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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. Yes, Visa's hurts them...but she can't kill them. They'd get down to 1hp or something and then their lifebar would just pop back to about 1/10 full, repeat forever till she finally loses her half-health. And they are damaging Visas on their own. I didn't touch a hair under her veil. :D Edit - Disciple was the only one good enough to put her down in a few swipes. T3 took a while, and I wasn't going to wait for Remote's result. teehee
  2. Intriguing. T3 & Disciple and the Remote all attack/follow her. But Atton can't get his skinny arse wedged out from behind his chair, and Bau-dor & Kreia take an attack stance but don't actually fire/attack. I love this game.
  3. Nothing to add that hasn't already been said, but yes, I agree...he wasn't that difficult. None of the bosses were, since by the time I got to them I was lvl 26-29. Heck, those Veteran Mercenaries on surface of Telos near the Military Base gave me a harder time, for my chr. lvl/items etc.
  4. Probably been mentioned before but it's the 1st time for me so I just had to laugh at it.... I'd noticed the first time I fought Visas on the EbonHawk that afterwards, as I ran around the ship, some of my party members had apparently turned on their energy shields (if I'd equipped them with one). So this time through, I'm fighting her in that little room, and all of a sudden T3 rolls up and starts shooting at her. I was thinking, "WTF?" So I re-loaded. When she charged me, I ran down the hall to Disciple's spot (lvl 12) in the medlab and stood facing the med-bed. When she came through the door, Disciple turned on an energy shield (with no prompting from me, since he wasn't in my 'party' on ship) and attacked her. Three swipes and she went down. Of course, the "kill me" bit ignored the location completely and showed herfainting onto the original room floor. :D Utterly hilarious. I have to try it with the other crew members to see how they fare.
  5. Lvl 29. I don't think it's even possible to reach level 50 by just playing the game (no glitches etc). Once I won, I loaded up saves and tried the set/disarm mine trick just to see if it worked (it did - and you can do it anywhere/anytime), but that's also very tedious. Good way to gain a few levels very early on tho, if you really desire power-gaming for some reason. :D
  6. I didn't have that problem in my DS game. If your influence is high, whenever your own alignment shifts much from getting DS/LS points (either way), theirs will too (if you have a lot/max influence they seemed to match your own all the time) - if you're quicksaving and immediately reloading, then it sounds like a bug. Otherwise it could just be some kind of minor delay in showing their reaction to some recent change in your own alignment.
  7. I use whatever the game decides to offer me. <_< I gave Disciple a purple double-blade, because the game seemed obsessed with giving me purple. But I do like to make sure no one else has whatever color I chose for myself. And giving Atton one red and one white seemed symbolic of his dual nature (hard/detached & caring/littleboylost) to me. Not that I had him using sabers much. I avoid green. I don't like green.
  8. I know that achieving DS/LS mastery nets you stat bonuses (and a new look). Is there any other reason to have it? Because it's really difficult to maintain it, what with all the influence stuff giving DS/LS pts etc. Do the rest of you try to keep that up all the time or are you just happy with enough to get the presitge class? I personally gave up and just tried to be 'mostly dark'.
  9. In my initial run my impression is that most of the NPC's don't have much to say towards the end of (their part of) the game, or once you've made them Jedi or have full influence etc. - they all make the occasional comment here and there but the dialogue options don't change. There was a giant thread on these forums about the original plot ending, comlpete with the dialogue lines that still remain in the sounds folder...I don't have the link for it tho.
  10. Hehe...yeah...that was bad. He occasionally said something else tho - I think they all have 2? - but I can't remember what it was at the moment.
  11. It's all in the influence. If you don't have enough influence with those NPC's the dialogue options where they will turn to Jedi never comes up. Since you've finished the game once I'll direct you the XBOX faq/walkthru that has a lot of info about the dialogues that affect the NPC's influence (it also is wrong about a few things but....). The dialogues can be pretty tricky - sometimes if you don't hit exactly the right line at the time it comes up poof the chance is gone. Man I reloaded a ton....... http://db.gamefaqs.com/console/xbox/file/s..._kotor_ii_a.txt
  12. Haven't played the first, but I've seen many people comment on the loading times in KOTOR2. Which I find strange because it seemed very fast to me - both in terms of movies and when moving from one area to another. Never more than a few seconds. Is this a CPU/RAM issue (I have a P4 3ghz/1GB RAM) or am I just lucky? He becomes a member of your party. Has some funny lines but other than that not too interesting IMO.
