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1. Yeah, I figure I spend 80% of my web "browsing" actually browsing this forum. I used to browse No Mutants Allowed too, but I've fallen off there. 2. I hate that my content "feed" on youtube has stopped being 90% from the people that I actually want to follow and it seems to show bot content farm bull**** that does the same content or just blatantly copying it instead. It doesn't seem to help that I tell youtube to not recommend certain channels either. As I drive an old car, I often have to look for spare parts, and there is basically no shot of finding a legit parts vendor anymore if you just google. I'm stuck using the ones that I know, because I've got to go past page 10 atleast before I get past the SEO optimized malware pages. 3. Good point. I've started playing pen and paper rpgs again, in person, I still can't stand playing online though, it's ****ing awful and also puts you in the line of fire for being shat on by the publishers in the same way as gaming is infected.2 points
Having read a number of your posts over the years, I've not found this to be true. You certainly subscribed to identity politics when it came to hand wringing over CRT, for example. I think the character of a leader matters, and can flow on to the rest of the population. White supremacist propaganda on college campuses tripled in 2017, for example. (https://www.adl.org/resources/report/white-supremacist-propaganda-surges-campus) There was also a 4% increase in the number of hate groups. (https://www.splcenter.org/news/2018/02/21/year-hate-trump-buoyed-white-supremacists-2017-sparking-backlash-among-black-nationalist) and a 17% increase in hate crimes. (https://www.fbi.gov/news/stories/2017-hate-crime-statistics-released-111318) so it seems that, in fact, having an openly racist president is bad for the country as a whole. (Although he's said that he's probably the least racist person there is, so presumably you'll be taking him at his word rather than examining his words and actions.) Let's also look at some of the other outcomes. Trump added a few conservative justices to the supreme court which had the outcomes of rolling back Roe vs Wade and ruling that a president was literally above the law. Many prominent Republicans are science denying buffoons who think that climate change is a Democrat hoax, which has led to the Environmental Protection Agency being a bit of a joke. The Department of Agriculture were explicitly banned from using the word 'Climate Change.' https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2017/aug/07/usda-climate-change-language-censorship-emails It seems that's a ban that a few Republicans have followed. Trump signed executive orders aimed at gutting obamacare, putting a ban on travel from a number of muslim majority countries, (but oddly not Saudi Arabia, a country with whom he did business) removing two regulations on businesses for every additional one that is added, (wtf, how would this even work?) limiting the separation of church and state by limiting the actions that can be taken against religious organisations engaged in political campaign activities, withdrawing federal protection for trans students, reducing the rights of federal employees, (including making them easier to fire) making it easier for oil and gas companies to lay pipelines, and scaling back environmental reviews when building highway, among other. Trump and the Republican party are very bad for women, people of colour, trans people, and the environment. EDIT: they're bad for everyone, but those are some of the 'highlights'2 points
Hey guys, Just want to share some of my feelings about this fantastic game. I am old enough to have played old jewells like BG1, BG2, recently I have also played PK, PWOTR, BG3... and now I am back to POE (I finished both POE1 and POE2 quite a long time ago) because no fantasy RPG gives me as much as roleplaying satisfaction as POE. There are so many small things that I love (no pre-combat buffing, armor damage reduction, only a few "quickslots", dialogue choices, companions I actually really like (Edér, Aloth, Kana, hate Durance though , fantastic visuals). Also after finishing BG3 (which is a great game IMO) I am now able to really appreciate the beauty of RTWP system. I remember that few years ago I did not like it much because the combat was very hectic but now I know it just takes some time to learn it properly and then it feels great. Also I am quite positively shocked that a new patch for POE just came out . Cheers1 point
