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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. Great news about the remappable pc controls in a patch. My hands will thank you. :D
  2. From one of the reviews: I didn't know the AI companion would revive you (if they ever get around to it before stupidly dying themselves, of course). That's interesting. Edit: http://www.gamemunition.com/reviews/dungeo...ge-3-pc-review/ <---- I liked this review quite a bit. Felt fair/rational (neither over-praising or over-bashing) with a lot of explanation of stuff about the game that I, in my laziness, have yet to research.
  3. For me, Steam says I have to wait 4 more days. *cries* ....while I wasn't initially "excited" about the release, I'm currently bored enough that I'm ready to buy it right now. But I can't. heheh
  4. Huh. I'd like it very much if the game looked like it does in the pic on the right all the time. I don't like all this fog/bloom/shimmer/air-atmosphere effects so many games do now. To my eyes it just makes things blurry and indistinct, or too blindingly glare-y. It doesn't go away when I use FRAPS for screens far as I could tell. Odd.
  5. I guess I see it as more a matter of a time difference. It's not that the reward system is different, it's just extended and extended so not as instantly gratifying in MMO's. Diablo's still have all kinds of grinding if you wanted those certain specific unique or set items that rarely dropped, and/or only dropped from certain monsters...ala "Baal runs." Or try hunting for a legit zod rune to make certain runeword items. Good luck with that - I played D2 for 4 years and never had one drop. Maybe that last recent patch upped the odds a bit finally. In WoW at least, it's not much different, except it's impossible to acquire top tier items without the large group mass runs, which means it may take many runs before the group decides you should get that item. Or something. I didn't do those group things, maybe it's a little different/that's just my impression from talking to people. The drops in WoW weren't as random as in Diablo, but there were semi-random drops. Certain dungeons/bosses dropped the same Unique, yes, and farming for skins off the same creature was always the same, but there was random drops. Don't get me wrong, I'm not a big fan of MMO's myself, but more because I'm not a social player, I like playing alone, and even if you can do so to a certain extent, they're not designed to be played alone.
  6. Never mind, I went through and found a single screenshot where it does show up, and in non-sky to boot: http://crimsonkeep.com/wallpapers/data/med...DS3-0000013.jpg In-game when moving I guess I don't notice in those situations because I'm zoomed out more than in the pic so it just looks like soft shimmer lighting...or something. And it reminds me how character forms look terrible at very close range a lot of the time, w/the AA & texture settings seeming to do nothing much, in the demo.
  7. I have Vsync off and get no screen tearing. Just putting that out there for comparison. I always have it off in all games. The wavy lines...I've seen those I think, but for me I only notice them in the "sky" sections of the game. Indoors and the rocks/trees/ground/bricks etc. not there. They don't really move for me at all, it's more like looking at low-res cloud/sky textures that have a little shimmer, and generally doesn't bother me. They don't show up in screenshots...that is, again, in screenies it just looks like low-res textures to me...it doesn't appear as actual lines. Turning gamma down so things are darker makes it less noticeable as well.
  8. After playing HH & then "playing" just enough to make those two videos (I don't count that as real playing...), I'm burnt out on NV again. The DS3 demo was fun for a couple runs...now I need something else. Either that or it's Netflix streaming marathon time again. Guess I could get around to buying DK on Gog and see how it fares on the Win7 rig.
  9. Ahem...Diablo's. ...of course, you may think that's a terrible game series, too (which would be fine to have that opinion, btw ). Point is, there's a huge money market and player base that does like such games, so, y'know...companies go there. Not everyone wants deep context/story/plot in their games, either all the time or ever. *shrug*
  10. You can use the W key to run forward, but there's no side stepping to adjust direction from that, since the AD is used for camera movement. I used the W key in combo with occasional mouse-used direction adjustment to run the paths a lot tho, because it's less finger-tiring than constantly mashing the r-mouse button. I have yet to block in the game. Well, I tried it once in non-combat to check the controls, but haven't needed it since. Not a problem w/the game...I just have difficulty trying to attack, run, and block etc. all within mircoseconds of fast action, so I always just power through or do the hit-run method instead. Playstyle.
  11. Not sure where/if you have the idea that I'm at that stage of the game, but I don't "keep" him, I just never finish. Finished it twice, way back when, and while I've come fairly close to doing so, I haven't since. I wouldn't be surprised if there's some mod for that, tho.
  12. I'm definitely not a super-reflex person. First time was with Anjali as mage, no problem at all. On Normal, haven't tried hardcore yet. 2nd time I used Anjali again but as melee, not as a mage, and I died once. I'd killed all her minions without too much trouble (just love her kick!) but towards the end I got "stupid" and was just flailing away at her while staring off into space...so I didn't dodge and such. Health was low & one of her spells or something tore off the sliver that was left. lol I haven't found the combat very difficult on Normal. Not saying it's super-duper-easy, for me, just not difficult. I'm liking the Normal in the demo at least...not hard but not a total cakewalk either. It's how I like my aRPG's.
  13. Sorry, I'm insomniac & bored, thought I'd show NV Skies using the Imaginator to de-saturate. Half of the time, w/the way I have things set up, "non-rain days" look like this...I don't think it looks too over-saturated/much different from some vanilla filters. The other half of the time sunny skies are bluer and it's more like this, which mostly looks brighter/more contrasty because it's not as yellow. NVSkies does sometimes make skintones look gross (this weird poi-starch like color) during certain filters/times of day. It's the one thing I still hate about it. Sometimes I wish the game didn't use so many darn filters over the course of a single "day."