  13. Much as I like Atton, his constant "More where that came from!" got on my nerves. I wanted to slap him but he'd probably like it too much. Witch - I had Disciple Jedi-fied as DS and he still gave up the Force for the DS end, which makes me think it doesn't matter. Probably just DS he gives it up and LS he doesn't.
  14. Did you try loading an earlier save to see if this glitch happens again? If it does not, then it's likly the save became corrupt in some way (and if that's the case I'd delete the current quicksave file). (edit) If your last 'hard save' was planets and moons ago....well....ahem...never rely on the QuickSave for too long in this buggy game. If it's a reproduceable glitch then I have no clue how one might get around it. Sounds pretty bad.
  15. Talented people on this forum. Kudo's for both for giving the rest of us some visual moments to enhance the stories in our heads.
  16. That was the dark side win. I'm playing LS the 2nd time around so I'll see how different it is, if at all, then. And T3 wins most often - Atton keeps accusing him of cheating. I'm afraid I'm a lousy student of Pazaak....I just play so I can hang around Atton and boost his ego...
  17. "And the Disciple?" "If he leaves this place, he will leave all that is Jedi behind him at last. A heart can handle only so many betrayals before turning away entirely. He will become a Senator on one of the Mid-Rim worlds, and devote himself to the people there. He will be a wise, steady ruler and he will not call upon the Force again. But his rule grow to be a cold one and he will find that the code of the galaxy pales in comparison to the failures of the code of the Jedi." Edit - Ah, no, not 3-way pazaak....the loser just plays the winner etc.
  18. I can tell you...give me a minute I have to pull up all the screenies and type it up
  19. Poor Disciple....he just wants to be loved.... Although according to Kreia's 'future' reading, he won't find any with the Exile, leading to....well, what she said.
  20. I have a side question - how many positive influences does it take to reach the full influence? Four? Six? etc? I certainly maxxed out Atton's influence pretty early in the game. Edit: and the only FAQ/walkthru that I saw that went into extensive dialogue only deals with the dialogues that relate to influence or DS/LS point gains or plot puzzles. I think there are tools to extract the dialogue but I wouldn't know how to use them. If someone does, it'd be really nice to put them in a file somewhere.... :cool: Then I could stop taking all these screenshots of the text...
  21. Atton has so much to say in the beginning of the game, and then he becomes almost silent. On my 2nd time through the game, so far I've noticed a couple dialogues from him I missed the first time, in the beginning. Nothing interesting tho. Someone should write up all the dialogue lines they've seen (insert favorite NPC here) say, so people can compare. hehe But that'd be a big project maybe.
  22. Well, I didn't quite get Atton's skills up like that, being it was the 1st time thru the game for me. But yeah, much later on I realized I should have maxed out precise shot - I didn't. I have no idea what his actual in-fight damage was most of the time in my game - the 10-35ish number was just what showed up on the character screen.
  23. Speculation: perhaps in the original game/plot, Bao-Dur programmed his Remote to display that hologram/instructions if he died/failed a mission of his own (that he tried to undertake after crashing on Malch. etc)
  24. Ohhhh...I have to disagree about the ranged thing too. I had Atton as a 2-blaster guy and he kicked butt. I think his stated damage towards the end was around 10-35 each hand....and with all the ranged feats he did fine - massive critical hits and stun chance on both guns and all that. Sometimes I just stood there and watched & giggled.. Sure, he'd take a bit longer than my one to three swings of the lightsaber, but couldn't ask for better support. Plus, ranged NPC's don't get in the way or get 'stuck' treading in place doing nothing to help because you're in the way of his path-sight to the enemy. I didn't like the rifles however. Fully upgraded high-grade blasters - the unstoppable ones with stun were very effective - is the way to go. I liked having one double- blaster NPC and one melee NPC very much. The auto-target AI (including for the PC character) tend to target the first noticed, which isn't always the closest. That is annoying - I've even had the 'Jedi support mages' dash forward like that..
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