1. What's funny is that smaller forums like these feel like one of the last few holdouts of the old internet where you could actually talk to other humans online. There seems to be fewer and fewer places like this out there as time goes on, and now they're even trying to infiltrate here! 2. Practically every content medium (be it movies, television, music, books, video games, news, artists, bloggers, video essayists...even increasingly niche sub-genres within mediums like "artists who make and post pixel art online") was already over-saturated to the point of it being virtually impossible for any one person to sort through all of it. Generative content threatens to transform that from a waterfall to an endless ocean. 3. I don't really have a point three, but you can't have a list of just two things to say, that's illegal. Form interests and hobbies that don't have much or anything to do with the internet (especially not anything that is brand new and therefore highly subject to online bot interaction and manipulation), because in another ten, twenty years...I just don't know. It's better for you, anyway.1 point
I like Kyles stuff, and I kind of agree with this video unfortunately.1 point
No, but Black and Latino communities are often religious, and religion tends to lean conservative. The Catholic Church has a lot of sway with Latino voters.1 point
Just am pointing out the poor choice of word by the author. Political leanings isn't something innate.1 point
In all honesty, I think the collapse basically started with the election of Obama, and some heavy lifting from the financial crisis, the racists started really crawling out of the woodwork and started to embolden the politicians. Sadly, you're quite correct there. And it is only going to continue to get worse as climate change starts to hit harder and harder, with more and more refugees showing up here. Add in that the newer generation are, anecdotally, ****ing retarded and can't consume any news source that isn't in tiktok form it seems. I went by work yesterday for the first time in 3 months and said hello, the two older people there were cordial and we spoke for a while, but the 20 year olds lost interest in about 15 seconds to go back to scrolling tiktok and instagram. The two older people had heard some news, and were relatively well informed, but the kids were flabbergasted about things that happened months ago. It was a bit funny when one of them were surprised there was still a war in Ukraine, as the Ukrainian refugee working as a cleaner was doing her round... That girl has one hell of a deathglare1 point
Looking from the outside in, I'd say that you basically need a reset. The blatant corruption of the US political and judicial system is scary to see, and as you say, the Democrats can't afford to lose a single vote or you will basically get a Handmaids tale; The nation-wide reality show.1 point
I think most people are unaware of how campaign finance law works, I certainly am. But I also think that running Biden is going to lose the election to Trump and that people who want Biden out of the race are not wrong to do so, whether from concerns about him being able to beat Trump again or displeasure with Biden over Palestine, regardless of the practically of doing so. Aside from Bruce and a handful of brainwormed yuros I think most people on this forum recognize that Trump is a horrible fascist who shouldn't be let back into power. But if we're in a position where the Democrats have to win every presidential election from here on out and prevent a super majority of Republicans from getting into congress while also curtailing the unelected council of elders legislating insane **** or else democracy is gone.....then I think we've already lost it. The fact is that Trump isn't going away even if he dies, the Republican party is just going to be like this from here on out.1 point
Investigating this internally, it appears to be the same issue as the DLC issue in the patch notes. You most likely don't have the free Deadfire DLC pack installed, but from the last build (which incidentally included files from that DLC) you likely acquired and were using items from that DLC. You should be able to download the Deadfire DLC pack for free and load your save correctly. Please let us know if that resolves your issue.1 point
1 point
About 80% through V Rising. It's a bit repetitive. Constantly challenging, but it's mostly because everything is gated through the various bosses. So you're always with just about the same gear you fight a boss. There's various difficulties, so depending on how much you like the combat you should find a suitable difficulty. In settings, I checked the options that I keep my weapons and armor if I die, and that metals etc won't prevent teleporting.1 point
Hi @futurepast, I'm very sorry your character is in this state. We haven't seen this issue internally, so any information you can provide along with a save game exhibiting the issue would go a long way. Would you mind uploading your save file either here or send a copy to us through https://support.obsidian.net/#contact From the info provided, it sounds like your items may still be a part of your save and on your character, but are not being loaded in correctly or are missing on disk. While we await your save to investigate further, you might try repairing your local installation to reconcile any potential missing/corrupt files in your install directory. You may also try using the command 'iRoll20s' in the console and manually adding one of the items you know to be missing. If the item doesn't appear and the command was typed correctly, then it would support that you are missing files on your local installation. If the item does add correctly, then as a workaround you might wish to use that route to replace some of the missing items while we investigate further on our end. Edit* - Also, which DLC do you have purchased/installed (Including the free Deadfire DLC pack)?1 point
