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  2. I don't mind female Custodes at all, I've always thought the "only boys, no icky girls" part of the space marines made no sense from a logical perspective. They wouldn't look like women after all the treatments, but still, considering how rare good candidates are cutting off 50% of the population is a bit foolish. And when it comes to lore, there used to be female Space Marines, just that noone bought them back then and they then got repurposed as the second coolest 40k faction, nuns with guns. Haha, that'd be hilarious!
  3. do you happen to have a screenshot from when you tried? it's possible it might be coded wrong and doesn't have a 0 innate power level.
  4. My wife tells me this is the least interested she's been in the finals in a long, long time. We started playing fantasy football basketball just to get back into the NBA and now we're all over it.
  5. Liar Satsuki Can See Death been following this manga for a long time and it is finally finished plot is main character can see dead body day before their death and try to prevent it pretty unique reading experience hope it got anime adaptation someday
  6. Losing every EU capital (except Budapest xD) in exchange for Stalingrad, Leningrad and Moskva is an acceptable sacrifice for Biden.
  7. To be fair, working crew and I took about 2 pictures across the entire time. I was wrapped up fixing costumes and herding cosplayers for events, and running on about 3 hours sleep each night. But to give you the general vibe...
  8. You should not, as FSB has employed loads of young “influencers” and not only in Russia, who are payed to talk positively about Russia. These are aimed especially at Latin American, African and Asian countries. But not exclusively.
  9. Photos, we need to see lots of photos You must know the vicarious thrill photos provide around ComicCon and DONT forget the Cosplay people and ladies
  10. So... Heiliung is going to tour Australia, with special guest Eivor. I would go see either without as a main event (both together just means I must have been a good boy), but... I am torn between getting tickets for their Brisbane concert or their Melbourne concert. The former is closer and more convenient, but the latter is probably a bigger event with better facilities
  11. Great video, thanks for posting. I watched the whole video but Gorthfuscious she is DEFINITELY an FSB agent and Im surprised you would post such outrageous propaganda Im joking obviously, she is not a FSB agent . I think she is exactly what she says she is and the whole video is a well meaning video from a young person about her life in Russia and she objectively discusses what she thinks matters and what is important since sanctions after the invasion of Ukraine And I believe everything she says But the real criticism towards Russia is the politics and the reality of freedom in Russia under Putins autocracy. Its not about SM hyperbole around " no food on supermarkets" or " I cant access FB anymore " and its interesting at the end where she says "I always wondered how people in China could survive without FB or Youtube " like that really is a big deal, " OMG I cant access FB anymore " But she is your average young person and thats a big deal to them and she means well But going back to the real issues within Russia, she openly admits politics doesn't concern her and thats expected unless you support the authoritarian reality of Russia. How would she feel if she was member of the LGBT community? We have just had an election in SA as you know and the belief that people have in free and fair elections was the winner, it doesnt matter who wins because its the will of the people through the ballet box that is the most important thing We had weeks of opposition parties campaigning, townhall meetings, candidates coming onto talk shows and news networks and openly and freely criticizing the ANC and its policies with both fair and unfair comments. Our state owned media station provided the same platform because we allow and encourage those basic political freedoms and that matters to me and always will None of that exists in Russia, there is no free media and no real criticism allowed of the state or its policies and they dont have free and fair elections And thats not a concern to many people in Russia because there is nothing they can do about it like this young lady which is why she specifically mentions her video is not about politics So her is video is honest and truthful but what she talks about is not the real criticism I have towards Putin or his system of government. Its what his interpretation and implementation of a government means And I will always believe governments must support basic freedoms like human rights, freedom of speech and leadership change being determined through free and fair elections But if you ignore this you can absolutely be happy in Russia or have a normal life like she explained in the video
  12. IIrc her name was Natasha or something close. Last video I saw (a year ago) was posted from some other country. I *think* she was staying in Georgia https://www.youtube.com/@NatashasAdventures/videos
  13. She doesn't mention the pricing of those electronics compared to before the sanctions. I always wondered if Kazakhstan taxes the goods that go through their country to Russia.
  14. What did happen to that girl in Vladivostok
  15. A Dance of Masks. Not exactly informative and I am quite certain that these are combat barks from the base game, but the focus on the companions is welcome. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sycs4vdpxYw
  16. Finished the There is no Light review. After some reflection, the general thing is that it is an action-adventure (and not a Souls-like nor a Metroidvania) with nice art and character development system and not so nice story/writing and level design. The foes clipping through each other and environmental hazards were also unpleasant. I am thankful for the key provided by ShadySands. --- Started The Last Express Gold Edition. Failed after wandering around the train for 10 minutes - could not find the quest NPC. The game looks amazing for its time, though the screen resolution and the mouse-based controls suggest it would work wonderfully on handheld devices. The in-game navigation is somewhat challenging.
  17. Sad thing is, it's entirely possible... although I think that is giving FSB too much credit.
  18. After activating the SPAC.R, it says I need to collect more milk molars but I have collected every milk molar I can and the ASL terminal is maxed out. I'm not sure if I need more but as of right now I have collected all of the ones that have loaded into my world
  19. Her channel is nice, came across people claiming she's some FSB operative..based off a video of a pickup artist in Odessa, heh. People OD on propaganda, I guess.
  20. Dallas vs. Boston? Um...is it too late to cheer for Denver? I think it's too late.
  21. Noticed something else: Snap to grid will say that a build is unsupported when it is on the ground (Grass floor) there are tiles surrounding it on all sides but it won't let me place the structure.
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