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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. Here. This is more like what I see: http://crimsonkeep.com/wallpapers/data/media/128/D3-items-GAH-004.jpg (most results won't have high VIT or crit. dmg as attribute) http://crimsonkeep.com/wallpapers/data/media/128/D3-items-GAH-001.jpg (most results won't have sockets) Note there aren't very many, either. Edit: Also, 2H weapons on a Monk suck, imo. They're not only very slow, but a shield or 2nd weapon for the stats is much much better. And armor with 3-digit VIT/DEX+Resist All (and preferably sockets too) etc. is also in the millions.
  2. Try finding one that has: +200 (or more) VIT, +150 (or more) Dex, 440 Life-On-Hit (preferably more), and has a socket (crit. damage gem). Because that's what my 550dps Fist has. My 2nd weapon also has 120VIT, 130dex, 400 on hit, 95% crit damage (attribute+gem in socket). So basically I need weapons that will at least come close to replacing those stats, or make it up on other gear. 900 dps weapons alone DO NOT raise my combat dps if I lose the Dex, and crit. hit damage. I've tried that already. If I put one on, my overall dps DROPS by about 2000. P.S. "% Converted to Life" is almost useless in Inferno to melee, btw. That 2.9% gets reduced by some large percentage (Inferno penalty) and thus Life on Hit = more. P.P.S. - on US weapons like I need/want are going for multi-millions. I sold an 840dps, 600 life-on-hit WD Knife, that had no other attributes on it, for two million, to give you an idea. And I still can't buy a Fist or Sword that would suit my needs. Life on Hit is expensive.
  3. Finally got my Monk's MF up to 162% (including Valor). Makes quite a bit of difference (from having only 75-100%) when farming Act1/Inferno. Can't keep it all on for Act2 tho, sadly. All I need is a 700dps weapon and I might feel comfy moving on to Act3... but I can't find one and certainly can't "afford" one. Either I'll get lucky soon or it's going to take a long time.... Ouch. I start to cry if ping in games moves towards 250-300.
  4. I have got to get me some uber gear for the Templar (with lots life and resists), so I can punt this mouthy Enchantress off a cliff.
  5. Hm. That new Dredd trailer makes it look....like every other modern day sci-fi action film. But the guy playing Dredd seems a decent fit, from the trailer. Except his voice isn't quite as "imposing" as I might like. Still....even if it's a great improvement over Stallone's version and truer to the comic (not hard to do....), it'll never have Stallone and Assante hamming it up so we can have annoyingly amusing YouTube remixes.
  6. *turn on PC, play a mp3, read the internet* *typetypetypitytype* ::Power goes out::: "Hm, no computer. I'll watch TV. No, wait. I'll do the dishes/run dishwasher. No, wait. I'll make lunch. Oops, no microwave. I'll take some photos. Forgot, my battery still needs recharging...etc." *opens a can of soda, walks outside* ... "Hey, nice day out here." *45 minutes later* ... "These blackberries on our bushes are almost ripe, need some ice cream." *an hour later" ... "Grocery stores don't function well without power, either." ::Power comes back on::
  7. That last pic makes RV'ing look so comfy/relaxing. And yeah, the RV's that are sorta like tall vans or small delivery trucks would probably be what we'd get, if we ever get one. Interior size isn't too much issue since it's just us two, tho being tall enough for hub to largely stand up in would be a requirement. I'm too short to drive those things so he has to be comfy with visibility stuff. We could rent one a few times a year instead I suppose but meh....I hate renting.
  8. Looks like they put another patch on the patch. Some bug/exploit fixes and the "regular wear and tear" loss change ( to make repairs for that a bit cheaper). @entrerix - yeah, I feel that way about the DH too. Mine's lvl53 and likely to stay that way now. Still wish to get her to 60 but ... probably won't. Don't find her interesting at all, plus I suck at playing one. The all-dps and run/shoot style in D3 (or D2, or D1...) don't mesh for me very well. She's too fragile and I'm terrible at trying to not take damage while also putting out damage. Can't get the hang of kiting with her, unlike with all the others. My class order would go: 1 - Monk (60 and mid-30's, yes I made two) 2- Wizard (49, almost in Hell) 3 - Barb (54, mid Act2-Hell) 4 - Witch Doctor (25 ) 5 - Demon Hunter (53 Act1/Hell)
  9. We've thought about a small RV (20 feet or less) as we get older, but considering the way my hubby likes to drive the backroads, I don't think it'd work out too well. But it'd be nice to have a fold down bed and water tank for a sink faucet at least, sometimes. How long is yours, Hurlshot? Some of those gigantic, decked out RV's are serious homes on wheels. Know a few couples with those. One even had one that automatically gets bigger at press of a button, to extend living area. I wouldn't want to drive one on anything but a major highway, tho. Like driving a mini-semi-truck or something. heh.
  10. Never mind...I misunderstood what that skill does. Ah well, I just suck at the DH anyway, for some reason. Barb and Wiz are much better.
