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  1. i would also add that various streamlines mechanics have actually allowed for bigger mechanical depth. replacing most of the random buffs/debuffs in poe1 with the inspiration and affliction system is at, first glance, a huge streamlining. but it opens up the door for a lot more interesting combat interactions (since afflictions and inspirations counter each other), it also makes a lot of stuff easier to reason about. also a lot of mechanics (esp the ones that boeroer mentions - PEN/AR and interrupts) benefit from i think what sawyer called "de-murking." Making them more obvious and impactful. Interrupts were barely worth paying attention to in poe1, but are really critical for mastering deadfire. Same thing with PEN vs AR compared to DR.
    2 points
  2. The mod is done and tested, but too big to be uploaded here. I guess it will be direct on Nexus then. I'll test for a short while before publishing it. Seems to work fine, and even the rogue changes don't feel gamebreaking.
    2 points
  3. All that talk of Lost brought back a memory of this
    1 point
  4. Yeah, there is something about characters design which doesn’t work for me. As to cutscenes, from what I understand they mocap movement for actors performance, but faces animations were build using a library of expressions. Considering the sheer volume of cutscene produced, the quality of them is impressive. They did feel rather…. bland to me. Still closer to classic Bioware’s conversation (unexpressive short/reverse shot), rather than a cinematic feel of something like Witcher3 - though of course, Witcher didn’t have to deal with such reactivity, custom PC and vac hanging conversation spots. still, I question value of a cutscene if it isn’t compelling to watch - I know I am in a minority though.
    1 point
  5. After reading your reply, and rereading my original post, I just want to clear the air by saying that I was agreeing with you. I know MSRP is just window dressing, and you already mentioned regional pricing, but I was SHOCKED that the card starts at $2k! Ive built entire computers for less...hell, my first car was less! *shuffles off slowly old man style*
    1 point
  6. Heretic (2024) The only question left is does he dream me, or am I dreaming him? Do Mormons have magic underwear? Are adult movies a tool of the Lord? Is Jar Jar Binks a prophet of Christ? Is Judaism related to The Landlord's Game, and if so, does that make Bob Ross the face of the Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter-day Saints? How many similarities make plagiarism? Why does great responsibility come with great power? Was Voltaire the first Spiderman? Does someone really need to know what they're talking about, or is it enough to be confident about it? What does that have to do with Hugh Grant looking like an aging Jeffrey Dahmer? Can NPCs be resurrected? Can they go off-script? And lastly... is the pie a lie? Well, pull up a chair, get your trusty Monopoly game box and strive to control the board. If these questions didn't pique your interest, then I can't really help you. However, if you ever found yourself wanting to watch a horror film with a fantastically delightful and affable Hugh Grant that doesn't need jump scares to evoke a feeling of terror and dread, then you should give this a spin. Don't let the premise of "two young women walk into the house of an older man, and something's awry" let you be turned off for lack of originality, it is only the film's final act where it becomes somewhat rote (with or without following the red herring). The performances of the actors make the film, and they smoothe over the (minor, but present) problems, and the return to standard horror form in the film's final parts.
    1 point
  7. I may have figured it out - it's a keyboard character issue. I think I recall something similar happening before for something. That error happened again today. I sometimes separate thought/topic paragraph swings in longer posts with a line of "equal" signs. Sometimes I use a long line of "minus" signs instead, it's random/I'm strange. Anyway when it wouldn't let me edit, I removed the string of equal signs from the post and the edit went through vs. error message. Can't say for sure that's the problem ofc, or why a long line for them vs. only 1 might cause an issue - so as usual ... *shrug* At least I was able to make an edit.
    1 point
  8. Well the man lacks a moral compass and none of his cabinet selections are likely to provide one. He has shown despotic tendencies and now they are unlikely to be properly checked at the door. I'm expecting him to push the envelope of Presidential power as far as it will go. He's already threatened to deploy military troops on US soil, and he can call on the National Emergencies Act and push it to its limit. Republicans have control of Congress and they appear willing to support his actions. The big question is whether the Judicial branch can serve as a balance.
    1 point
  9. The INT was 23. You also have to watch out with the AoE indicator: it changes direction based on where you put the mouse cursor on the target - but the actual attack will target the middle of the enemy's circle and the AoE will be placed accordingly. So it's often the case that you think the cone will hit where the indicator suggested, but in reality it will not because you didn't point in the middle of the enemy's circle and the AoE indicator was off because of that. Try to hover/click on the middle of the enemies' circle to get the best idea where the cone will indeed hit.
