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  2. Watched Berserk, 'cause wanted to see what inspired the game I seem unable to quit recently. None of that horror at the end would have happened if only Griffith had courage to ask Gutz out.
  3. Today
  4. i was logged out twice today pity me PITY ME
  5. Unforgiven (1992). In theory, I should've liked the ugly story that this was trying to tell, pathetic and free from any 'glory', a solemn introspection and sunset for westerns...but the leading trio of Eastwood, Freeman, and Woolvett conspired to blow up half the film for me. They all inexplicably stunk...or maybe were trying to do or be something that I just didn't understand. Everything else about this movie was pretty enjoyable, especially with the film seeming to be a kind of reflection on Clint Eastwood's career in the genre that he helped shape and popularize. It's one of those films I wish I had liked but for some reason didn't, especially what with this being considered one of the best films of all time. Funnily, the opening of the film (i.e. the king's...uh, play, or whatever) was probably my least favorite part of the film, mainly because I was wondering what the hell was going on and just what I was getting into. I think if I re-watched the opening, I'd like it a lot more now, but it was a bad way to start the film for me. Initial impressions can be difficult to shake, so it's further credit to the film (...and the king) that it did.
  6. So, when do we get the review of Star Trek Discovery S5 then? (Prime was absolutely desperate for me to watch Invincible when I subbed for Fallout last month. Ended up watching The Expanse s3+ again instead- no regrets, and the later seasons were much better on a rewatch. Now TVNZ+ is absolutely desperate for me to watch Discovery, the algorithm cannot understand how someone who'd watch just about anything vaguely science fiction keeps ignoring it)
  7. Looks like they changed the name. Gameplay reveal in June 11. https://blog.bioware.com/2024/06/06/TheVeilguard/
  8. Yesterday
  9. Starfield - There are some quality of life fixes from when I played at release, and I set it so that I can carry everything. It is going well and I'm enjoying exploring the universe. I am still figuring out how to make a decent settlement, but I am better at ship design now.
  10. And Beast Boy...inexplicably just stops doing that even though it was effective. Trigon just sits there uselessly flailing around in agony until Beast Boy decides to leave of his own accord. In video games, you keep doing what works until it stops working...in shows and movies, a character doing that to resolve every situation gets repetitive and boring awfully quickly, even if it makes the character seem stupid when they stop. Similarly, a character using one of their abilities in an unexpected way to resolve a problem can either be great or completely stupid, depending on the drama of the situation, how well it was or wasn't set up, how cool or funny it is, and probably a variety of other factors. Look at this nonsense I found in Atom Eve's Invincible wiki entry, under "weaknesses": And noted right next to it... In effect, the typical "we gave this character too powerful of an ability" combined with "so we're going to put an artificial limit on it" topped off with "but actually she can bypass it...but only when we want her to" nonsense. Is it better than not addressing it at all? Maybe, maybe not...addressing it kind of just draws more attention to how stupid it is, so maybe it's better to just not. She changes a textbook into something else entirely different and then right back again, with the textbook having completely resumed its previous form so that it can still be read, so I guess her ability to instantly analyze, memorize, and change reality is literally just about perfect, which makes her powers seem even dumber. This is precisely why I try not to think about this, it really doesn't matter and it's all a load of nonsense. I only care about something like this is if there isn't other things that I like about what I'm watching to distract me from thinking about it, which if it's not accomplishing, is usually a sign I should just stop watching.
  11. Why didnt Ant Man go up Thanos butt and grow? Because then the show is over. Which reminds me of the original Teen Titans TV series from 2003, during the final battle with the BBEG, Beast Boy flies into his ear and then shapeshifted into a whale. Really made Trigon mad. Good times.
  12. I forgot exactly what I said about Invincible...something like "I could barely watch the first half, but by the end I'd had a pretty good time because it stopped being stupid". Common problem with a lot of shows, really, especially in this new age of low episode counts causing the front-loading of all your character and world setup right off the bat. I haven't started the second season...to be honest, all the people that I knew who liked the first season seem to have completely lost interest in the show because of the amount of time it took to make a second season, so nobody watching it and nobody caring hasn't really put me into a mood to watch it. To be honest, on the very rare occasion that I watch it, I basically don't pay attention to what anyone can do in superhero/villain stuff. The moment I start thinking about it, my suspension of disbelief can't help but go right out the window. Strengths, weaknesses, and powers/abilities come and go while new ones are made up all as the narrative demands it, and there are pretty much always obvious massive issues like the one you pointed out with Atom Eve, so does any of it really matter? It's just better not to care, if you can.
