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  1. Past hour
  2. Tried to log in/post the other day. Was getting the mega-long load time issue again (there were maybe only 250 'visitors) and weird posting errors. Left. Seems better today. So here I am. It's Costco day, or "spend way more than you should" day. My teeth etc. are still fine. Hubby's still depressed. I'm still hobby-unmotivated and feeling rather directionless - but not depressed. Thinking about buying some roller skates. Just regular ones, not those inline types. I used to love roller skating as a kid/teen. Maybe it'd be fun again, get me outside more etc.
  3. I hope they make different enough from Civ6. 6 was basically an upgrade on 5, but I'm not sure there's that much interesting stuff to explore that way.
  4. Let's hope. I was one of the few who really liked the base of CivVI. What soured me on the installement were the expansins, which I didn't think added that much to the game. On one hand I feel no need for another Civ at this moment, but I am curious what will be tweaked in this one.
  5. How would you pitch it though? With behemoth franchises it's rather straight forward: "Oh, there's a new Star Wars movie / GTA game / Potter book!" All you have to do is getting the word out there. On a smaller scale, this applies to just about every Owlcat game as well: The first ever proper Pathfinder RPG! The first ever proper Rogue Trader RPG! That's the pitch. Apply it, and people will come. The big pitch of PoE was the nostalgia "bait". Currently, SKALD on a smaller more niche scale also does this exceptionally well, I also LOVE this trailer, gets you totally pumped and seals the deal on offer (though calling SKALD mainly nostalgia bait would be underselling it). However, what about Deadfire? Well, it's Pillars Part Deux. It's also larger, more pretty, and all that. And that's it? Assuming marketing was a big factor, Larian more recent did a lot right with BG3 in that regard. Yes, it also was a Dee and Dee game. But they didn't actually pitch their game to the public as a Cee Arr Pee Gee, capital letters. Rather, they marketed this as a game where anything goes -- (including that bear thing). I'm not suggesting every game should be sold on the promise of optionally being humped by a bear, mind. Rather, in a competitive market of choice overload, simply getting the word out there of a bigger, prettier and more refined game may not be enough. There's various sequels that have suffered that way -- in parts, because they couldn't retain the audience of the first game 100% due to lack of exposure or else. In parts, because they didn't offer anything "exciting" for anybody else. Naturally, in a market of choice, product underperforming are always going to be a given.
  6. Today
  7. I couldn't bring myself to put up with the guy's rambling. He talks too much. Repeats himself too much. But the gist seems to be that there are plans for a year and a half of content. Some of it Cathay.
  8. I honestly have to wonder if anyone actually play tested with the pets as they stand before greenlighting the patch. They constantly stand right on top of the one piece of loot you're trying to pick up, wander around in front of you while you are doing literally anything, and block your path as much as they possibly can. They could be completely fixed by the following 3 changes: 1, PC can pass through the pet with no obstruction 2, the pets inventory is only accessed from your inventory screen, 3, the button to pet your pet is something that isn't commonly used for things like picking up loot.
  9. It's just worked out that my preferences have always been for the odd-numbered CIVs, so I'm hoping this game turns out to be a good one.