    1 point
  10. For sure Deadfire has deeper mechanics than PoE, even if some features of PoE got streamlined (health/endurance for example, less party members). More subclasses and more levels means a lot more abilities per class, multiclassing and the new enchantment system with individual enchantments as well as weapon modals/proficiencies lead to a lot of variety and complexity. And then PEN vs. AR (which is more complex than dmg vs. DR), new (more complex) interrupts...
    1 point
  11. Blockbuster gaming doesn't really seem to have a target audience -- which is part of the problem. It's "one size fits all", which is why I'm glad that there's been a resurgence of more specialized games more lately. Stalker 2, Kingdom Come, From Soft -- even Larian didn't bend over and suddenly did an entirelly different game just because they balooned their budget. They're all doingn fine as well. Better than most "one size fits all" product. Often times though, these blockbusters literally aren't worth it (at least when approached with the rational parts of your brain...). You pay a higher price for the product itself in advance. Then you need better hardware to be able to at all run it. Then that hardware consumes a lot more power, as the latest tech is always the most taxing -- not that people living on cheap electricity in say the US would care about that specifically, but surely about the heat produced during Summer. Either way: I'm still enjoying Indy for instance. Do I regret buying it? No! But do I have a superior experience with it than with say, Drova? Desperados 3? Aliens: Dark Descent? Nah. tl;dr: Then what are you always upgrading your machine for? Showing off the new gadgets to the missus? My house, my car, my GeForce RTX. PS: 22 days to Bohemia. It seems Berlin's going nuts already.
    1 point
  12. Well the cut scene graphics certainly seem impressive, at least to my eyes. Clearly the characters aren't real, but they lack the uncanny valley effect you see from older games. Many of them are quite visually appealing, and the facial animations seem mostly okay. The biggest flaw I can find is just a lack of flaws; all of the faces are symmetrical. In real life I'd expect to see bent noses, moles, asymmetrical faces and so forth. But it's getting much closer to a realistic world with believable characters. At first I wasn't sure I'd like the game, since it was too much like the D:OS series. But it's grown on me. My only regret now is that the characters are level limited, so at 10th level I know I'm getting near the end. Hopefully some day a different company will make a good quality BG 4 and give us more adventures in this setting.
    1 point
  13. So Jagged Allience3 is being offered in this months Humble Choice. I remember some people here played it extensively. How good is it? Worth picking up by a non-JA fan? (I bought and launched JA2 a while ago on steam, but never spent a meaningful amount of time with it).
    1 point
  14. Thanks, Hawke64. Yes the ability to branch with choices that feel real and have consequences has always been a strength. I think it is interesting the evolution since the original FO (1 & 2) and how ambiguity continues to be a strong component of the realism: if that makes sense?
    1 point
  15. Forcing myself through the story in S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2, they clearly ran out of time and just half-assed the latter half once you start making "ending choices". Instead of having multiple missions depending on earlier choices there's only the single one that makes absolutely no sense for 50% of the choices you may have made before. Things got so on my nerves I actually put the game down for a few weeks. I'm talking about "Dangerous Liaisons": The lore is intriguing, but the storytelling is abysmal. I'd have taken less cinematics (that have lots of issues on their own) and better storytelling over what we got. If you're going to give players choice, better make it makes sense or it's just going to feel even worse than getting no choice at all (much more to say there, but will reserve that for when I get to the end) No patches since the last one, so AI and spawning issues are still the same as they were after the first big patch.
