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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. Demons of the Mind, saw it when I was 12. I'd probably think it was laughable now, but it was really disturbing back then. First time I saw Alien, too..the scene with the Captain in the duct or whatever it was... ...and of course the maggot meat and the clown scenes in Poltergeist. I still hate clown toys. ...as young to current adult...nothing much really. Some films make me feel a little tense or suspenseful, others morbidly grossed out, and of course there's the emotionally wrenching....but scared...not so much.
  2. He's on Piers Morgan's CNN show yapping away about it. I can't stop laughing. Especially at Trump's hair. But seriously...as a stunt, it'd be funny. Almost classic. If he actually announces in June, I'll start groaning.
  3. It's on the news. He's talking about how he's "seriously thinking about it" but undecided yet and he'll let us know after he's done with his seasons TV show. I guess it was said a while ago, but first I'm seeing it. HAHAHAHA.....hm....maybe I shouldn't laugh just yet. But it's just so funny to think about. I have to wonder if it's some kind of publicity stunt. http://cnnpressroom.blogs.cnn.com/2011/01/...re-our-enemies/ http://www.newsmax.com/InsideCover/trump-r...01/30/id/384428
  4. I use that mod. Or at least one with the same idea. Since I use high CHA most of the time anyway, for the Nerve bonus, I've loved it. :D
  5. Does anyone remember why people thought deathclaws ignored DT? All I know is I heard it here first, and then later some claimed it might be a bug or something. I ask because I did a test recently via GECKing armor to have 500DT and they definitely do not ignore DT. They just do so much damage that normal levels of DT are rendered essentially useless as protection.
  6. Been working on a photo mosaic. It's been an interesting project, but I'll be glad when it's over. Also...it's been sunny and, while not exactly summer-warm, rather pleasant, during the day this week. Around here, the weather likes to tease you with an early Spring, but most of the time it's a lie. Maybe we'll get lucky...it's been nice to be able to sit out in the yard in the sun w/my morning caffeine.
  7. Well I have my preferences, but if the world goes that way (and I agree it may eventually), I don't have a serious problem with it. Besides, barring some kind of apocalypse/3rd world war, I'll probably be dead long before tech turns the world into something I truly can't stand.
  8. Has anyone tried Magicka yet? It's $10 on Steam. Seems like it might be a fun light action-rpg romp but I'm undecided. The combat/action parts seem rather mundane but it seems to have humor w/a bit of puzzle as well. This is a review/video of gameplay: ...some ppl say it's a bit buggy.
  9. Well, I like my last vid enough that I'll link it here too. Not my typical silly, but a concept interpretation of how Carla & Craig met & what came after. Which makes it a chr. backstory spoiler. Just sayin'. Game limited me a bit & wish I could have hand-placed a lot more Legion in one area but oh well. It made me sad while cobbling it together. Still fiddling with the GECK too...I'm so picky about what mods/effects I want affecting my game, learning how to change things myself is the only way I get what I really want. lol. GECK and game videos ... been a great way to pass the winter, waiting for baseball. Thanks again Obs.
  10. Yes! I finally figured out where to change the color filter settings for specific areas. No! wtf did I do? (I fixed it, btw...heh)
  11. Pushing a button or using a touchpad (or whatever) is not the same at all. ....I'm thinking more about futuristic sci-fi concepts of books. Where it still looks & acts like a book (500 pages, covers, individual) but is made out of something hi-tech (a new material that replaces paper). I don't mind textbooks, newspapers, magazines etc. on something more universal, but I like my fiction, photography, graphic, etc. books to be collectible (I don't mean $$ value-wise). You can't collect downloaded pixels...well, at least imo.
  12. Veronica needs a Repair bench, stat. Another IWS-mod shot. Viper bandits 'upgrade' their weapons when I turn lvl8 and use 10mmSMG's, .44's etc. now. Showing their spawn numbers. There were actually 25 that time. Fun. Benny entertains me.
  13. I'm not sure I like being a "morning person."
  14. Oh....yeah, I've killed Fiends and their exploded heads remain floating in the air for days before.
  15. So some months with no cats in the house and my nose allergies are still like they always were. But my skin allergies are a bit less. Proof that my allergies to cats aren't all that make my nose miserable. Too bad tho...on the other hand, it's an excuse to get another cat! .....maybe. I've become rather used to being able to have bedroom doors open & stuff...
  16. lol....been there done that. Possibly archive invalidation.