i think you might have to give up wael a bit if you want to take advantage of the hit->crit effect of debonaire. though looking at the bonus spells, no one really has a great set of bonus spells for taking advatnage of that. cleansing flame and scrolls might be the best way to do it. though as a slight suggestion - skaen might be a good mechanical choice. Escape (plus fast runner) and Shadowing Beyond give you really great options for de-aggroing enemies while saving rogue skill points (or at least guile). because the most busted thing the debonaire can do is sneak close to an enemy party, charm one of them, and then run/de-aggro the fight and let the charmed guy get wasted while burning enemy resources (and even maybe take one out). rinse and repeat. made the temple of woedica fight (really brutal on potd) extremely easy. edit: i had a different debonaire multiclass one, and i honestly found arterial strike on the rogue to be a useful thing to hit->crit, at least as a finisher. frequently you're left with a single kith mob who's still charmed, i just get my party members away, do the arterial strike, and now i have an extremely long duration mobility debuff and they just try to chase me down and die.1 point
48 hours later and over a million power outages in the Houston area, and still the most accurate way to track them is through the Whataburger app because Centerpoint gave up on even having a map. You have to love Texas. Maybe I am, maybe I'm not.1 point
1 point
Mostly yes, you can ghost the vast majority of quests. In terms of the base game, I think it's one mandatory midgame boss fight and the endgame one. There's a series of sidequests where it's kind of nothing but hunting down mini-bosses, but for all but one of them (there are over a dozen) I found stealth takedowns still worked fine. Occasionally you'll have minor sidequest content where you might be talking to someone and they pull a gun on you and you shoot them dead, over in a couple of seconds. Can't really call that a combat encounter, just a slight extension of killing someone via dialogue option.1 point
1 point
0 points
To be honest, I think Europeans managed quite well doing exactly that, long before the US was a factor on the world stage? Europe seems to have some kind of "Phoenix Like" qualities, rebuilding from ashes of previous civilizations, over and over and over. It's Darwinism in action. Shed old cultures and civilizations like dead skin cells and grow new ones.0 points
I got almost to the end of the 3rd chapter and now I can't get my game to load. I ended up going Angel with my Deceiver even though Trickster seemed like a better narrative fit. I just used Toybox to merge the spell books and it was insanely powerful. I then started a Black Blade/Sword Saint Magus but unlike the modded version, the official BB doesn't get to pick the blade, you just get a scimitar. Not sure I'll continue this game, just cleared the Shield Maze. I wish there was a spontaneous casting Druid.0 points
Sure, on the one side Trump is backed by a group that wants to dismantle the Constitution and make the USA a theocracy, but then again Biden's old(er than Trump by 3 years).0 points
Shocking. Shocking I tell you! Who could have thunkd?0 points
Or - and I know this is a radical idea, but hear me out - we could do everything we can to ensure Trump and Trump aligned politicians don't get elected, so we never have to find out what Trump would *really* implement!0 points
In a radical act of self care, I decided not to watch the debate unless one or both of the contestants literally died on stage. Apparently that didn't happen so I didn't watch the replay. Anyway, apparently Biden looked very silly, so of course Americans will do the sensible thing and elect a felonious rapist who packed the courts with conservative supreme court judges who rolled back Roe vs Wade and decided presidents were allowed to commit crimes if they did them 'officially'. I'm sure it's totally safe to assume the guy who said he'd be a dictator but only on day one, who labels any unflattering news story as 'fake news', who called those media outlets 'enemy of the American people', barred them from press conferences and suggested they lose their media license, who said that there were very fine people on both sides when one of the sides contained Nazis and Klan members and a white supremacist who killed someone with their car, who called athletes who protested against police brutality by kneeling 'sons of bitches' and suggested they be fired, suggested the USA accept more refugees from places like Norway or Asia rather than African nations, suggested