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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. So glitch then? Every time before, when I did that side quest, I had Bao-Dur w/out max influence so he'd gain there. This time w/no one to properly influence it did that. And not worried about it...just curious. I do feel like the more I play the game/the more saves I have/more I delete saves the more these minor things pop up. Maybe I'll re-install. @slipstream - you can't take Atton with you when you first visit Dxun, so I doubt it was intended per say, unless picking that response option favors him regardless, like with T3 in one quest.
  2. Nothing major here, was just playing thru Dxun and rescued the guy on the cliffedge bit...had Disciple and Bao-Dur with me, both were max on influence...but Disciple chimed in with his 'you're so nice' speech anyway etc. And then I got the little info screen, and it said I'd gained influence w/Atton who wasn't even there. I know occasionally that occurs, where party member doesn't have to be in party to be influenced, so just wondering if that's supposed to happen here or not. If it matters, I'd chosen the response line "Mandolorian war was a long time ago they aren't my enemies anymore" or some such.
  3. If I link directly to the image it doesn't stay in the 'program window' so the description text isn't visible. And yeah, the browser link url seems to change.
  4. Sigh. I was afraid that might be the case. I'll try again.
  5. Morrowind and Might & Magics are also good if you like a little more action with your RPG's. But the Might&Magics - very old 3D graphic look. You've been warned. Funny...I loved BG1, was totally obsessed with it for months - and then got through about half of BG2 before deciding that I didn't like that one. Despite it's better graphic look, It wasn't as charming. Not that it sucked...just didn't pull me in like BG1 or IWD. And then NWN turned me off the whole BG universe altogether.
  6. What?? You want the place to actually be functional? Done. I put in your cross-links too.
  7. Sometimes if you 'cancel combat' and then re-click on an enemy(while still paused), that goes away. Other times, if you unpause/pause again really fast it sometimes (again, not always) re-sets/rethinks/clears the queue or something and you can then set up your queue without it showing up. I don't know if that makes sense, but either of those things works for me 90% of the time when it happens. Which isn't too often.
  8. Individuals don't scare me. Humanity as a whole sometimes does.
  9. Oh...I was thinking about adding a small basic forum to go with the place, where people could discuss/ask stuff there, maybe even link to their uploads from topics, if that's preferrable to them. Wouldn't be a game-discussion forum like here....just easier than the comments/keeping track of this thread... maybe.
  10. Eh? Jumps? Elighten a middle-aged lady on the terminology there.... :D Anyway, no, I don't think you can edit text once you've posted it. The program I'm using is a bit limited that way - I haven't searched for user-made scripts for it or anything yet either. There's some screens from Kotor1 that have been posted. I haven't played the 1st game past Taris yet myself, so I don't personally have anything to share from it yet. And original artwork - well, I'm hoping people will share some more of that, but that's up to them, and time. Certainly won't see any posted by me. I'm no artist. :D
  11. My desktop occasionally has a picture, but often it's just plain old black or gray. heh I figure it's usually covered up by some active window anyway.... :D
  12. Darn this is making me want to play a new game of Kotor2. I'll never get far in Kotor1 at this rate.
  13. For me, cyan ignites every time I load into a new area...but all ya have to do is press the 'flourish weapon' key and it'll turn off again when the character resumes non-combat stance. As to rarest color - if I don't do the re-load the shop thing, cyan is rarest for me. Viridian is next. I always tend to get a couple bronze ones from the quests where you get sabers. Maybe some people miss noticing because they look close to yellow in inventory. Violet and yellow have to be the most common in my experience. Which is annoying since I hate yellow. Violet's ok tho.
  14. Let's see...I'm 36, no children, confirmed loner (excepting my spouse), I like science and psychology, computers/games, animals/cats, and while I've tried to 'quit' drinking diet Mt. Dew numerous times, I've yet to do it permanently. It goes along too well with staying up all night tinkering with computer stuff.... Not much else to say....
  15. That actually sounds pretty interesting to me, too. I think blasters/ranged are undervalued in this game, even for NPC's. They can get pretty powerful, actually. But yeah, against the bosses or if you're mobbed...dunno. I think it'd be pretty fun for most of the game, at least, however.
  16. I think 5 or 6 in the party would be too many.....at least for the engine they're using. The view would have to be wider, at least. But I did often want one more, so I could have 2 melee and 2 ranged...I like balance. I think the average combat should remain fairly easy for those who don't want the focus of the game to be super-hard combat. But there should definitely be a much harder difficulty option, for those who want it. I mean, even a combat-idiot like myself found it too easy even on 'hard'.
  17. Ah...the Sharks. Yeah...not too into sports here. heh I don't think I've stepped into that stadium since they re-built it years ago. I don't think they ever really answer that - beyond Disciple's mantra of "I'm on a diplomatic mission searching for missing Jedi" stuff. One could hypothosize that the Republic is interested in finding Jedi because they want their help and/or want to know if their disappearance has any negative ramifications for their organization (ie, did they all become Sith or something), I suppose.
  18. I'm in San Jose - closer to Morgan Hill, really...I'm not sure if that qualifies as a 'side' - we're more or less on the 'bottom.' Grew up in the middle area/West side of the Bay. I used to go to Oakland a lot when my brother lived/teached there, but since he moved, I haven't had a reason to go visit that area.
  19. I spent a lot of time on the battle.net forums...even at it's best it's pretty much an exercise in self-flagellation. Tho I did actually make a couple good friends there. heh
  20. There's lot of quests for getting sabers. Many of them - both side and main plot - give you a (random type) of saber as a reward. Sometimes you get them from a person, sometimes from a container. Listing them all here would be a spoiler tho. But you can get 3 or 4 from Nal Shad alone, IIRC.
  21. They never go away entirely, dweaver. *makes eyes at Atton* lol But I know what you mean. One reason I like this forum...whatever everyone's actual age may be, majority seem pretty mature & friendly/open here.
  22. I zoomed past 25 a long time ago, in a galaxy far away. :D
  23. Well, a lot of people are looking, if not uploading. It would be helpful to me if I knew more what people were looking for in screens - either as a basis for their own graphic tinkering or just for fun. Particuarly from xbox people who can't take their own screens.
  24. Which is, perhaps, one reason I like them so much in fiction. Because real life isn't that way, and it's pleasant to roleplay that it could be. Heh, in real life I tend to go for the logical and rational type. Real-life things that are often considered romantic - eh...usually doesn't make an impression on me. They don't pay the rent, for one thing. :D
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