn if you influence him enough to turn him into Jedi...which I assume you did not. Romance - it's pretty limited - mostly to a few cut scenes and dialgoue options. There was supposed to be more (and have more effect on the game) but it was cut out of the final game. There's been a lot of discussion about all the 'cut' dialogues. I haven't played a male yet but w/the female you get a tad more romance if you're Light side and have Mira.
  12. Disciple's important! *stomps foot* ...someone has to defend the poor man....I mean, hey, at least he tells me that I look good and have excellent muscle structure and....most importantly....he makes Atton jealous. ....more seriously....Goto least important, yup. At least as a party-character. I mean, you do end up wandering around his yacht, so without him the game would have been even shorter, but...
  13. Are they even supposed to get bonuses? It seems like that oughta be a player-character only feature.
  14. Mine haven't reached it, and they sure look like they should have it. Unless this game is doing something subtle in that regard and I don't notice.
  15. Damnit, you all really are too talented. There needs to be some collective site for all this KOTOR2 fan art. I could put it up on one of my (usually ignored/unused) servers but...I tend to be lazy... :/
  16. It's not that difficult to get HK fairly quickly if you really want to maximize using him. But I know what you mean. On the one hand the NPC progression-to-aquire is cool, on the other hand...it's not.
  17. Mira to Atton: "Meditation envy?" HK to Goto: "Query: What is it you wish, fat one?"
  18. When you keep trying to take screenshots of every scene/dialogue cool battle in the game. When your spouse starts to play the game on the PC next to yours in order to be in the same room with you once in a while. When you decide that sleep is unneccesary because the Force is with you.
  19. The rust that flakes off his dented parts makes me sneeze. Never any metal polish around when you need it.
  20. I've come to the conclusion that Atton looks best with a black jedi robe and silver/white sabers. And the black head gear that looks a bit like wrap around shades. At certain angles he reminds me a bit of Keenu Reeves in Matrix3 that way. Only better.
  21. Soon is soon enough for me. Time goes by too damn fast for me these days. ....middle of March already...sheesh. But anyway - I also would be eager to have an idea of patch content. Something to gnaw on during the process.
  22. Btw, I'm on the PC - I have no console game systems at all...worked fine for me, as i said already.
  23. Hasn't been that long since the PC came out has it? Let's just hope the wait means it's a really big patch. *crosses fingers*
  24. I got +1 to Treat Injury. If you have no hard points in the skill to begin with, I'm not sure if it shows up. Does sound buggy tho.
  25. Alignment in the Hssiss trick is important because Light siders do not regenerate their Force points in that tomb. So tossing out constant lightning doesn't work very well.......
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