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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. Yes, .esp/.esm mods will take priority. Edit: if you've actually managed to alter the default FalloutNV.esm, that would be over-written with the new version when you download the patch. But I don't think you can do that with the GECK by it's lonesome. Don't know about other ways.
  2. Only problem with that one is that Swiftech is doing the waterblock. They are the worst manufacturing quality I've seen on water blocks. Made the mistake of buying one once for my CPU. I took a look at it, the low production values, the screws that didn't quite fit and a few other things and threw it all in the rubbish bin. Bought EK products instead. If they had had somebody else making the blocks, I would probably have considered it. Oh? I'd know nothing about such things. Good food for thought. But perhaps the waterblock on the card isn't as bad as what you bought as a separate piece for your CPU, if that makes sense. I've seen some reviews that think they're awesome, so...sigh. Never can tell, always a crapshoot seems like...and I personally think almost everything these days is built w/inconsistent quality, so ten ppl end up w/something cool and 5 ppl end up w/something that's junk. Not that it matters much anyway, since I won't be buying one anytime soon.
  3. According to a finnish news site this is iphone specific. Oh, sorry. I just meant the notion of invasion of privacy via tech, and that it wouldn't surprise me if a lot of stuff has similar problems that no one has yet discovered/blown the whistle on. That sort of thing.
  4. It may not be rational, but I really want the EVGA GeForce GTX 580 FTW Hydro Copper 2.
  5. Hm. The way they're describing the leveling of enemies/world makes it sound like I might like this game more than I initially was thinking. The skill/chr method doesn't bother me much, as long as the gameplay is fun (obviously). Agree that it's not necessarily dumbing down, depends on how it works/feels. The world screenies are decent enough I might buy it for eye candy alone. I could use more open world eye-candy.
  6. Selected the Win7 updates I want and hit the go button. Now crossing fingers that nothing breaks.
  7. I find Will Farrel funny for about 3 minutes, than he just becomes childishly annoying. So ppl like that work in skits ala SNL but in movies..for me not so much.l But I don't generally like slapstick comedy. Sometimes, but not too often.
  8. I think that's a good point. It's not the same thing, but increase in TV size (as a sales factor) seemed to level off for a similar reason ... it may seem silly now, but those size increases were an awesome thing once, even without HD resolutions. (edit:friends who had 32" tube TV's were sooo lucky, lol). Going from 19" to 27" was kewl, and 27" to 50" even better, but most ppl don't care about a huge screen past a certain point and thus TV's turned to new "features" to attract buyers. Definitely more difficult to sell something that's difficult to show a "must have" advantage for in a 15-30 second ad. Or that's too techy for the average consumer to care about.
  9. Watched this little 2009 "thriller/horror" film called Frozen. In style it reminds me of Open Water. Tiny cast, more 'real situational' horror (vs zombies/mask wearing serial killers). Slow build, more talking than action etc. The acting is quite a bit higher than in Open Water however. It's nothing to write home about, and some elements were pretty redonkulous/improbable of course, but for the type of film, thought it was fairly effective at making you squirm in a 'what if I was in that situation' kind of way, particularly a couple of scenes. I'd give it 6 or 6.5 out of 10.
  10. I have nothing to back it up, but I'd guess this isn't iphone specific these days. That is, with all the tracking, gps, bla bla stuff being added to cars, phones, and the kitchen toaster, the notion of true privacy, while always a bit of an illusion, is becoming something you can't even pretend to have anymore. Get used to it. That said, if this is primarily because of all the GPS type programs/uses, such devices should probably have prominent warnings about possible info-risks of using them. You'd be surprised how many ppl forget/don't realize what it can mean. Like, on Twitter, I refuse to allow 'tweet my location' function to be on, and I don't understand the trend of ppl liking to use apps that broadcast their location ("I'm at Mr Boggle's Beer Bar on 123 Ave!") from their phones to win 'titles'. Don't get that at all. ...another reason I haven't bought a cell phone yet. And I'm not looking forward to the day when I finally have to buy one of these overly computerized, chipped & gps'd cars, either. Or whatever.
  11. So if the guesses are right, it'll be a couple more years before this computer I built 1.5 years ago is challenged by any game I might personally want. Meaning that, barring a new graphic card 2-3 times, I shouldn't have to build a new PC for another 4-5 years. Awesome. Frankly I'm glad things have slowed down for a while. ...do you think the economy the last couple yeras may have slowed down development on new consoles? Or maybe not development per se, but the release.
