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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. Good point about the spear/shield. Most of the time it seems games focus on the heavier long-spear I guess. Weren't spears used with shields typically of the shorter versions, aka javelin type spears? Come to think of it, slightly off-topic, it might be interesting to have javelins in the game as another ranged option with bows and slingshots. Throwing axes too. Don't know if that would start to be unwieldy or too much work, however.
  2. I have to admit that in most games I've played, hardly anyone seems to choose the weapons like spears and halberds...simply because a sword/shield combo is typically perceived as better in terms of stats and protection gained. But I'm sure some 2H weapons and other ranged outside of the longbow etc will be in there so you can use them as an option. Can't imagine why there wouldn't be. I think it'd be kinda neat to come across an enemy band who used halberds and formed a hedgehog as a defensive move against a melee rush. Not saying it's practical for this type of game, perhaps, but it'd be funny to see.
  3. 50 minutes does seem very short. A stretch goal of the sort you mentioned would be fantastic. I dunno...most game soundtracks seem about 50-100 minutes -CD length basically. Considering most probably wouldn't be 5 minutes long, that can be quite a number of pieces of music. I have a feeling it'll be fine.
  4. Co-op for me is about the frantic combat rush. So yeah, unless you have someone who likes to take it slow, it tends to be like that. If one likes to linger and explore, it's better to do that alone. I tried playing another character last night and I'm trying to explore more now. I'm enjoying seeing some things I missed, but at the same time the combat feels a lot more ... boring. :/
  5. I think there's a Reset option under View/Zoom ... well, on Firefox anyway.
  6. I love Ruben sandwiches. Pastrami/cheese/sauerkraut on sourdough (rye is icky ). Until today, it had never occurred to me that perhaps one might be even better with .... some crumbled bacon. Hm. Would that go with the sauerkraut flavor, I wonder? Darn, now I'm hungry...the larder is nigh empty, and I must go shopping. This could be bad.
  7. That sounds pretty yummy. I may have to experiment with that. I don't hate the cooking ... it's the messiness and cleanup afterwards that I can't stand.
  8. Hm. Their video is entertaining, at least. Loved the bit re: how rpg's recently feel more like movies. But it is vague and I don't have quite the loyalty/fandom factor here, so I'm going to have to wait a week or two to hear more updates first.
  9. Doesn't really matter to me. I like the aesthetics of cardboard better, but these days I'm also less into collecting anything that takes up much space, since it mostly gets shoved into bigger cardboard boxes to collect dust and be forgotten. I will, however, put that cloth map up on the wall over my PC desk.
  10. Getting three of the right symbol gives you an item (usually or always a weapon I guess?) of a certain color/rarity. White, Green, Blue, etc. So you can get an Orange from them. It's very rare tho....
  11. Hm. There's a lot of moments from all the games I've played. I'll list two: --FNV -Learning Boone's story and then during his quest agonizing over which dialogue might give him as pleasant an ending as possible. I wanted to save him from his torment. --BG1 -Going into this cave and discovering Xan. His attitude and lines made me laugh to a point I kept on clicking on him for long minutes just to hear them. I kept him in my party from then on. To this day I still quote those lines of his sometimes, during conversations. In short, any character stories affecting my emotions is highly memorable because it's not something that I often experience while video-gaming, plus anything that makes me giggle out loud repeatedly.
  12. Vanilla yogurt with fresh white peach pieces cut up in it is still my favorite light snack. It's not much of a recipe tho. For quick meals I generally stick to meat/vegie stir fry's, sometimes making chow-mein like dishes or just over rice. I don't follow set recipe's and just wing it in terms of amounts. Sliced beef and pork + cabbage, broccoli, carrots, and pickled jalapeno's tend to be the main things. Baking chicken in the oven at 350F for an hour or so is always easy ... my favorite thing to do is cover the chicken pieces with cans of spiced stewed tomatoes (including the juice) + salsa. Stuff like that.
  13. Does anyone know what causes the slot machine cost to go up in BL2? I thought/heard it was clvl based, which would seem reasonable, but there were definitely some level ups where the cost didn't go up at all...and then other times I didn't check for a couple level ups and I'd go back and it had gone up $600. At lvl 33, in 2nd difficulty, I think it's getting close to $3000 a pull now. Someone posted a pic of their lvl32 gambling off a machine strapped to an enemy back, and it was only $700ish a pull...tho she said in town it was closer to $1200, so that must have been a special case or something. Anyway....made me start wondering, heh.
