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I kinda sortof enjoyed the reboot. 


The in combat QTE last time around you had to do a sort of minigame where you got two circles into each other to carry out a melee special.


Obviously that is the most retarded thing ever. Is that still in ?. 


No. QTEs for the most part are out (I don't remember any, so if there were any they weren't that distracting) and so are the idiotic "deathrides" (there were none of those).


I also enjoyed the overarching story more. I mean, it could have made a decent Indiana Jones film. Then again Holy Roman Empire might mean I'm kinda biased...


In general I felt there was less teenage angst and general stupidity. At least the "Lara" parts of the reboot very often made me cringe, in Rise there were far less such instances.


As I've said elsewhere: as far as I'm concerned Rise is a straight upgrade to TR2013: more of the good stuff (puzzles, lore/history) and far less of the bad stuff (teenage fiction), insofar the bad stuff hasn't been scrapped entirely (QTEs & deathrides are out)

Edited by marelooke
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So, the new Shadow Warrior. It's good fun. If it was more expensive than 30 bucks I'd get a refund.


All right, to elaborate:

- The game is obviously designed for multiplayer first. So when you die, you just respawn and enemies regain some health, there's no manual saves and checkpoints work as ... Well, respawn points, that kind of stuff.

- Procedurally generated levels. While in theory it means endless replayability, what it also means is that the level design isn't particularly impressive.

- Loot and weapon upgrades. There's loot which is rather awesome, like mods for weapons that substantially change how weapons behave - splitting bullets, dual-wielding, that kind of stuff. On the other hand, majority of stuff you're gonna be dealing with is +x% converted to fire damage - numbers, numbers, numbers, and most of them not even particularly exciting.


There are definitely upsides tho. The optimization's great, combat is nice, mobile and visceral, movement system is stellar, with many ways of adding up to your momentum, I like all of these things. Meele's as much fun as ever, with a bunch of weapons added, including chainsaws and chainswords (which actually slow down while passing trough enemy, making for a nice, gory, spectacle.) Generally, the weapon variety is bonkers.


Oh wait, Endless Legend: Tempest just got released too!? Whelp, see ya'all.


Edit: Ad SW2: Shockingly, the original actually had very cool cutscenes, nice voice acting and I'd even dare to say decent writing for what it was. Well don't expect any of that in the second game.

Edited by Fenixp
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as promised I tried Dungeon of the Endless. and boy I'm glad I did. this game is so addictive, I have to force myself to close it.


it has everything: strategy, tactics, resource management, combat (this last one is a bit too simplistic, but that's by design, you don't really control your characters, you're more of an observer - kind of like that dude in Aliens, sitting in the APC watching helmet cams of his squad members).


one thing I really dislike is the whole roguelike aspect of it, randomization can really screw you over (as it is doing to me currently, I'm on the 8th floor, and dust just stopped appearing, the more doors I open, the less food and tech I have because monster waves just keep getting bigger). it also really punishes you for any mistakes (again, as it did me, when I was answering a phone call and forgot to put the game on pause, didn't notice my best character get eaten off screen).


but otherwise the game is so good, I'm willing to let it slide.


I enjoyed unlocking all the heroes.

Yes, it can be very punishing, and in multiplayer it can be frustrating when the other person runs and opens one more door when you told them that it would be best to just run for the exit :)

And as with many good games, always worth pointing out that it was created by just a handful people (I think the DE team was 5 devs, with some people - like the writer - taking some little bits of time every now and then from Endless Legend to quickly help out when needed).

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Unobtrusively informing you about my new ebook (which you should feel free to read and shower with praise).

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Oh wait, Endless Legend: Tempest just got released too!? Whelp, see ya'all.

Time for my Broken Lords play, then! What's the difficulty above Newbie? I'm feeling ****y.
"Show me a man who "plays fair" and I'll show you a very talented cheater."
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You don't start on the hardest difficulty?!

Why has elegance found so little following? Elegance has the disadvantage that hard work is needed to achieve it and a good education to appreciate it. - Edsger Wybe Dijkstra

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You don't start on the hardest difficulty?!

That's a negative, Ghost Rider. If 4x have taught me anything, it's that I'm terrible at economy and everyone hates me. I need the help.
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"Show me a man who "plays fair" and I'll show you a very talented cheater."
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"Rise of the Tomb Raider is great"


nu-Lara is insufferable


have an emotional breakdown after shooting a deer then go on to kill a thousand Crimeans


jury rigging a rifle into a flame thrower


kinda funny now how ppl complained about the "dark" Lara of Angel of Darkness

Edited by HoonDing
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The ending of the words is ALMSIVI.