it was treasonous not to applaud his speeches, used a school shooting as an opportunity to criticise the FBI for investigating himself, said it was great that China had a President for life and that maybe the USA should give that a shot some day, sided with Putin over the leaders of his own intelligence agencies, suggested that several congresswoman who happened to be women of colour, all of whom were American citizens and three of whom were born in the USA, should 'go back to their country', withheld pandemic aid from states with governors who 'weren't grateful enough', suggested that a 75 year old peace activist who was hospitalised after being shoved by police officers 'could be an ANTIFA provocateur', shared a video of a supporter yelling 'white power', said he might not accept the results of an election if he loses, suggested that a police officer accidentally killing someone is similar to a golfer missing a putt, encouraged people to vote twice, refused to commit to a peaceful transition of power if he lost an election, urged a crowd to march towards the capitol, told the crowd of domestic terrorists he'd just encouraged 'We love you. You're very special', tried to have the Vice President overturn the election... Well, I'm sure there's absolutely no downside to having that guy in power again.0 points
@PK htiw klaw eriF None of the PC Souls games were ever technically unplayable with a M+KB: it's just that it was way more finicky and the learning curve was much higher, which naturally results in players having a worse time and there being a higher likelihood of quitting early on. But I knew people who played even Dark Souls 1, the game that easily had the worst PC controls, with M+KB at a high level. I only played about two hours of Elden Ring before I quit and uninstalled it forever because I pretty much categorically disliked or hated every change in gameplay compared to Dark Souls, so I never tried it with a M+KB, but I would still recommend gamepad, especially because it's my impression that the Souls games got increasingly faster-paced, more difficult and complicated, and just generally more unfair towards the player as FromSoftware went along, so jumping into Elden Ring as your first FromSoftware Souls game seems like it might not be the smartest idea even at the best of times, i.e. before you throw in trying to play with M+KB. If you need recommendations on a specific model, I might be of assistance there...unless you want a Playstation-like controller, because I don't do those. A decent Xbox-like controller will run you probably anywhere between 40 and 60 dollars...cheaper than that and you're likely to get something that feels bad. @Humanoid Is Cyberpunk 2077 actually mostly playable without fast-paced shooting and stabbing? I played just a little bit of it but it seemed like the focus on how it wanted me to handle encounters was all wrong and I wasn't into it at all, but maybe I should've tried sticking with it a little longer. @majestic Okay, now I've watched the hbomberguy Fallout 3 video. It was kind of funny to see him mention Moira as one of the few bright spots in the game, because I had completely blanked out her existence up until the moment he mentioned her but instantly remembered liking her a lot too. When that game came out and I played it, the overbearing internet commentary I saw on the game was that it was "Oblivion with guns", and really, I feel like that's still pretty much spot on, so I never even really questioned the fact that it had the same old terrible writing and quest/story/dialogue outcomes, or that it just vaguely painted itself over with the Fallout setting while missing all the nuanced details that made it special to fans, or the various systems around the combat not meshing well together. What I mostly remember is the fact that I had started playing S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl before Fallout 3, and so I really disliked both the open world and combat design, which is unfortunately something that I wasn't able to get over for with New Vegas, even though I knew New Vegas was much better in practically most every other way. If somebody could Stalker-ize New Vegas' combat so that your stats don't affect the damage or accuracy of weapons (outside of if you use VATS, maybe...which is not something I ever liked using in either games) and adjust the power and/or concentration enemies to match that new design philosophy, I might be able to play it. That sort of thing is a big part of why I've always stayed away from most RPG shooters that aren't Stalker.0 points
No recourse. Wells Fargo investigated and said it was her fault. Which it was, of course, but she had a teen checking account, and I was surprised they didn't have better protections in place. Basically they sent her a bad check, which she deposited, and then threatened her if she didn't Venmo the same amount ($400) back. The check didn't clear and she was out the amount she venmo'ed. She came to us after that fact, but she learned that lesson the hard way.0 points