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  2. Never really thought about this until you said it. Adventurers do risk death rather blithely in modern RPGs, putting their lives on the line fighting alongside comrades they should, or even do, outright despise. I don't really agree with Obsidian's stance though. It feels to me as though they are saying, if there are romances they must be Absolutely Awesome, and then the dozen other relationships you could form with party members must also be Absolutely Awesome to match, and ain't nobody got the development resources for that. It's good that they recognize a spectrum with more values than "love interest" and "therapy patient" (or Aerie who could be both at the same time), but I'd rather see all these possible interactions given moderate attention than have romances completely ruled out. If you and a party member really do want to fight for the same cause, that's a great case for compatibility. You spend most of your time together, which is an even greater case for convenience. Chemistry, on the other hand, that is not a given, but perhaps something that will or won't happen depending on your character's choices.
  3. Today
  4. bento just been reminded bento exist after decade artstyle still hold up by today standard light novel are actually pretty dry and have far too many game console reference but the ridiculous premise and the dead serious execution are still entertaining
  5. The latest patch bugged stun. Somehow stunned character is (sometimes) able to run while recovery time is on hold and such character can't do any action. Previously stunned characters just, well, were stunned which were unable to do anything. Right now stun icon often isn't even displayed properly and the game displays current action. I recorded short video to get some hits from phantoms (it starts around 1:20): LINK TO VIDEO
  6. I'm leaning towards a hard NO here, but it's hard to test this sort of thing because I am uncertain if loot is determined on spawn of creatures, or on death/loot. If loot is determined when something spawns though it's confusing how loot luck even works at all.
  7. What Russia is basically doing is plundering from their future to prop up their present. Western welfare societies pretty much do the same thing, but just not in as draconian a way as what Russia is doing right now.
  8. How? Nostalgia + larger, prettier But the point is not how, but how much and where. I saw ads for PoE. I didn't see one single ad for PoE2. I would have been an excellent target for the FB algorithm, but nothing. I heard about it from this forum and this forum alone. It took years before it showed up on my steam account. Then the odd choice of GoG. They could have known that Deadfire would not be easy to sell. Using it to "hype" GoG was not clever at all. OMG. This forum is the only place where I have to use english. So my english skills degenerated in the past few years.
  9. Godzilla Minus One via Netflix -- the actual few Godzilla scenes were fun. There aren't all that many of them tho. It felt 20 minutes too long and while it's leagues better than the Hollywood attempts,I was left largely unmoved by it overall. But then, I'm not a mega old-timer Godzilla fan, so that's probably part of it. I remember watching some of those poorly Eng. dubbed versions after school when I was a kid, but I barely remember them. Atlas, also via Netflix - well...the robot/mech suit personality/VA was a decent "character" for entertainment value. The CGI looked clean. That's about all one can about it, really.
  10. Yeah, I have my waft emitter on the back end of the pond between the infected bugs near the pagoda and the log next to the patch of dandelions and flowers. I've submitted a bug about either the bugs not reaching me or the raid ending in the middle of it but it hasn't shown up on the bug tracker yet and I don't know why. Either it's working the way Obsidian wants it to, or it's simply not a bug they want to fix. https://1drv.ms/v/c/c8c9df95c451c7b1/EbHHUcSV38kggMhdDAAAAAABI8n7azcYkBC397e_86VdPA?e=Iy0mkq
  11. It would be rather unpleasant for the users, but very understandable for GOG. I have used neither Steam nor GOG cloud saves voluntarily (only when the settings were resetting).
