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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/03/19 in all areas

  1. 2 points
  2. Actually Bruce you know what I love to watch? Don't laugh. It's https://www.dogtv.com/ I've had it for years. I leave it on for the girls when I'm not home. Tommy would actually watch it. And I have to admit there is something almost mesmerizing about it. The video seems a little odd at times because of it's refresh rate (dogs eye see faster than 60 hz so when watching TV they see not just the picture but the blank spaces in between). Sometimes the video is just a swirl of colors and odd sounds, some of which you can't even hear (they can). It really is meant to entertain dogs. But I find it hypnotizing.
    2 points
  3. Followed Cold Creek to the river to do some fishing. Didn't get a nibble. Read a book, took a nap on the riverbank with Sunny & Bella. Watched them splash in the water. Walked back. Going to make some veggie soup and iced tea for dinner and catch the Marlins vs Rays on the radio. Life is good.
    1 point
  4. Owning a diner is a life sentence if the building is aesthetically pleasing. Or someone just likes the pancakes. If it were me I'd do a Howard Roark on it if they wouldn't let me sell.
    1 point
  5. Still seeing it more often than I'd like. It should be once a month, not once a week. These aren't high security bank accounts.
    1 point
  6. Here you go, son:
    1 point
  7. Killed last form of Sword Dancer in Tales of Symphonia for the first time Also I have for the first time cleared all advanced coliseum fights. Hardest for me was Regal and Colette. Most other characters including Raine and Genis were just breeze. Next goal is Abyssion, then grind Kratos to level 100 and finish game on Hard or Mania difficulty for respective trophies, to finish all my goals for the current playthrough.
    1 point
  8. I've been playing HITMAN 2. This series is my jam and this is one of the better games in the series, classic and reboot. It's pretty much the same game as the 2016 reboot, just slightly prettier and with a little bit more interesting levels and missions. The biggest knock on the game is that the combat isn't the greatest, but that's mostly a moot point for me since I'm all about getting silent assassin. I will admit that trying to salvage stealth gone horribly wrong can also be thrilling in its own right, but my goal is always to have zero combat. I'm on the 5th mission (of 7 I think). Once I finish the main story I have a metric ****ton of escalations to do and also to go through missions again and better my score, get silent assassin, suit only, and figure out how to do some really creative and fun kills. Plus there are the elusive targets.
    1 point
  9. Geez GD, I wouldnt want you to impact and harm your quality of life too much in your well meaning objective of " cutting the umbilical cord of being connected " ... You have clearly made some serious steps in discontinuing DirecTV but now you only have access to pirate bay, live streaming, gaming, online gaming, Hulu, Amazon, HBO and Netflix...Im concerned you are not going to survive by removing yourself from all access to the digital world ....dont be a hater
    1 point
  10. This whole rtwp vs TB debate is getting really tiresome now.
    1 point
  11. I cut the cord today. I discontinued DirecTV. I have just one television and I hardly ever watch it. I still have Hulu, Amazon, & NetFlix so there is still plenty to not watch. SiriusXM has become my primary entertainment. Tonight it's Classic Vinyl, a few glasses of Four Roses small batch, a sunset and then later stars. The older I get the more I have come to realize I prefer life simple. I'd have saved myself a lot of heartbreak and money if I'd only realized it long ago.
    1 point
  12. A parrot swallows a Viagra tablet. His owner, disgusted, puts him in the freezer to cool off. Later when he opens the freezer, he finds the parrot sweating. "How come you are sweating?" he asks. The parrot replies, "Do you know how hard it is to open the legs of a frozen chicken?"
    1 point
  13. Wow, a Pole lecturing Norway on children's rights. Not like Poland's current government is running interference for the biggest child molestation conspiracy in the world over literal centuries- the Catholic Church. Any child protection agency is going to make mistakes as the situation is fundamentally one where, frequently, there is no good answer. The Catholic Church on the other hand has made a whole lot of deliberates and apparently the only defence available is that it's all a commie/ Soros plot to discredit the pillars of Polish society. And in other news, the US has formally announced their withdrawal from the INF Treaty. Unsurprising, and not really much effect after the US abrogated it years ago with Aegis Ashore- not that you'd know that from media coverage as I haven't seen a single source mention it- and the Russians have (probably, at least theirs isn't proven unlike Aegis Ashore) done the same. Joins the growing list of international agreements the US has withdrawn from, though at least this time there's an argument it isn't a unilateral withdrawal. And, of course, a reminder that "China isn't bound by it" is a load of bollocks as an excuse too, since the only US territory the Chinese could hit would be Guam, and maybe the Aleuts.
    1 point
  14. Cheers, @bringingyouthefuture. Any idea whether it's worth using Death or Moon godlikes or is it pretty much Fire for tank and Nature for everyone else since they will usually have Inspirations up at all times for the PL?
    1 point
  15. Because they had Infinity Engine ready for an RTS game Battleground Infinity which didn't came to fruition and used it for BG to not lose money on new engine. It's a well known fact and would take up like few seconds on google research. https://baldursgate.fandom.com/wiki/Infinity_Engine
    1 point
  16. I want that on a T-shirt.
    1 point
  17. Witnessed something pretty odd today. An anti-Islamist organization had a demonstration against Islam in a park downtown, with hundreds of counter-protesters showing up and making a lot of noise. At the same time, maybe only 30-40 metres from all this noise and chaos, a couple was getting married. They were seemingly unfazed through it all. I wonder if they cursed their timing, or whether they found some humor in it.
    0 points
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