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Not playing, but I took another look at the progress of War for the Overworld. It almost looks like a game, now. A little too much DK2 influence (vs. mixing DK1 and 2 a bit more maybe) for my tastes re: the likely campaign format, but still looks kinda nice. The one video I watched that showed the available campaign map (probably the 1st, tutorial one) wasn't too impressive, however. Especially the sound. "We burn with the glory of (someone's) favor" over and over and over...lol. Not quite ready to purchase yet...in a few months maybe.


I might like the sandbox and if they have them, skirmish. Probably won't do the MP. Not sure about the "sin" stuff for getting new rooms and spells. Could be good, tho. At least they're trying something a bit different and not a direct clone in that area.



It looks and sounds like DK2.  Even the graphics don't seem to be much better. I don't know why no one seems to be able to build a competent spiritual sequel to that game.

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You're playing a beta or something?

Edited by Drowsy Emperor

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Tried a bit more DA2.


EA really butchered this game. I just got to Kirkwall and half the city is made of the same repeating texture.


You think that's bad?  Just wait until you visit the same cave for the umpteenth time.  Not an extremely similar cave from a cookie cutter mold (ala Oblivion), not even a mirrored version of the cave, the same exact cave.  Trust me, you are going to be intimately familiar with said cave before the game is through.


Hey, let's be fair, most caves have differences between each other.


In one cave, the conspicuously placed rectangular doorway is free and clear In another, it's filled in with cement.

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"Show me a man who "plays fair" and I'll show you a very talented cheater."
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Far Cry 4.. Ubisoft really got this series right from 2 and on (sorry to the fans of the first, but I always hated the weird mutant thing) - they've kept the concept simple, while at the same time poking fun of themselves and the game in good measure. Mixed with just enough serious to make you slightly uncomfortable if you actually start thinking about it, as you explore and essentially enjoy yourself on the misery of 3rd world countries - killing endangered animals for fun. Now that's how you do implicit social commentary... Take a lesson Spec Ops and Hollywood.

Fortune favors the bald.

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If Far Cry 3-4 had true lan co-op, I might've made an ubisoft account to try it with hubby.  I think it's just online mission drop-in/drop out or something tho?


@Drowsy Emp - one thing I don't really like about War for the Overworld is the super-dark color palette they're using. I get it's a dungeon, but it's so dark. And muddy. Kinda hard on my old eyes. ;)

“Things are as they are. Looking out into the universe at night, we make no comparisons between right and wrong stars, nor between well and badly arranged constellations.” – Alan Watts
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DA1 and DA2 were about the same length. *shrug* 


Uh, what?  My save game files say approx. 50+ hours for DA: O, but DA2's is around 30+ hours.  It wasn't even close for me.

"Console exclusive is such a harsh word." - Darque

"Console exclusive is two words Darque." - Nartwak (in response to Darque's observation)

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If Far Cry 3-4 had true lan co-op, I might've made an ubisoft account to try it with hubby.  I think it's just online mission drop-in/drop out or something tho?


@Drowsy Emp - one thing I don't really like about War for the Overworld is the super-dark color palette they're using. I get it's a dungeon, but it's so dark. And muddy. Kinda hard on my old eyes. ;)


I watched the video and its basically the same thing. They copied so much they could probably get sued over it  :biggrin:


After so many years I was hoping for something more I guess. And yes, it is too dark

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Baldur's Gate II, with a variety of mods, including TobEx, Sword Coast Stratagems, 1PP, aTweaks, Spell Revisions, my own edited version of Item Revisions for proper compatibility with 1PP - I can't play with vanilla's default helmet animations... Additionally, using a creature and quest XP reducer mod; it's currently set to 75%, but I'm thinking of using maybe 66% or even 50% next time...as I still feel like I'm getting too powerful too fast. I'll see how that turns out by the end of SoA, though - maybe the first half is just kind of easy in general, even with my difficulty-enhancing mods.


Rolled my own party a few times, trying to get a "good" blend. Currently, it's composed of a half-elf sorceress focused almost entirely on dispel, disable, and damage spells, (what else would a sorceress do?), an elf cleric/mage for utility spells, a human dual-class swashbucker (level eight) -> cleric for combat (the Swashbuckler THAC0 boost and proficiency specialization really comes in handy) and additional divine spellcasting support (as well as lockpicking, trap-finding, and illusion-detecting), a half-elf stalker (not sure if this kit is really worth it...) for archery and melee, and a dwarf dual-class thief (5) -> fighter for pure fighting (and backstabbing and pickpocketing). The weakest character seems to be the cleric-mage; maybe I should make them just a full-on mage instead, since I certainly don't need more divine spellcasting, but I really do need the additional arcane spells my sorceress can't cast, and additional arcane prowess is useful in almost any situation anyways. The only real issue in that is it would break the weapon-type system I have going, where I'm covering pretty much all of the good weapon types...which I don't really like the idea of.