  12. So there's that viral songified Double Rainbow video/song, by "schmoyoho", based on the viral non-song video, which is funny. But then there's also by "RoomieOfficial" that's more of an actual song/not so much funny. I like it. His singing version of the Sheen "Winning" is cool too. ...people are so creative, and instead of the creativity languishing unseen/unavailable, the internet lets me see it. I like that.
  13. Started the LotR2 campaign last night. Looks slightly fuzzy but generally fine on my monitor etc. Took a screenshot. Stared at the tiny 640x480 image. It wasn't this small before, was it? I probably had a 12" monitor when I first played it.
  14. Well, that would explain it then, thanks. At least I know I haven't lost my mind.
  15. Finally got around to buying Casear3 & Lords of the Realm2 from GoG, so I can play them on Win7 if I want. Which I think I'll do this afternoon. But strangely, GoG claims I've bought Jagged Alliance Deadly Games...it's on my "shelf"/I can download it. Problem is, I don't remember buying it. Not saying I absolutely didn't, maybe I did months ago & forgot, but it's not the kind of game I'd normally buy. Hm.
  16. It was only a 3.8, not sure if that's enough to felt down there much, from Pacifica. ...and unrelated, nostalgia-gaming only takes you so far. Wish my few Most Wanted games were out, but alas, no.
  17. The seats I was looking at are about $100. But yeah, they have plenty of cheap seats. Even many several rows behind home plate are only $50. Also...just had a small/quick but sharp tremor. The house rattled like 50 cats were jumping on the roof. Wonder where it was located. Edit: Near Pacifica. The funny thing is it's the anniversary of the 1906 quake.
  18. Tron:Legacy. Didn't impress me much. In my defense, I'm not a huge fan of the original either. The effects were kewl tho. Deathly Hallows pt1: Despite having seen all the movies, I have the feeling I would have liked this segment more if I'd actually read the books. I felt confused a lot on the why's & what's, compared to most of the rest of the other films. Also, I felt like chrs. were doing a lot of horror-cliche idiocy, especially Potter himself. I assume the books would explain such things so it wouldn't seem so stupid. That all said, I enjoyed it overall.
  19. Hehehe, very true. I expect the stadium will be largely empty, especially for a weekday/noon game. But knowing my luck I'd buy the ticket sitting between 2 loud-mouthed violent idiots. Guess I could always move seats.
  20. Should I buy a Field Box ticket to the A's vs. Redsox game? I don't like Oakland stadium/the area, but it's a day game which makes it better. Plus the seat would be pretty darn cool for taking photos. ...Still...I don't like crowds/going to things alone. Decisions, decisions...
  21. Hmm. Nowhere near as "omg this is awesome" as when I saw the 1st episode of Rome, but it was pretty decent. Felt a bit rushed/crowded but with so many chrs. etc. I was expecting it to take a few episodes to truly drag me in anyway, if that makes sense. So I think it was a good start.
  22. And I thank you, because it made me
  23. I'm a little confused by your emphasis on "actual dwarf"...are you saying that Peter Dinklage, who is around 4' 5" I believe, isn't a dwarf? I love Peter...he's one of the reasons I'll be watching the series. I can't say whether he's the perfect Tyrion or not vs. the book (since I barely remember the book...) but I think he's a wonderful actor. Edit: Also... Someone mentioned to me the other day that what annoyed them was the rapid, constant switching of chr. pov, and when I thought about it, I think that bothered me back when I read Game of Thrones. Most novels seem to that a lot these days but usually it's not a pov switch every 10-20 pages. Even if I like the story, it's difficult to maintain immersion for me when it occurs that often.
  24. lol....I don't hate DiCaprio. He's adequate in and fits certain types of roles. I just find him kind of one-note...not wooden, not that at all...but somehow kind of flat. I don't think he's appropriate for Gatsby. Just me tho.
  25. Kubrik's films, to me, are artistically/technically masterful but emotionally they leave me flat or cold. So I admire them on the one hand, but they often bore me & I have no desire to ever watch them again. Full Metal Jacket was probably my fave of his work. I've watched a lot of movies lately, mostly playing catch-up. I won't go through them all, but I will say that Toy Story3 was pretty awesome, Alice in Wonderland disappointed me, and Centurion was a violently fun action chase flick. Oh...also...for upcoming films...I'm totally against DiCaprio as The Great Gatsby. But then, I don't particularly like DiCaprio so I'm biased.
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