  17. The Kindle has a place. So do paper-books (for now at least). Eventually rarity of paper may make paper-books entirely obsolete, but I don't think the Kindle will. I would not mind an electronic medium (or other tech) that made books not dependent on paper, but still had the concept of turning pages and holding something singular in your hand. I still have a difficult time reading very long amounts of text on a screen - and it's not about glare/lack of glare. It's just...I don't know...doesn't hold my attention for some reason. The scrolling text perhaps breaks immersion...or something about it doesn't feel intimate enough for immersion...can't explain it.
  18. Assuming they all have separate releases, I think I'll wait until all three are out then get them all at once. I don't like the one-at-a-time DLC model I guess...still having the occasional fun w/the original game+several mods, so I can wait.
  19. After downloading and not liking a couple of the FNV anime/doll-eye looking eye color texture mods available, I decided I didn't like them. They're nice and hi-res and all, but don't like the look one bit. Doesn't fit. So I took the default dds pics and am trying to find the balance of saturation that makes eye color distinct but not over the top. I'm not finding it easy, all depends what lighting your chr. is standing in. heh. Just got tired of the de-saturated, indistinct colors of the original eyes in the game. Heck I can barely tell blue, green & hazel eyes apart w/the default coloring! Working on the green eyes first. I like my chr. with green eyes.
  20. I don't understand rpg games these days that don't give players lots of on/off options. I'm no programmer but it doesn't seem like it'd be that hard/complicated to put them in the options menu as some kind of already-installed mod option concept perhaps. I realize some stuff may not be easy/doable to give options for, like AI or complex, nit-picky gameplay difficulty options, but compass, essential companions, whatever, shouldn't be? Relying on the fact that "pc users can mod the game" seems a bit of a cop-out to me when so many use consoles now. *shrug*
  21. I really frakking hate YouTube's uploader sometimes. And yes I had to come here just to say that. ......other than that annoyance, it's been a pretty good day. Good food, good entertainment, good company, back feels a little better...all mellow and stuff. Groovy.
  22. Two key things for companion durability ... decent or high CHA and good armor. Not that you have to have either...but it makes a big difference. :D However there IS a very bad poison/stimpack bug since last patch that's affecting a lot of folk...which can make HC more problematic ... when they're poisoned, if their health is middling-to-low and you use a stimpack on them to try to get rid of the poison, all remaining poison duration dmg. is subtracted from companion's health before the stimpack is applied, which usually kills them outright. If highish level and they still have almost full health they might survive it, but then it may take repeated stimpacks before their health stops bouncing up and down finally stabilizes/goes back to normal. eg, best not to use them for melee against cazadors.
  23. What you're not considering is they'd have to program AI for every gamer playstyle known to man, and then players would have to toggle what AI style they want once they figure which they prefer. And even then, AI can only do what it's programmed to do - it can't anticipate a player's actions every time the player switches up. The way I play, companions rarely "fall over"/die, even against hoardes of increased-spawn mod enemies. I occasionally have to run over and heal them during big battles and that's about it. Many people thought/think they're overpowered in NV. But it depends on your playstyle/approach to combat situations and how much you feel like actually keeping track of companion health & gear - some people do have a difficult time keeping them 'alive.' But if they self-healed as often/rapidly as human players can/may do, they truly would be overpowered, unless you gimped them so much damage-wise then no one would want to use them anyway. If you don't like having to pay attention to companions while you fight, don't use companions. If you're on PC that's an easy mod to do. But I've seen a lot of posts from HC players who have little trouble keeping them alive anyway, probably because they don't mind keeping an eye on them during the few tougher battles.
  24. Buggy, eh? That's too bad. But yeah...the longer video showing more of the gameplay made me think it wasn't all that much like DK in reality. Looks like DK, sounds like DK, but more focused on "you" rather than minions and building a dungeon/battles. Still, if it gets down to 15 bucks I might consider it anyway, lol.
  25. I like scary, but I know where you're coming from. There's a certain point in games where if the tension is too much for me, I'll just stop playing. I can think the game is great and think "must turn it on again" but never feel like dealing with that tension. A little suspense, cool...more than that, I'll pass on these days. And I'm still playing NV an hour or two every couple days. I burned through a bit of Borderlands with a new chr. again, and that was kind of fun for a while. Currently thinking about reinstalling Dungeon Keeper2 on the XP machine again, so I can build pet dungeons. I felt like a dose after watching this trailer for the game Dungeons and The trailer excited me, but the preview gameplay did not, so unsure whether I'm interested in this 'spiritual successor' to DK. But it did make me want to play DK2.
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