  10. It's one of those that I pretty much re-read once a year. I hadn't seen that there was a new adaption coming.
  11. dan da dan artstyle comedy and character are amazing in manga hope this adaptation have enough time and budget to translate it into anime
  12. it used to happen more when there are more original seasonal anime now far more seasonal anime are adaptation so viewer know what to expect of the story long before first episode come out
  13. Three things from me: 1) Alan Wake2 DLC is out today, featuring Jesse Faden from control, dude from Quantum Break and Alan’s nb1 fan from the diner. It also reminds me that Alan Wake2 exists, which consistently slips my mind due it it being on a storefront I don’t boot up very often. 2) very Jusant-like looking climbing game. It seems to promise a bit more peril, which I am in to. While I liked Jusant, the complete lack of tension made the experience too chill for me. Maybe this will work. 3) Street Fighter6 Season2 character pass was revealed and….. meh? The offering is skits as stingy as season1, and half of the roster are guests - which as a fighting game newbie means nothing to me. I will probably be holding off pickingthis one, as I don’t immediately see anything compelling for myself. Bison should be out soonish and got a proper gameplay trailer today: Edit. Ah. And more of Deliverence2
  14. No special thanks required, I have to admit I watched S5E1 out of curiousity last evening as well, so I have been appropriately rewarded. At least it was weirdly entertaining I guess, probably due to the complete lack of any positive expectations meaning I could just laugh at everything. Funnily enough I too thought of podracing during that one scene. Overall, an episode written like an AI learning from all the worst clichés of the last twenty odd years.
  15. As someone who generally found PoE games not being great in practice despite being very good for me on paper (which somewhat disturbs me because I have an issue in articulating just what about Poe and Deadfire I dislike), I have to say that Hawke64 is absolutely right about the endgame of Deadfire. It's refreshingly short (in terms of real time spent, not in terms of content) and is less of a test of just how much players can cheese the game system (Kingmaker/WotR) or an uncharacteristically dense series of combat encounters that just does not work well with established mechanics (BG3) than it is a thematic cap of the game you've sunk at least 50+ hours into for a single playthrough. Which is quite nice, The Guardian would have been a one-off endgame boss like in some many videogames but in Deadfire it is just what you have to get through to get in the gate, the real boss is the decisions you've made along the way both in the form of your conflict with one of the factions (which I believe can be kind of weak, given the way you can theoretically not pay special attention to any given one enough to explain just why the hell they would come to stand off with you in El Dorado Ukaizo) to the last dialogue with Eothas himself. It's a very nice ending to a game I otherwise felt was unfortunately disjointed (the curse of a multi-game protagonist imo) and should be studied and tried to learn from instead of forcing us into yet another series of EPIC battles that have all the heft of a comic book superhero death. This is the one part I disagree with strongly enough to talk about, the romances felt very much slapped on and applied with the cis-hetero eye in mind. It's better than Bioware or Owlcat (other than the throuple in Kingmaker) but that's a very low bar to cross. I may get some guff here, but largely I felt that BG3 did a much better job at romance generally and feeling less relentlessly heteronormative. But that's all minor quibbles and the opinion of a meanie zucchini. Maybe I'll get myself together and crank out some incomprehensible nonsense about gaming and dialectics/trialectics.
  16. metallic rouge production value seem high character dialogue and story are incredibly boring in the first 6 episode complete nonsense after that only first episode feel worth watching with a fancy looking scify city completely wasted by terrible script
  17. This content cannot be displayed until agreeing to our use of Social Media cookies. Learn more. Manage cookies kaiju no 8 anime adaptation are a lot better than manga character and important scene are a lot more expressive at least for the first few episode
  18. couldn't sign in for hour too is the forum under maintenance
  19. Got logged out again...couldn't sign back in for quite a while, kept getting this error each time I tried:
  20. Yesterday
  21. So, just in case you read the half-finished post, it is now fully finished. I just got dumberer from watching the episode. I need to lie down. Good night.
  22. Same browser (Firefox), same device (my PC, the only device I ever login to here with), same IP*, didn't clear cookies or anything else. The second logout happened in the middle of me writing a post - I was quite confused when I tried to post it and was given a "forbidden" error. *-ish. It looks like my last two IPv4 octets changed sometime within the last two weeks from what I can tell, but I can't say for sure when the switch happened - you might have a better idea by checking some of my latest posts for their IPs with your moderator tools, if that's something possible on this forum software like it is with phpBB. I don't think the last two octets changing would affect anything, but...
  23. So many announcement videos at Summer Game Fest... and felt like 90% where "check for gameplay video later this year". Bleh.
  24. The Starship launch video was one of the coolest things I've ever seen. I can't wait to see it go through a full launch/recovery cycle.
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