  13. Crazy that POE1 got an update in 2024 lol! Psychic and Brutal Backlash now correctly respect their per encounter rules. No you cant cheese dragons and stun lock them the entire fight lol!
  14. They fixed DX9 a while ago, it is now supported natively in the drivers and no longer emulated. GN retested Arc every now and then.
  15. Aren't they a dice roll with OLD games, too? That's the primary I've never considered them, having heard horror stories about compatibility with old crap, especially anything DX9 and earlier. Immediate compatibility with new games doesn't really concern me.
  16. Midnight Suns is free on Epic I grabbed it but may still never play it for free because of the cards
  17. Finally managed to find some time to finish the first season of Invincible, which I started way back when it came out at the recommendation of a friend. Except for the plot twist of the first episode, the first three episodes of the series were so dreadfully boring that I put off watching the rest of the season for a while. The following episodes got a lot better, but there are some problems that ended up gnawing at my brain while watching. Well, I've watched worse. On the other hand, I've also watched much better series. Onwards to season two then.
  18. Well, here's to hoping Intel's Battlemage can deliver better compatibility at a decent price. The A770 cards wouldn't be half bad as alternative to nVidia's and AMD's very underwhelming cards at that price range, if it would be less of a dice roll with fresh game releases.
  19. I am having an issue with getting the landmark discovery to register for the field station near Cliff Plank, right next to the Chop Can. The Sca.b isn't registering it so I assume that would be because I have already used the field station. Any suggestions?
  20. Pretty much this. My most expensive was the first Voodoo generation MiroHiscore 3D with 6MB rather than the then standard 4MB for over 400 DM,- back then. This was followed by Voodoo 3 (200 bucks upon launch). Even a GeForce 4ti I got for 99 Euros (a year after initial relase, brand new). And until ~ten years ago, only enthusiasts really ever NEEDED to spend significantly more than ~250 bucks in general. There was a WEALTH of viable options even for ~100-150 for many years. So making that jump AND just getting GPUs with 2016 mid-range (RX 480) / minimum requirement amounts of VRAM, I dunno. I'm not gonna run out of games for the forseeable future as such. Plus, I bet even the 2500 Dollars RTX 5090 ain't gonna support CTX (Commodore-Tracing) anyway, so meh. Lovely bunch of pixels brought to you by: SKALD: Against The Black Priory.
  21. Thanks, Gorth. I've read through your blog multiple times and find many parallels between your experiences and my own. Your generous sharing prompts me to realise how many titles from OBS, including those under the existing banner and previous iterations like Black Isle, I've replayed. I've lost count of how many times I've played through NWN, FO 1&2, and now, ToW! I often return to KotoR, not just for the gameplay but also for what it heralded for the future, which you've captured so well, especially regarding the ending. As 'The Acolyte' is set to release, I can't help but remain geekily hopeful that OBS might get another opportunity with the franchise. Thank you for taking the time to share your experiences and reflections, and for being the first contributor to the Community Blog. Your post sets a welcome model, and I'm excited to see the variety in future contributions. You've started us off in a good way—thank you!
  22. "Don't look at me. I'm beautifuuuul. I'm beautifuuuuuuul." and Louis XIII doing a drag performance has been seared into my mind since I saw the film. I think that what makes it work so well for me is how I went in expecting somethings like the Excorcist but moar lewd and instead got a substantially better version of The Crucible. Frankly what I found disturbing wasn't the nun orgy but just how relevant a 50 year old film about events 4 centuries ago feels. Maybe I'm just too brain damaged by Evangelion. I think it's a really solid horror that manages to straddle the line between being too much of a joke to taking itself so seriously it disappears up it's own ass.
  23. Yeah, I don't play new AAA games basically ever, so last year I bought an RTX 2060 from EVGA for a hundred bucks and called it good. I haven't run into any games where I needed it to be more powerful than that, so... It's not as if I can't afford it, but I don't know, I've never paid more than $200 for a GPU in my life and I'm kind of inclined to keep it that way what with my faded interest in current AAA games.
  24. Looks like it all worked out fine this time. Hope we'll see an actual secure landing next time.
  25. Speaking of Ken Russell, I saw Lair of the White Worm recently for the first time. As is often true with Russell's films its a better film than its reputation would lead you to believe, even if I think Russell's final joke at the end doesn't really pay off.
  26. - SpaceX - Launches Be there or be square. EDIT: The booster landing in the water and slowly tipping over made the hair on my arm stand up! Now just to stick the reentry.
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