  12. recovery of an mmo junkie op is great watched it when half of the season was out was disappointed about much of the seasonal anime at that year but was lucky to find this refreshing show and reignite some interest
  13. Ah, romance. Romance never changes. I think this is one of the worst legacies Bioware is going to leave behind. Not the romances per se. Rather, that there's an expectation for them to be in every game. Bioware type of companions have become very stale and predictable throughout the years in general. Like: - Meet companion - Sign them up for your party - Gather and venture forth - level them up - unlock their Backstory™, their Companion Quest™ and a Romance™ - level them up some more - shag them! Sure, you can write altogether new and different Backstories™. A decent quest designer is also always gonna come up with an inventive Companion Quest™. And occasionally somebody can actually do a decent Romance™ for once in a video game -- one that doesn't boil down to leveling characters up and getting sex as a reward. But it's still all gonna boil down to the same old beaten formula. What amazing and different characters you could have if their very concept didn't boil down to managing their personal problems, all the while being given the option to get very personal with them. Back then, even Wizardry suggested different kind of character interaction. You could give party members a personality. This they expressed during the course of the campaign via dialogue accordingly. Solasta more recent picked that up again, albeit naturally on a small scale and budget -- Solasta is primarily a D&D combat experience in general, rather than a particularly character driven game. And now with AI entering the fold, this could be taken far further in general. But man, even the original Baldur's Gate suggested something more interesting. There was betrayal. There was personal agenda. Guys and gals who didn't go along with each other even fought and killed themselves! Nowaday's it's all cheap player wish fulfilment: Pick your favourite puppets to go along for the ride. They will do as you please. ---------- tldr; Sorry for the huge rant. But after reading the linked interview above, and considering how cheap romances mostly are, I don't agree with this being a cheap excuse. Building DECENT romances isn't something to tick off a list of features -- the way most games do it. It takes commitment. Unless of course, somebody actually still LIKES this kind of stuff. My condolences. The Outer Worlds also 1 had real problems. A lack of companions to shag wasn't one of them.
  14. Yesterday
  15. After sitting on my wishlist for ages, I finally picked up and gave a short go to Gloomwood. And intriguing very indy stealth immersive sim, seemingly smashing Thief with Survival horror. Not very deep into it, so very first impressions, but so far it seems excellent.
  16. Well, Firaxis (or Sid) have a philosophy of thirds when making a sequel. You identify 1/3 that you want to keep to maintain identity and not alienate the fans. You identify 1/3 you want to improve on in the sequel. You take 1/3 and try something new. Unless there was a major shift in Firaxis, I can't imagine Civ7 reimagining itself too hard (or rebooting).
  17. I'm trying to farm raw science with waft emitters, but everywhere I put one I just run into massive pathing/spawning issues. I don't know why the bugs have to spawn SOOOOO far away from the emitter, but it makes it so the majority of the time they either never find it, or take a very long time to do so. I've tried - In the Sandbox, west wall. Near the MIX.R to the far east. Near the main water pool. On top of the deck. They always have so many glitches. One time during the fight I literally got launched from the west all all the way to the IBM for no reason. This feature just seems riddled with bugs, and not the good kind.
  18. Part from an interview with Russian/Russian Speaking Economist Igor Lipsits, currently living in Lithuania.
  19. Hello trolls and denizens, I am now looking for a submission for the August 7th edition. Please PM me or share this invitation to those in your circles and networks for whom this might be of interest https://forums.obsidian.net/announcement/64-the-community-blog-an-invitation/
  20. Dread Delusion. Got a house, reached the second main area. Some bugs have started to show up (e.g. an NPC referring to a quest I have not started), but good otherwise. Flynn: Son of Crimson. A platformer. I am not exactly good at platformers, but it is fine. Nothing particularly bad I can point out.
  21. Been playing the new season of Diablo 4. They revamped a lot of the itemization and other stuff, and... well, it's a bit better now, you don't have to spend hours comparing items, and late-game isn't as much of slow drudge as it was before. But it's still fundamentally the same game. If you were turned off by the slow late game, then you might enjoy the changes. But people who stopped playing for other reasons probably still won't find any reason to come back.
  22. Pillars 2 does will not import completed save games from this new version.
  23. I'm getting a little tired of Steam's client updates, lately, often reverting my Cloud setting back to On vs. Off. In terms of actual games ... nothing new, still mostly fart around with Manor Lords/sandboxing for a few hours here and there, when I want to escape the heat of outside. Per usual I keep looking for a new simplish/chill game but never find much.
  24. "Dr Pimple Popper" wtf am I watching and why haven't I turned it off yet. She's a charming/fun persona tho.
  25. Tried to log in/post the other day. Was getting the mega-long load time issue again (there were maybe only 250 'visitors) and weird posting errors. Left. Seems better today. So here I am. It's Costco day, or "spend way more than you should" day. My teeth etc. are still fine. Hubby's still depressed. I'm still hobby-unmotivated and feeling rather directionless - but not depressed. Thinking about buying some roller skates. Just regular ones, not those inline types. I used to love roller skating as a kid/teen. Maybe it'd be fun again, get me outside more etc.
  26. I hope they make different enough from Civ6. 6 was basically an upgrade on 5, but I'm not sure there's that much interesting stuff to explore that way.
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