  14. Yes, I remember that, now that you mention it. Getting hard for me to keep track of all the info. I'll have to re-read that part...can't recall why guns/bullets are supposed to be more effective then metal tipped arrows ...
  15. Well, I for one still like the "over-used in fantasy" or bombastic sound, so I always appreciate having a few pieces of that sort in game soundtracks. But I certainly don't want all the music to be like that. I was listening to "The Road to Eternity" and all the bell/chime sounds (or whatever they are) were lovely - I love that type of instrumental note punctuation, it sets a nice mood imo, so of the three I'd say that one is my favorite so far. I would love if some pieces had emphasis on flute or other wind type instruments too....just an eager suggestion.
  16. I'm of the desire that arrows should be limited, but the max stack should be of a fairly large size. This does depend a bit on how large the inventory is going to be, however. I often had 2 archers and 2 slingshot users in BG1, and I tell ya, my combined inventory was usually half full of slingshot ammo and arrows...and it was annoying. Of course, this could be because I don't like to backtrack all the time just to shop and often wandered far far afield from towns/shops for many "days" to explore....
  17. --Bows shouldn't be able to pierce certain magical shields or whatever equivalent there is in the game. --Bows shouldn't be so powerful as to make using melee feel unnecessary because all you have to do is have a team of 6 archers. Other than that, I'm fine with bows being a very powerful ranged option in the game ... as opposed to some weak plinkplink attack where you'd only fire one volley then switch your archer/ranger to some melee or magical attack, or something. edit: punctuation. To err is human, right?
  18. I don't have an issue with the typical click and loot model, but I like this idea as well, for saving looting time/clicks. And I'm always pro bags of holding...or in my case, I might need a couple crates of holding, haha. Just wanted to add, however, that I'm one of those people that doesn't like non-optional auto-arranging inventories, because I want certain things to always remain in the same spots so I don't have to hunt for them amid all the inventory squares all the time. So if party members went out to auto-pick stuff up, I'd want them to stop/be "full" without moving stuff around to max out what they can fit. I'd rather shuffle things around myself, still.
  19. There weren't really any serious romance options in the game, but I did love the bits where Atton would express his jealousy whenever he thought Disciple was taking up too much of the Exile's attention. The little cut-scenes that would trigger. The one where Disciple and Exile were meditating and Atton is standing in shadowed doorway watching was kinda intense/sad/creepy all at the same time. Sadly, in the non-modded game, the hints of that conflict never came to anything.
  20. In BG1 I hardly ever used anything but magic missle. I also didn't find mages completely useless when they ran out of spells during a fight ... that's what the slingshots were for.
  21. Hm. Not sure I like the poll choices either. They don't fit me, is all. For 3D games I'd say Kotor and FNV (when not using VATS). For "isometric" I'd say Baldur's Gate/IWD series. I definitely prefer party/group rpg's, both for combat and in general. And overall, I haven't liked the way combat style is going in recent years....in most genres, not just rpg's. But sometimes this is largely because of UI choices more than anything else. I also think it's important to note that it's not really fair to compare combat/controls of games like WoW (an MMO) with something like BG (single-player). Sometimes certain combat mechanics do well and represent one style/genre of gameplay while not being good for another. Thus I can enjoy a game like WoW on its own, but not want, say, a hypothetical new SP sequel of BG to emulate it. Oranges and apples.
  22. No, not yet. Taking a small break from gaming after all the recent BL2 marathons. I may buy it outright instead, anyway, since it's relatively cheap.
  23. I don't mind a little scaling in terms of area-confined scaling. FNV was fine/hardly noticeable, as already mentioned. I'd find that acceptable. That said .... I love you.
  24. I just don't want a game/interface that's designed to work with both and thus feels like a console interface even on the PC. Design it to be a great PC game/UI first. If they then think it can be ported successfully to console, fine, go for it.
  25. While I can understand that some people might really prefer to play the game on a console/with a gamepad, I'm going to have to say ... no and no, please and thanks. I want a game with mouse/KB control complexity, with menu's that haven't been "consoleified" and all that jazz. Let us have this one, please.
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