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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. Bigger as in a bigger hit (under rated?), more gameplay/things to do or bigger environments? I was interested in the game but I never got around to it. I mean that it's a bit underated. The concept it's truly attractive; a Diablo clone with FPS mechanics, it's just one of those things that make sad that people are so obsessed with top notch performance that they can't look past it into the finer points of games. The good news it's that it will be making a comeback....in Korea What I couldn't stand about the game were the sections that played like, I dunno, a bad strategy game. The weird little mission set pieces vs. the normal action-rpg gameplay. Couldn't stand that....otherwise it wasn't a bad game for singleplayer, imo (never tried MP). Not great, but not worthy of total bashing either. I just bought Amnesia: The Dark Descent, because it has decent overall reviews + I figured it's not the kind of game I typically play, so maybe it won't bore me to tears from the "same as it ever was" syndrome. Plus I wouldn't mind a "scary" game.
  2. The Way Back - 6/10. Beautiful scenery. Some good acting. But lacking characterization that makes you care whether anybody survives or not, so the whole trek eventually starts to feel a bit too long. That kind of thing. So good, but not great.
  3. Bought more system RAM for a total of 12GB. I wanted 24 but I would've had to buy the entire amount new (to get 24 in my case/slots & be matched) & that would've been a lot more. So I had to buy (3x2GB) of the same that I already had...only $100. Not as RAM-studly as I wanted to be, but still more than I had before. Now just need an upgraded video card. Still not sure which yet...keep hoping prices will fall a bit more first...
  4. If I could toss Lackey into the lion pit, I would. Watched ballgame. Bought a Bradley Cooper 7-11 cup filled with cola Slurpee. Sat in the sun. Surfed the web. Now wishing the neighbor would move her car so I can squeeze my own car out of the driveway to run errands.
  5. The Hawaiian restaurant is a sort of fast-food grill type place. Does BBQ meats, seafood (mahi mahi!) and things like that. Also, a lot of Spam dishes. Apparently Spam is popular in Hawaii. So nothing special but it's tasty. I usually go for the BBQ beef & chicken. And today I'm starting to think about putting the A/C unit back in this room. We really need to insulate the roof space someday.
  6. So far, I've coughed a lot. Time to put some clothes on and grab some take-out lunch. Chinese or Hawaiian, that is the question.
  7. A few games of Solitaire. Sometimes it surprises me how addicting it can be for an hour or so. I used to love playing the various styles of solitare, with real cards. Some of them are rather elaborate. But it's so much easier to just click the mouse.
  8. That's the root of my lack of motivation to get the game. I'm sure I'd like the game if I could sit down and play it for several days in a row, but I have the attention span of gnat the past few months.
  9. Watched the 1st episode of The Voice (singing show...). It has the terrible, too-much-filler format of all such shows (which I FF'd thru) but the actual parts where hopefuls sang to the backs of the famous-coaches chairs/heads was different. Since coaches couldn't see the singers, they were judging voice, not looks/style. Also, no terrible singers for mean-comedy value. Beats American Idol, imo. Which isn't hard I suppose.
  10. It's not very complicated...just a lot of hotkeys+easy mouse-click access to skills, typically including crafting skills as well as combat. Or one's mount. Plus spell effects you have on yourself/chat menus. You should see some of the GUI mods people use in WoW. Now those are complicated/crazy. Literally can barely see the actual game for all the stuff...
  11. Ding dong the wicked warlock is dead. ...I'm not into celebrating death per se, but I'm glad he's gone. As Hurlshot said...one less monster in the world. Between this news & last nights hilarious 'roasting' of Trump at the White House Correspondents Dinner, I'm sure Obama's chances of 4 more years will be looking better...at least for a while.
  12. --maybe Sean Bean is a bit typecast as the gloomy fantasy male, but he's really good at it --Jamie Lannister gets better every week --Tyrion Lannister, ditto --Daenerys's character progression/growth still compels me. I perk up during her segments --sometimes it's hard to watch when I know the outcomes of certain plot points already --I'm tired of the dragoneggs. --actor playing Jon Snow isn't doing it for me --the constant switching of PoV every 2 minutes is starting to annoy me a little, like it did in the book. It's not a major thing, but...
  13. The Red Sox just scored two runs against Felix and I nearly fainted from shock. Looks like another nice day, so after the ballgame I'm going to go for a cruise with the camera. Maybe with a deli sandwich in tow.
