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  3. I am unable to unlink my Xbox Account from Grounded in order to put the correct one in HOW DO I DO THIS?
  4. Just to continued a conversation from a blog post... @kanisatha Thanks for the heads up. Sadly, I only have two of my old boxes of Avalon Hill games that survived more than two decades of constant relocation left, being "Flat Top" and "Wooden Ships & Iron Men". I always hoped those would some day get good computer game adaptations. The former being especially "taxing" by the sheer amount of literal paperwork involved. For some good free PC games designed by Gary Grigsby, the current IP owner (Matrix Games) have made "Pacific War" and "War in Russia" (WWII games) available for download for free. Even if designed in the Dos era of PC's, they ran on Windows 11 last time I played them. Took a moment to mentally separate SGS from an old favourite of mine, SSG (Strategic Studies Group), who made the first 4X game I played in the mid 80's, "Reach for The Stars". Sadly Microprose is no longer what it once was. They made some great strategy games besides flight sims, going back to the early Commodore 64 days and up to the PC era. Edit: Being part of my gaming experience on both C64, Amiga & PC Today I play a few older Paradox titles, like Crusader Kings 2, Europa Universalis 3 and Hearts of Iron, as well as a few of Matrix Games titles, "Gary Grigsby's War in the East" and "Gary Grigsby's War in the West". I will check up on the SGS games though edit2: Something I didn't mention is, I still play a lot of the old C64 and Amiga games on emulators. Mostly a few SSI games on the C64 and an Amiga version of the Battlemech board game (yes, turn based on a hex pattern map, doesn't get better than that!)
  5. Manor Lords - I don't profess to actually understand detailed mechanic workings, it's all too obscure/inconsistent/glitchy perhaps, but you do stuff enough times and you figure out what works. Hence, I have reached the point where I can restart, get to 600+ population, and then get bored. At least in terms of sandbox. On the one hand, I appreciate I can grow at my own pace. On the other hand, when there is no reason to keep growing (especially since the multiple-region stuff isn't it) outside of "town painting" a region, no risk or buildup left to do (I can literally walk away for hours and it runs itself with no problems) apparently for this game, 600 or so is the magic "I'm done" number. I've barely tried the combat. It sounds way too buggy with perhaps too dramatic a difference between too easy and irritatingly rushed.
  6. The reaction to Israel not getting a couple of shipments of JDAMs is getting hilarious. You'd think without those bombs, the IDF will be annihilated by Hamas.
  7. Yesterday
  8. ps5 is out and some how this is still an issue 4 years later is a bit ridiculous at this point. before saving and quitting loading a save up the next day
  9. Look, our very own @Gorth is famous
  10. I was playing multiplayer when the update dropped, so we disconnected to update. After updating, I can load in, but I freeze for ~10 seconds for every ~2 seconds of unfrozen gameplay This is on PC via Steam. Tried rebooting and validating game files. Can load singleplayer :(
  11. Not only did Arkane's fall start under Bethesda, but Zenimax covered up how bad things were in the Austin studio so Microsoft would focus more resources on Starfield.
  12. Can we have a proper hockey thread now?
  13. The thundercat build in the forum is great since cat form+wall of draining is one of the few ways to actually make use of shapeshift. Conjurer has all the damage spells a wizard needs (as multiclass, at least), as long as you focus on them sorcerer is one of the best offensive casters in the game.
  14. Great read @Gorth! Very interesting that you are also a wargammer. Have you looked at any of the video game wargames currently being made based on those old AH/VG/GDW boardgames? There is a studio called Strategy Game Studio (SGS) that has been making several of these games, and their publisher is Avalon Digital. If you check out the Steam forum for their games, the main guy who works for SGS seems very passionate about bringing those old TT wargames to video gaming. He might even be interested in adding another programmer to SGS. I have the following wargames in my Steam wishlist, and as always, looking for feedback from anyone who's played them: SGS NATO's Nightmare SGS Afrika Korps: Tunisia Strategic Command: World War I Napoleon's Eagles: Game of the Napoleonic Wars
  15. Well we already had a lot of rumours about deaths of some high russian officials and their “health” issues. About Lukashenko as well. I was just simply curious, what we will “know” for sure in the next few days . Shoigu being at the parade just bursted the bubble of anticipation I had . As much as I would like to see him at the next Tea Party, It is just interesting to watch how the wishful thinking spreads fast in the west as well
  16. New "Iontronic Memristor" Could Revolutionize Brain-Like Computing Using Only Salt and Water - The Debrief
  17. I don't see Shoigu being in any particular danger, either -- or at least in any more danger than anyone else under Putin. (Which also means that he's completely subject to Putin's whims, whatever they may be, of course.) But when @Mamoulian War writes that "Looks like there might be a lot of rumours emerging in the next few weeks" (see above), the statement itself is rather irrelevant: one thing we certainly haven't had ever since the beginning of the war is a lack of rumours. Btw, when it comes to rumours, interpretations, theories and all the rest of it, just about the only interesting thing outside real news was the time when S. Lavrov appeared in that conference (in Bali, was it?) wearing a Basquiat T-shirt. That almost made me think that the guy was trying to send a message there, given the obvious discrepancy between Russia's stated line and Basquiat. But even if he was, I don't think the message had either a point or any discernible content.
  18. At the parade, gave an interview to TASS and was sitting at Putin's right hand during a interview/ statement thingy at the Kremlin. Bit of overkill in terms of proof of life, political or otherwise, really. The people at the table of the interview wotsit other than Putin did rather look like they were worried the ghost of Beria was about to leap out from behind the curtains with Makarov in hand if they so much as twitched though. (Only 'interesting' thing was him being described as "acting" Minister of Defence by TASS which would be a bit odd for someone in the job 10+ years. Then again TASS' translations to english are not always perfect)
  19. Well he was at the parade. Who knows what these rumours are, anyway. Probably from that gold standard of Sushko.
  20. Shoigu is also 68, and the Russian male life expectancy is, shockingly, 69.36. I know that Shoigu lives in luxury, which increases life expectancy, but in Russia, luxury can also be associated with open windows and someone just casually offering you a cup of tea.
  21. I've been thinking about this in purely mathematical terms. For instance, if the amount of combat in P:K and WotR was cut by half, I'm certain the game would be twice as good. If the amount of combat was dropped to 25% of what it is now, I think the game might well be four times as good as it is now (assuming they really thought about what to leave in). But if the combat was cut by 90%, I don't think the game would be ten times as good as it is now.
  22. Shoigu is a survivor, he'll get through whatever is going on.
  23. Health advisory: Stay away from open windows?
  24. Looks like there might be a lot of rumours emerging in the next few weeks. After jailing Shoigu’s thieving right hand, Shoigu was not seen at Putin’s “inauguration”. Let’s see, if he will be around the Red Square during today’s parade
  25. Yes thats all true It doesnt explain much but its not suppose to because they only had 30 seconds. Its not about the policies of the DA Its just another example of a sensationalized political advert but the point is really the overreaction to this advert from ANC which is also a political response Its been in the news the last 2-3 days and some people are literally " outraged " because they think its treasonous and racist Like I mentioned with the ANC grandstanding about taking legal steps because of the flag burning But a flag wasnt burned. Its just a political advert
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