  14. Oh...well, that's (generally speaking) preference rather than technical issues. I thought you meant technical issues. I've never had problems with the NV rain either - even have it set to rain a lot more often & disallow super-blue weather, whatever that means...so it's not often very sunny anyway. hehe *shrug* Anyway - pics: Arcade can walk on water. (I don't know why, but ever since patch 1.3, my companion swimming has been very odd/buggy. I just like this group shot.
  15. It is? They updated to work with HH and it's been working fine for me, in both HH and the vanilla areas. Don't have Dead Money tho. @Shadow - Use the Electro-City Imaginator to help with NS over-saturation. It's not perfect but it works pretty well. That's all I use it for...I set it to desaturate -6 or -7.
  16. So why are you watching this series, again? Not that I don't kind of agree with you....altho I still like blonde horse bride (sorry not wiki-ing names yet again) and her guard/aide whatever the heck he is, and the whore-house council dude. He cracks me up. I like Sean Bean too, but I still feel like he's kind of coasting in this one. Maybe I just like him better as a villain.
  17. Yeah, everyone has different potential physical issues with hours and hours of video gaming. I seem to be largely immune to the wrist/tunnel carp issue. But the bad upper back doesn't like sitting and the arthritis (3-4 years ago) doesn't like having to grip things...meh. Sigh.
  18. I liked Centurion quite a bit too, once I got over the fact it wasn't going to be a Roman history-based type war movie but rather a "one by one..." chase/thriller movie.
  19. I don't "hate" controllers, but I am not comfortable with them - that is, I suck at using them. No matter how awkward a pc-GUI may be, it's almost always still better than my trying to play the game using a gamepad. And yes I've tried using a pc-xbox controller for nearly a week to get used to it (hubs has one, he prefers them). I did get a little better, but my fingers/thumbs do not work with the way they design the things anymore. They are not good for arthritic thumbs, either.
  20. Edit: The screen blinks for me when I change them. It also froze the game once, but... heh the AA setting is directly under the AF setting in the options screen. AA is a drop down box where you select the amount. Oh. Doh. For some reason I thought that was the AF option (the drop down box) since it was below the AF checkbox. So I had it on 8xAA the whole time...the AF setting only has a on/off option then? Anyway, here's what happens with the AA on my PC (nvidia GTX 275 card) For me it seems to be all about the angle or specific lighting contrasts where I'll notice it, like in these first pics. From one angle the board on the floor looks reasonably non-aliased. Turn the camera around tho and it goes all jaggy: Or you can see it on the leg of her pants (yet other times/angles all of her looks fine) Lest you think it's just in the close-ups, which isn't how one plays the game, when the chr. is on a dark background I often feel like I see a white outline around parts of her, like in this pic of her running up some stairs: http://crimsonkeep.com/wallpapers/data/media/33/ds3-AA-4.jpg None of this is a big deal to me at all (hey I still think FNV looks decent, haha), but it is strange. Most of the time I feel like the AA is working, but certain angles, particularly where the character models are concerned, it kinda fails. That's with 8AA, AF on, and all on high/insane etc etc. Dunno if it's engine limits, driver issue (my drivers are probably a few versions behind) or whatever. *shrug*
  21. Played with her mage stuff and liked it, but I also like her kick move.
  22. No...I've been noticing it with Anjali's "normal" staff attacks. I haven't figured out how to move away to halt it...probably a timing thing.
  23. To me the demo was "OK, needs tweaking, too much enforced-yakking." First impression was a little worse than that, but after playing demo a 2nd time I think I could get used to it/like it fine. I did like the item/gear concept that I was seeing, and the randomness of the non-boss ones. But it's nice to see someone say that the game after the demo areas may be better. I still plan on buying it I think, probably even at full price, but I don't have a major jones to get it on the immediate day of release. I liked the DS games quite a bit back then, but it was never a 'must have right now' series for me in the first place.
  24. Has anyone considered that perhaps the rebinding of keys just isn't in the demo, like savepoints aren't active? Not saying that's the actual case, but who knows? I find the pc control scheme a bit awkward, especially in the feeling like I have to use so many keys almost simultaneously (my hands/fingers aren't that dexterous or quick). Pressing the 1 key, for instance, means I can't keep other fingers on the AD keys (fingers too short) & having to re-position the hand every time I press 1 is personally aggravating. But it's far from unplayable or game-breaking. Play the demo a few times, you get kinda used to it/find something that works. Not control related so much, but biggest problem I tend to have is not getting an "intuitive" sense of combat space, eg I'll think I'm close enough but I miss, or vice versa, or whatever. Then on top of that, the animation motion seems to continue and I can't stop it, so I'll be flailing at air for a second, which can make things feel unresponsive until you get used to the 'space'.
  25. Question, there's no AA setting in-game that I can find, only AF. Do I have to force it via the card settings or do the "texture" and all those other things count as AA? I notice a little jaggy around the body/face models at times, in the non-dialogue screens, but nothing ugly. There's a bit of a Vaseline blurry effect in the dialogue scenes that kind of bugs me tho, even w/all on High.
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