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I played a bit of Sunless Sea for a while.  The stories are quirky and from time to time lengthy, but I've actually read all of them thoroughly when I encounter them.  Great game writing.  However, probably owing to its quirky nature, some of the story and quests are simply too hard for me to follow.  I think I'm supposed to get colors for folks at this colony of mummies or something.  Still quite fun and I'll continue playing.


I took on some sort of sea monster who took something like six or seven shots to kill.  I've had to repair my ship twice in a really short period of time and so I'm constantly poor.  I'm thinking of just running away from the bad guys unless I'm forced to fight.  I don't know what advantage there is to fighting.  I've gotten food from bats and some weird thing we killed, along with a bit of terror.  I dissected some crab looking thing.  I got silk off a pirate ship.  Nothing that seems all that important that I should risk damage.

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Time for my Broken Lords play, then! What's the difficulty above Newbie? I'm feeling ****y.

I got all the way up to Normal, the difficulty doesn't actually ramp up that much. And yes, I also suck, shut up, Malcador.


nu-Lara is insufferable

The writing in that game is ... Not good. I'm getting a feeling Rhianna Pratchett might not be a great games writer maybe? Anyway, I just enjoyed the gameplay and exploration.


I played a bit of Sunless Sea for a while.  The stories are quirky and from time to time lengthy, but I've actually read all of them thoroughly when I encounter them.  Great game writing.  However, probably owing to its quirky nature, some of the story and quests are simply too hard for me to follow.  I think I'm supposed to get colors for folks at this colony of mummies or something.  Still quite fun and I'll continue playing.

A lot of stories will start making sense while you're completing them. For a lot of stories complex enough to do so, you'll wish they didn't.


I took on some sort of sea monster who took something like six or seven shots to kill.  I've had to repair my ship twice in a really short period of time and so I'm constantly poor.  I'm thinking of just running away from the bad guys unless I'm forced to fight.  I don't know what advantage there is to fighting.  I've gotten food from bats and some weird thing we killed, along with a bit of terror.  I dissected some crab looking thing.  I got silk off a pirate ship.  Nothing that seems all that important that I should risk damage.

Yeah, wait for better ship and weapons before starting to partake in combat. Veils will make you less visible, just as turning off the lights. The latter also significantly reduces fuel consumption. Edited by Fenixp
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You don't start on the hardest difficulty?!

That's a negative, Ghost Rider. If 4x have taught me anything, it's that I'm terrible at economy and everyone hates me. I need the help.

Better to aim high and work your way down I find. Winning on easy feels empty, anyway :p


Civ 4 goes well as I am beating up Arabs and Aztecs. Pain in the rear as China is a juggernaut now. Need to spawn more SoD.

Why has elegance found so little following? Elegance has the disadvantage that hard work is needed to achieve it and a good education to appreciate it. - Edsger Wybe Dijkstra

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For all the peace and love of the Drakken espouse, they had no problems chasing an army of mine out of neutral territory, killing them as they retreated.


On a semi-related note, yesterday I got a quest in my new game to settle a new region with something like 13 dust production. Easy enough, I thought, I'll just travel through my neighbor's territory and... they just closed borders. Okay, I'll explore this other way! And there's a giant lake blocking my entire eastern side. But hey, I can see unclaimed territory at just the edge of vision! Time to build shipy... and it gets claimed.


Whatever will I do? The answer came in the form of one of my neighbor's stealing my tech. I need land, my neighbors are jerks, the solution is obvious. Conquer both of that one's cities, and find nice pristine unclaimed land on the other side. Feeling good.


And now I'm thinking it's time to pay the Drakken back while I'm at it.


Edit: I long for the day when videogame AI advances to the point that while you pillage their fields and siege their cities, they will ask "why are you doing this?" And when you tell them they brought it on themselves, they will briefly understand before they are ruined.

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"Show me a man who "plays fair" and I'll show you a very talented cheater."
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Playing Rise of the Tomb Raider. We were going to drink every time you have to press 'action' in a cutscene to not die. Bet on the first instance.


Within 20 seconds. 


I predict running out of beer. Sounds like that's Admiral Hacket is doing the tutorial like ME3. 

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Na na  na na  na na  ...

greg358 from Darksouls 3 PVP is a CHEATER.

That is all.


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Damn it.  I wanted Ciri to be a Witcher, but

I took her to see Emyhr because I'd mistakenly remembered that's one of the triggers for that ending.



I've since played another 2-3 hours after that.  So I'm not sure if I want to load up a save before then, or just go ahead and

let her become the Empress.


"Console exclusive is such a harsh word." - Darque

"Console exclusive is two words Darque." - Nartwak (in response to Darque's observation)

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Rat bastard Sunless Sea.



Virtually everyone died on Pigmote Island. I worked so hard and the first time I come back I give one bad piece of advice and they die off. Truly depressing.



Other than that, this is a great game. Well... maybe because of that. Truly polished, also.