  11. I won't lie. Tears came to my eyes when Youk played his last game as a Red Sox. So long dude. Middlebrooks may be the awesome right now, so I get it....but darnit....while everything changes/circles around in sportsland, doesn't mean it's easy to watch it happen as it happens. If they ever trade Pedroia away before he actually retires from playing, I'm going to cry for days.
  12. Ok, that's what I've been using, along with Cleave once in a while. I know that given the right gear/skill setup, WW can be good even in Inferno, but I disliked WW in D2 and still dislike it in D3. It doesn't feel.....I dunno, like something a big, muscled, sword-swinging melee dude should be doing. He's not a magical ninja chr. or agile, ballet-like fencer. Maybe I'm weird. Anyway...he's lvl 52 in Act1 Hell. Getting my alts to lvl 60 feels like it's taking forever, I guess because I don't find playing them all that interesting. My DH is lvl53 and kinda stuck on Hell Butcher. She's way too crunchy even with 20K+ health...I don't get the Shadow/disappear skill, either. I use it, it lasts 1.5 seconds, and doesn't seem to prevent her from visible to enemies/being attacked at all, hence seems pointless. Am I missing something? (edit: diamond skin on the wiz seems much more effective...)
  13. I've had a glitchy Cain ever since the recent patch, which led to this amusing (to me) moment. Note, it's a Cain plot spoiler, if you're unaware of it already. Edit: btw, what's the best melee skill for the barb, in your opinion? Not whirlwind, please.
  14. First one I actually owned? Oh dear, i don't even remember. I'd have to ask hubby. He actually had the "early" stuff cause he was into it before I even met him (he probably once had a used TRS-80 and the Com.64, that sort of thing). So when we first moved in together, it was "his" computer/s. He'd build his own and go out hunting for bargain used HDD's that were big, heavy, and had tiny space. I don't think I got one that was entirely for myself until about ... um ... 1992? Darn, was that 20 years ago already? I know hubs dealt with Ms-Dos and Windows versions pre-3, so I do vaguely remember those because of that, but I didn't get into PC's much until 3.1. I think. And until Doom/Myst, I didn't use the PC for anything but word processing. Bah, too long ago.
  15. That would be more interesting and open up more tactics to gearing up, for sure. I was thinking about that the other day, how you can have all the Resists in the world and still be constantly Feared. Or I've had monsters cast Wall right on top of me, so I'm literally stuck in the wall and can't move until it collapses. Really sucks when you're melee. Nice find for a 2H Barb, especially if it had some str or vit attached to it. I've actually tried a no-dex, blue/magic 900dps Fist Weapon, but without all the extra dex like my current Fists have, the dps improvement is almost zero. Not to mention no life on hit=a lot less survivability. One day I might have enough dex or life on hit on other gear for that to work, but not at the moment.
  16. God, I love my black cat. The way he stands up on hind legs, giving me a belly "hug" while I scratch his chin. Or when I'm doing the dishes and suddenly there's paws patting/grabbing me on the back....it's just so adorable/endearing, even with the belly/back scratches sometimes. On some days, it's what makes life tolerable. When my sister-in-law saw him do it, she said "that is one huge cat." lol. He is the awesome. Whatever your pet of choice, they are definitely a great anti-depressant sometimes.
  17. I'm sure luck and patience can get you some better armor items than what we have, but I haven't seen a Monk weapon in ages. Still....maybe it's just me. I also think the player base has dropped off a lot since the first couple weeks, which doesn't help. Anyway....after an embarrassingly large number of hours played all I've seen is one Set belt, 2 low lvl Uniques 1 mid-lvl Unique, and the Andariel Unique. But since most Uniques aren't very great anyway, I focus more on Rares. And despite numerous evenings of farming Act1/Inferno I have yet to have any "good" weapon (for any class) drop that has more than about 500dps. I have had some 650dps 2H hammers drop, but they were only good for the Enchantress (high INT). @MrBrown - yeah, one doesn't absolutely have to use the AH. The issue, as far as I'm concerned, isn't that the AH exists, or that one needs to farm a lot to get the truly great stat gear- it's that because of the AH, Blizzard purposely created an item system that makes it far more difficult than D1/D2 to progress without a certain level of stats and items that largely come from...the area above you. Plus, the items are farking boring, which = less motivation to keep you farming for all those hours/days that might be required, hence many end up going to the AH, even if only for a few things. What happened to the low-mid level Uniques/attributes that were still used/coveted by high level players? MageFists? RavenFrost? Lidless Wall? Plus to all skills? Faster Cast Rate (separate from/not just IAS)? Faster Hit Recovery? Can't Be Frozen? Prevent Monster Heal? ...now it's just "main stat/VIT + resists + armor/dr or toss it." When everything seems/feels just about the dps/resists, the motivation isn't exactly huge to farm for days to get an item that has....more dps. I mean, yay, a Rare with +35 more dex and vit than what I have on. Useful? Marginally. Interesting/motivating? Not a bit. Sigh....but, that's me and my ranting. I'm going back to Nation Red for a while. Mindless bursts of violence. Kewl.
