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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. I'd give my own top ten list but I think FNV was the only 2010 title I bought. I bought/played a few games this year, but most were from GoG. Red Dead Redemption is one I wouldn't mind trying, but I don't have a console, so... pfffft.
  2. Hey there! Yeah, I hang out here now and then. Kinda quiet these days but the people make it cozy. Oh? Well, not sure an AI pack was really what I needed anyway, but good to know. I'll probably give up again for a while soon. Every time I try to fiddle with the GECK it just makes me appreciate the work that goes into some mods. Ouch. Mine's not that severe. Since the original injury, most of the time it feels ok or tolerable as long as I'm careful/exercise the torso for STR. Just sometimes acts up like this. Definitely sucks tho. Numbs the shoulders/upper back and makes my arms and neck feel like they weigh a ton. More often this one. lol
  3. So far I've only been able to get things to half-work, and the GECK scripting, dialogue, and AI-Packages are still a complete mystery to me. *figuratively tosses the GECK across the room* The current level of mental stress in my life probably doesn't help. *grumbles* It's a somewhat recurring high thoracic spine issue from an injury years ago...although it does create muscle tension as a by-product. Heating pad/stretching helps some. If it gets bad enough I see a doctor/chiropractor, but not there yet.
  4. I ate three donuts for breakfast. They were just sitting there, in that big pink box, looking all sad because no one wanted them... Now I'm wondering what to have for lunch. Good thing there aren't any more donuts.
  5. Upper back/neck acting up again, so I've been resting a lot past couple days. But tired of lying in bed. So tonight I'm finally cleaning out game video files. Or at least, starting it. Too many to do in one night. Plus I'm dreaming about the start of baseball season.
  6. Gasland, a documentary. Can't say the film is unbiased (what do I know after all) but all I gotta say is ... anyone who comes to me & offers a lot of money to put a gas drill on my land will get the front end of my boot.
  7. This is not my own screenshot, someone posted it on the Beth forum....omg, every time I look at it I can't stop laughing. http://img440.imageshack.us/img440/6632/fa...tnv20110119.jpg
  8. Planning on getting out of the house to see The Company Men this weekend. Chris Cooper + decent early reviews = I'm there. The other top actors are a draw as well.
  9. Agreed. I think I've been coming here off and on for what... going on six years? (sheesh..time...) ... people here are usually pretty easy going even in the midst of a heated debate. Always nice.
  10. Heheh, I hardly ever carry more than 2-3 weapons. So for me it goes: 1-stimpack 2-default change ammo 3-pistol or other closer range gun weapon 4-sniper weapon 5-unarmed weapon (hardly ever used) 6-variable 7-radaway 8-sunset sas. I never worried about it too much, especially since there were so many times where the weapon hotkeys were wiped out (casinos, etc).
  11. Public armchair drumming with (usually) no consequences has become a world past-time for the masses (instead of the few)....which does/can magnify certain unsavory aspects of human nature (if you're taking part in it). One thing about the internet is conversations may never die...in person people get tired of yapping/arguing and call it quits or whatever...the internet, you get angry, post, go to sleep, wake up, go online, read, get angry, and continue where you left off. But yeah....I get pretty tired of all the anger/judgment/uncouthness too. When I do, I stop reading the internet, except for some main news sites. Works for me.
  12. If you'll forgive my saying so, that's a bloody dangerous line to take. They're just merchants. We can and should smack them down when they get delusions of grandeur. I think you're mistaking not being mad, or not being an active activist, for utter 1984-style apathy. If I don't like something and I have the means/ability to not use/buy it, I won't. Then I don't think about it anymore. There's enough things for my blood pressure to worry over without including things I have no direct control over. Edit: With Comcast, we need/don't have a choice on the internet part, and I'm not going to cancel the cable until they actually DO something that I personally find intolerable.
  13. That was my first thought too, but really, if you're wearing some big heavy power helmet with visor, chances are you view is going to be at least a little restricted. But it's always hard to simulate that in a video game. Not really my kind of mod at all, but imo from what I can tell (and from using one of the mods that one of the makers of this mod has done) I'd say that if it IS your kind of mod, the end result is going to be well done and polished....and supported. That last part is important. Weapon dmg., dmg. multipliers, etc. in NV has been talked to death about, and there are conflicting ideas on that, but I have no idea what they're going to do with it in this mod.
  14. I gave up being mad about such business things a long time ago. It certainly doesn't please me/I think it sucks, but that's money and greed and business for you, nothing new.
  15. Yeah...textures can look ok from a distance, but get up close and they're blurry horrid things. Certain areas look ok with distantlandLOD maxed and everything on ultra but limb/body models are terrible, etc. And for some reason, the late morning through late afternoon lighting is awful. It's like there's a constant white haze. I like it best at night & early morning/evening. Does look better in motion, but still. I've seen some body model mods that make them look quite a bit better, but haven't bothered using them.
  16. What the heck... Increased spawns mod: (Fiends use incinerators a lot more, Legion use chainsaws more, and there's a lot more of them + more NCR) Ghoulies.
  17. Still goof off with NV & the increased spawn mod + GECK now and then, but more often I just post on forums. Thinking about playing Two Worlds again for a bit, or maybe I'll finally check out Witcher.
  18. I remember being excited about Oblivion, and even buying a new video card to make sure I could run it ok. Then I played Oblivion for a short while (several hours?) and .... never picked it up again. I think I did try it once more several months ago, but had the same result. It's funny since I do like sandboxy games and did like Morrowind ok but I guess MW was enough of that...I've learned that individual chr. stories are what motivates me to act, not the 'save the world' A to B main plot, and Beth typically doesn't give me that. I hope the new engine and the FO experiences will have Beth making a game that I'll enjoy more/fits my current tastes...would enjoy more RPG's that I'd love playing. I'll be keeping an eye on Skyrim....but I'm not holding my breath.
  19. Missing (1982) - Still a good movie, even if the production is dated. Matewan - I love this film. Not one I can watch many times a year or something, but it's Sayles best/masterpiece.
  20. (edit: ooops posted movies stuff in wrong thread)....so....well today I goofed around a lot with the GECK, cooked/ate some stir fry, and, uh...well...that's about it.
  21. See, I don't like that kind of gameplay. It may not be timed in the sense of having a big old countdown clock or something, but it's still timed, possibly making it feel like a somewhat random chance of success (at least your first time through it when you don't know what to do). Run around, oops, didn't make it, reload, run around, etc. Does it feel like that?
  22. Clash of Titans, because as usual, it was free. I wasn't expecting much, and not much was what I got. ...however, Ralph Fiennes and Liam Neeson both made me LOL several times. It was so campy/terrible, what they had to do/say, you just had to laugh. And of course the giant scorpions made me think of Fallout. "Look, giant radscorpions! Where's my gauss rifle?" It's such a shame because I still think Sam Worthington is so much better than the 'big US' movies he's been in so far. Hope he gets some better roles at some point.
  23. The power of nature is often scary to us puny humans....thoughts are with anyone affected by the floods. :/
  24. Well, I did say media/pageants/some parents. Also, for me at least, media encompasses a very broad, generic category. I was including magazines, movies, TV, ads/marketing (that would include toys/clothing/products etc.), news coverage of said events, and all of that. (edit)- and I do think it's more than a "handful of photoshoots." It may not be every single magazine article or advertisement on the planet ever made, but it's becoming quite common to see, imo. That's only from my personal experience/observation tho...I don't claim to have seen 'everything' to be able to compare.
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