  14. Finally watched The Expendables. It was ok. Not as over the top silly as I was expecting, except near the end. One brief bit as Stallone is was hilarious, with that huge gun popping baddies like a video game almost. The movie, however, has an awesome soundtrack. It's the new listening fave at the moment.
  15. Tomatoes planted. Snoozed in the sun (it's a nice day). Forums & stuff. Lunch. Now I'm going back outside to listen to some tunes & read/snooze in the sun some more. Life is good.
  16. ...and yeah, the treasure hunting/collecting sounded like something else I'd like, from one review I read. The rift randomish grouping and collecting. The rest not so much. Well, if I get motivated in the next few days I may buy it. It's only money right. If I do I'll make sure to join that server.
  17. Heh, that is a cute animation. I've been playing FNV just a little too. The weapons changes are definitely awesome from an "I take more damage now" perspective. The world is more dangerous around human enemies and I like it. Probably not enough to carry me through another entire run of the game (or even a half-run, heh) but a very nice job of tweaking.
  18. I've seen the box in stores but thought I'd make sure - I don't need Steam for DRM validation, right? @SadExchange - Thanks for the thoughts on the game & screenies. It sure does look like WoW, lol, only with slightly better/tuned up graphics. Since I'm one of those that played WoW until I badly burned out, I'm worried the differences between the two won't keep me interested enough for long enough. Hm. Wish the disc itself was cheaper.
  19. I was a pre-teen for the Princess Di wedding, which I curiously watched. I think I still have the VHS tape I recorded somewhere, too. But I'm skipping this one. Still having trouble with allergy post-nasal drip cough & sleeping. Congests lungs a little, waking me up coughing. When I stand/sit I'm mostly fine, only when lying down so it drains into the throat/lungs. Driving me crazy. Don't think I have a nasal infection, just a whole lotta allergy. Maple trees, everything else. Clean & clean and still sleep-cough. *purple bags under her eyes*
  20. I've pretty much done everything I can possibly do to make Win7 look and feel like WinXP, including turning off a lot of the 'do this automatically' crap that I can't stand. Some things I can't alter, but...well, works for me. What I like most about Win7 is it's ability to recover from program/driver crashes without a hard freeze. It's much better with that than XP. In over a year and a half, I think I've had one or two instances where I had to do a reboot because of a software/driver malfunction. I can't say the same about XP. And in terms of the RAM thing...when you first turn the pc on, the RAM cache is very low. It only starts increasing as you use programs. If you have less RAM, I'd assume it caches less. Maybe it's a percentage number. Win7's defrag program, however, still sucks. You'll still want something like Defraggler.
  21. Yeah, sorry about the mini-keypad rant. I was just so frustrated last night with trying to even type tweets on the thing. I'd probably find it less annoying if the keys were in some weird arrangement instead of looking like a real keyboard. I'm a semi-rapid touch-typist so hunting & pecking on something that looks like I should be able to touch type on is aggravating. lol Tablets are definitely shiny & I can see some uses for it, if you like those uses. My husband & I tho, we're just not with it when it comes to this new wave of gadgets. Don't fit us or what we'd personally want/design I guess.
  22. Hubs has one of those Xoom tablets for a week (he's testing it to see if a client wants/should get a bunch, vs. ipads) and so I tried it. The screen is very nice looking. The size and weight isn't bad. But... ...these touchpad tablet keyboards suck. They're too small to actually hover your hands over the 'keys' like a proper keyboard and so you're still hunting and pecking. There's a small delay/lag between you hitting a key and it showing up on screen so it's confusing. Having to hit a key to switch between numbers & letters. The keys are so sensitive that even a slight brush with a finger types a letter etc. It took me 2 minutes to type a 100 chr tweet w/out any errors in it. Also, webbrowsing, the 'slide the finger' to scroll is annoying if a webpage has too many buttons that you're going to hit constantly while making the motion. Do you ever get used to all that or ... ? Gawd I'm an old fart.
  23. I don't understand why they can't just have a message that pops up that informs you there's a new patch, do you want to download now, yes/no. I don't get it at all. If not patching the game means stuff like Steam achievements won't work until you do patch, they can tell you that in big bolded text & let you decide whether you care. Unless there's an insurmountable tech reason that = have to patch or your PC will run off with your first born child, when to update should be left up to the player.
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