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RimWorld (a lot) and the new Biker upgrade in GTAV - what a great addition, I've been playing it with friends and it's a very cool little expansion. You get your own clubhouse, can ride in formation and do drug deals / gang wars etc. Great fun.

Fortune favors the bald.

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About a month ago I bought a Wonderbook Move Bundle because it was very cheap and I was curious to see how the move controller works with a light gun shooter. So I decided to give Time Crisis: Razing Storm a try today. Man, am I glad I purchased that Time Crisis disc! It was a second hand copy and it came without any cover or manual but it was worth every cent because it's basically 3 very awesome arcade light gun shooters on 1 disc and playing it with the move controllers felt awesome.


I know that the Playstation Move was a complete failure but I had a blast playing Deadstorm Pirates! I spotted some other great light gun shooter games I plan to play once I am done with the Time Crisis games:


House of the Dead 3

House of the Dead 4

House of the Dead: Extended Cut

Resident Evil Chronicles

Dead Space Extraction HD

Mad Dog Mccree

Mad Dog 2


Gotta play them all! 

There used to be a signature here, a really cool one...and now it's gone.  

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Damn it.  I wanted Ciri to be a Witcher, but

I took her to see Emyhr because I'd mistakenly remembered that's one of the triggers for that ending.



I've since played another 2-3 hours after that.  So I'm not sure if I want to load up a save before then, or just go ahead and

let her become the Empress.



Always a difficult decision for me as well.

In the end I took her to see her real father, not because I wanted her to be Empress, but simply because she deserved to see and choose between Geralt and Emhyr. Personally I wouldn't wish the Witcher life on anybody, and think she could could do a lot more good on the Nilfgaardian throne. But the selflessness of that act is rather bitter sweet.


Quite an experience to live in misery isn't it? That's what it is to be married with children.

I've seen things you people can't even imagine. Pearly Kings glittering on the Elephant and Castle, Morris Men dancing 'til the last light of midsummer. I watched Druid fires burning in the ruins of Stonehenge, and Yorkshiremen gurning for prizes. All these things will be lost in time, like alopecia on a skinhead. Time for tiffin.


Tea for the teapot!

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Welp traded in Doom for Destiny. Dunno why but Doom just didn't grip me and bored me. I remember drawing Doom maps for levels I would one day create back in elementary and middle school....I think I got spoilt with Doom 3. I'm not afraid to say it's my fav Doom game hands down.

Replaying BioShock and trying out the remastered version. It's great but then again I loved the first one ever since it came out.

Also still plugging away at Killing Floor 2. I feel like ur not actually playing the game unless u do suicidial or hell on earth because how the enemies move and react and how many and certain enemies only show up at higher levels. Can't wait for it to come to PS4 so I can play with RL friends.

Also casually playing WoW. I will have to say....it seems they are improving. I didn't think I would like the legendary weapons ur stuck with BUT so far the quests and whatnot revolving around them and whatever base ur class is, actually fun and does remind me a bit of vanilla times. **** the raven mount, even after all these ****ing years it still won't drop for me sigh.

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I bought Shadow Warrior 2 to have something to satisfy the FPS itch while playing Endless Legend, and now the game has completely consumed me. At first I thought it's just Skinner box, but since then I got fairly annoyed by the loot drops and I have a tendency to ignore them for the most part. Turns out the game just sports really solid mechanics, with fantastic movement system, far better gunplay than the original had (the game even managed to avoid issue of bullet spongy enemies present in borderlands!) and incredibly satisfying melee mechanics.


Two things are worth mentioning aside from that:

Levels are a mix of procedural generation and hand-made blocks. The game makes use of both - majority of a level is procedurally generated, but has a whole bunch of pre-made blocks mixed into it. This leads to the most impressive procedurally generated content I've seen in a game seen from first person perspective. It also means that all levels are pretty damn large and open - mix this with the game's excellent movement system and you get a winning combination. Naturally, levels are still not as good as hand-designed ones would be, there are no secrets that I would find and eventually, you start noticing building blocks getting reused. It's still a good way to ensure replayability as mob placements are also procedural. Oh, and the levels are bloody gorgeous - just check out screenshots.


Weapon progression is great - because there isn't any. While there rarely are straight upgrades, majority of weapons you find are alternatives. This means that you get a massive amount of choice - do you want a punp-action shotgun with decent magazine size, automatic shotgun with lower damage or dual-barelled shotgun upgraded to shoot both barrels at once? Your pick, neither is better than the other. There's a whole bunch of various melee weapons, machine guns, pistols, uzis etc etc - what you use and how you modify it is all up to you. What you do get to upgrade are weapon modifications only.


The game certainly does have a good share of problems, but I grew to love it to bits nonetheless. And I'm not even playing coop!

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