    1 point
  16. Avowed may be some fun but I never even finished Outer Worlds/didn't play Pillars2, so (for me) I'd wait until it's $40-50 or something. If I remember at that point. It gives me a sense so far, of colorful mediocrity (sorry, Obsidian). At least for my tastes. To be fair, I'm no longer really their target audience I suppose. Edit: nor any AAA's target audience, basically
    1 point
  17. Hello! I've been a player for some time now (260+ Hours on Steam, 100% scorecard and currently Mild NG+1 [New World] ), and have noticed a significant issue with certain resources having limited uses, most notably for me personally, the "Acid Gland". Unlike other resources which can accumulate quickly as a side result of farming for other purposes ("Red Ant Parts" for example), Acid Glands are dropped by multiple insects, ranging from Tier One (Red Soldier Ants/Larva), all the way to Tier 3 (Ladybird Larva) which are usually aggressive and difficult to ignore/avoid at times, and can pile up quickly with only a handful of practical uses (Low Tier Armor, Weapons, Trinkets and specific Ammunition). I would like to propose a solid first step in solving what I see as a problem for retaining this resources significance, even into NG+, as it drops frequently but has no valuable uses, even as an ammunition component (Note "Rocky Rounds" for use in "Acorn Turret" becoming an obsolete damage source in NG+]). The solution to me seems reasonable, and involves simply copying the item "Healbasa", using its visual assets and mechanics as a throwable object which bursts on impact, to create a low-moderate damage 'Splash Damage Bomb' that deals flat "Generic" damage. These "Acid Bombs", as I think of them, would require the following materials to craft: 1 "Bug Rubber" (1 "Sap" + 1 "Acid Gland") 3 "Acid Glands" 1 "Crude Rope" (5 "Plant Fiber" or 1 if made on "Loom") These resources can be easily obtained Early-Game and onward, and provide new uses for resources which are currently of limited usage, such as "Bug Rubber" (Only used primarily in decorations and "Bounce Webs"). Here are some simple ideas for expanding on their base functionality in-game: These Items would function nearly identically to the "Healbasa", affecting entities caught in the 'splash zone', both Enemies and Allies, providing a reasonable risk/reward incentive towards using them. These items could be effected by the "Javelineer" Mutation, which improves the damage of thrown objects. These Items could have a simple de-buff added to them that affects all entities hit (i.e. Slight armor reduction for a short amount of time, or a damage-over-time effect similar to "Burn" or "Poison") These Items could have their recipes improved in NG+, unlocking something I might call "Glowing Acid Bomb", which adds "Glow Goo" to improve the damage/de-buff capabilities and/or improves the items effective splash radius. These Items WOULD NOT, be a replacement for "Bratbursts", simply damage/de-buff only items. I'm sure many other players have had similar ideas or requests to address this items usage in the game, and I hope to receive a response in regards to any current projects or features which may already be addressing this potential issue. Excellent Work on the recent Updates, -Zac
    1 point
  18. You can think about the possibility to add the split screen from the same console or pc to play the adventures of the Grounded. I think it would be an interesting feature to add and not just the possibility to play online with our friends. What do you think about this idea? Greetings.
    1 point
  19. They should install pulleys in ground that way we could build from heights easier and faster. You could attach reinforced floors to it in order to move multiple things at once
    1 point
  20. Also putting the cooler on the porch would give you all the room you need since it's pretty empty up there
    1 point
  21. Add bugs that can you can tame and ride on like a fly
    1 point
  22. That BG3 just didn't resonate with me is a good way to put it. I didn't find characters endearing or interesting, I didn't find games premise to be well explored, I can't think of many choices that I particularly found difficult or interesting to make. Combat was a bit to messy for me to really engage with. A lot of systemic interactivity, but nothing that resulted in interesting problem solving. And just overall the "vibe" (visuals, music, character design) of the game didn't work for me. It's a very broad title, with many things to like and appreciate, but it felt like all promise and little payoff.
    1 point
  23. I didn't enjoy it but I really, really wanted to. Funny how that works.
    1 point
  24. While playing with friends, the firefly head lamp blinds my fellow players but I do not want to switch out my head gear all the time just to turn the light off. Can you add a way to toggle the light on the helmet on and off?
    1 point
  25. Pretty simple trinket idea: a lucky clover that increases the chance of getting rare loot from bugs and resource nodes. It would be relatively rare drop from clovers. Some drops, like beetle horns and widow fangs/venom are so rare that collecting them for crafting or upgrades can require clearing the entire yard multiple times. And certain trinkets are so rare that I've still not encountered them with several hundred hours in the game. Just having a trinket that can be equipped when farming for a particular resource would be a good trade-off to help reduce the grind, without making things too common.
    1 point
  26. Pretty simple, you would just relocate a chest/basket to a Zipline and it would attach, maybe even have a option where it doesn't move until you send it so you can load stuff into the container before sending it off. I think this would be an amazing thing for people who like to go on long gathering sessions across the map or maybe want to make a new base but don't want to deal with the relocation of their chests. I mean if a player puts the work in to have Ziplines going all over the map, maybe we should be able to do more and have ways to maybe just send items over long distances like with the stems. This could even be really helpful if you have a multiplayer world and your friend needs food or repair ingredients for their stuff but are all the way across the map, instead of just heading home their friend could just send over stuff and they can continue on with whatever they need to do across the map
    1 point
  27. It was the first thing I suspected too, but it has the keyword Fire. I was also thinking it's because it does slash as the main damage, but I tested with other attacks with fire secondary and it works as expected. Another strange thing, when you're using the console command "god", the damage is displayed in the logs but actually you never take damage, however Brutal Cleave still does damage and Dorudugan might even kill you (if he would spam it). What makes this attack a "god" killer?
    0 points
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