  18. On another topic: I guess I was wrong about the RMAH vs. the goldAH. I think decent lvl60 items have all but disappeared from the gAH in the past days. I thought there would be enough players who didn't care about RMAH to keep the goldAH viable, but either the lvl60 gear you want is millions or billions (I mean really, has anyone made 4billion in gold in this game in a month?) or it's just not there. This is the gear I currently use most of the time on my Monk - tho I have all star gems now, no squares. The amulet and the better ring, in particular, haven't seen anything like it on the gAH since. And can't find any weapons better than mine, even for a million gold. Now that I don't have the "digital copies must wait 3 days" bug, I can see the RMAH listings, and that's where they all are. Btw, only 3 items I'm wearing I found myself. By Inferno, it was all about the AH. I guess with the patch, that could change somewhat, but it's still aggravating to have a clvl50 Rare drop in Act2 Inferno. clvl50? Really? Crafting costs for some Inferno blacksmith items have gone down (but only for 4-5 attribute ones), but the mat. costs haven't, and those Inferno mats aren't exactly super-fast to accrue. Apologies for my long winded ranty posts. I don't think I've ever had a game where I've had this degree of a conflicting love and hate relationship and it drives me crazy...even when I'm not playing much anymore. (edit: the attack speed items are lesser, now, of course. Andariel's helm dropped to 5% instead of 12, I think, etc)
  19. The Barb (and the Monk) are both engines of death (assuming good gear, likely AH'd, and effective skill setup) until Inferno. And again, once you have good gear, can be pretty good death engines in Act1 Inferno. Try running WhimsyShire Inferno with one tho....keep in mind it's not that you can't kill everything, it's that you can't stand still and do it, unless you like death-zerging. The concept of old-school "tanking" just isn't there. Now, it's possible if you can somehow get over 100K health + 1200 life on hit + 1200 life regen + 800+Resists and other uber gear/stats, that you can do it with mobs and some less difficult Elites. Everything/everywhere? Most likely not. And not many average players are going to be able to get gear like that to begin with. My Monk can stand in Arcane sentries in Act1 Inferno to a degree. Depends how many there are tho. 2-3 ok, a huge cluster of them, not as much. In Act2, can take it for 3-5 seconds. But after that, especially if they have more than just the Arcane (like Arcane+Desecration or Molten etc), I have to run. Plague, oddly, is less damaging than most of the other DoT stuff. I can often stand in that for a very long time. Also, humor: http://us.battle.net...89888966?page=1
  20. I saw an ad for that and I was like, "wtf?" The idea is just crazy enough it might work.
  21. Iron Man2 was watchable, but yeah, had none of the depth (for a superhero flick) that Iron Man1 did. My thoughts on Iron Man3? .... don't care, really. Like many movie series these days, if the first one was awesome, the rest will be....not so awesome. There are exceptions (SpiderMan2 comes to mind) but typically, I expect nothing from sequels. However, I'll probably still see IM3 when it comes to my cable TV. I figure it'll at least be mindlessly watchable like the 2nd one. As to will it make money.....yes, yes it will, since you have to include worldwide profit these days. Unless of course they spend 500million making it or something, maybe. But if 3 is terrible/only breaks even, a 4th movie becomes unlikely, imo. And I like Bale as Batman. I do not like him as Bruce Wayne, however. There's a difference there. Oddly, I think Michael Keaton made the best Bruce Wayne (in film) even if he doesn't look the part to my mind, but his Batman was a bit weak.
  22. Hehehe yeah....i've seen groups like that. The person actually playing, and then this whole squad of other people farming. There is no such thing as true tanking in Diablo3. If you can do it, you're either overleveled or over-geared for an area, and from what I've seen/heard (and judging from my previous and still current Act2 experiences), you can't be over-geared for Act3/Act4 inferno Elites. The patch has made it easier, but ... yeah, no. I know another Barb who had hoped that the patch would mean he could tank Act2 Inferno because of his very frequent 150K crits build, but nope, he just died and died still.
  23. Starship Troopers is one of my "guilty pleasures." The original one at least. I tried watching one of those horrible sequels once. Never again. Kind of like how in Walking Dead season2, they hardly fight any zombies. It's a little slow (the human interest stuff, like I mentioned). And yes it's silly. I must admit that half of my like for the show probably stems from the Pope character. I always like those types of characters. And in terms of the day/night thing....that was the first thing that came to my mind watching the very first episode ... "these aliens must be day-sleepers or something, because the confrontations are always at night." I liked the premiere the other day tho....I wonder what they'll do with the Ben/son chr....
  24. Dear Diary: today I cleaned up cat hairballs off the area rug. Also, I ate some spicy mango meatballs, which was yummy. The two things are completely unrelated, btw. Just saying.
  25. 917. I "could read War and Peace in 10 hours and 40 minutes." Faster than I expected, not a good test, like already mentioned. Sounds about right for "in the zone" fiction reading however....not that I would actually remember even half of the book afterwards, mind you. Actual retention of specific things is not a part of my casual/fiction reading speed (I'll just remember the basics of the story, main chrs, emotions it brought out in me etc). If I was reading a textbook or something, trying to learn, it slows waaaaaaay down. Couldn't figure out how to make their html code post a pic in the forum so I screenshotted it instead.
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