Spellcasters are really beating the crap out of me every time I come across a major one: the Guarded Compound in the Temple District was...very hard, to say the least, at around level 11. The mage in there - Sion, I think - was casting Timestops and Horrid Wiltings and summoning crap like crazy. Finally beat them, but it took a bit of effort and many re-tries. Ran into two liches in the Temple Ruins by the Umar Hills - without my sorceress, there's no way I'd have even close to enough endurance to take these guys down at this level. Need to use like 4-5 Secret Words and Pierce Magics per battle...then another few Breaches to get down their combat defenses while I pray to Jesus that they don't summon a Pit Fiend or Balor or something...

Edited by Bartimaeus
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How I have existed fills me with horror. For I have failed in everything - spelling, arithmetic, riding, tennis, golf; dancing, singing, acting; wife, mistress, whore, friend. Even cooking. And I do not excuse myself with the usual escape of 'not trying'. I tried with all my heart.

In my dreams, I am not crippled. In my dreams, I dance.

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6 hours into Morrowind. The game responds very sluggishly to mouse & keyboard commands. Was it always this way? I don't remember. It's becoming a problem with flocks of Cliff Racers dogging my footsteps. I'll have to fool with the settings.

"While it is true you learn with age, the down side is what you often learn is what a damn fool you were before"

Thomas Sowell

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Try turning v-sync off. None of the ES games are really fluid though

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6 hours into Morrowind. The game responds very sluggishly to mouse & keyboard commands. Was it always this way? I don't remember. It's becoming a problem with flocks of Cliff Racers dogging my footsteps. I'll have to fool with the settings.

I don't know if it's some kind of latency issue, but latency aside, your combat experience in Morrowind is never going to be good...  or decent...  or even poor.  It's going to be awful even if you manage to make m&kb super responsive.

🇺🇸RFK Jr 2024🇺🇸

"Any organization created out of fear must create fear to survive." - Bill Hicks

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6 hours into Morrowind. The game responds very sluggishly to mouse & keyboard commands. Was it always this way? I don't remember. It's becoming a problem with flocks of Cliff Racers dogging my footsteps. I'll have to fool with the settings.


Morrowind responds really well on modern computers, not a hint of lag or sluggishness for me.  Perhaps try installing Morrowind Graphics Extender, even if you don't want to extend the view distance (which it does really well) there are plenty of options and optimizations for modern PCs.

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Fired up Lords of the Realm 2 on the laptop to see how it ran/felt to play it on the thing. As it was past 2am at the time, didn't plan to play it long. Next thing it was 6am. :lol: Turn based RTS ... sometimes I miss it.


I'd forgotten how difficult the addon campaign was (vs. the original set of levels). Mostly because I think the AI cheats a ton more, but it does make it more difficult to conquer them quickly. Even the original campaign however, where the AI isn't as cheat-y, I recall some of the later maps taking long hours. I had a tendency to turtle in a bit, tho, which was likely part of it.

“Things are as they are. Looking out into the universe at night, we make no comparisons between right and wrong stars, nor between well and badly arranged constellations.” – Alan Watts
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Morrowind (and that engine) had troubles with the 3D elements still being drawn below your sightline. So an area that looks sorta empty is really still drawing tons of stuff (acres of tree roots for example). At least it seemed that way.


I don't recall having mouse/kb lag issues even way back when, but the game could get laggy at times.

“Things are as they are. Looking out into the universe at night, we make no comparisons between right and wrong stars, nor between well and badly arranged constellations.” – Alan Watts
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Entered into the cold and snow in already-bad condition. Spent 30 seconds of walking towards a wooden lookout post, attacked from behind by an ugly wolf. Hit it in the nose and it fled. Scrounged can of beans from the lookout post. Tried to bandage myself to stop bleeding then walked up the only visible open path, complaining about how I cold I was as I trudged through the snow at what felt like sleep-slomo-run speed. Died at top of hill some seconds later, apparently from injury effects and freezing. Total real life time: about 4-5 minutes.


8/10 would buy again.



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“Things are as they are. Looking out into the universe at night, we make no comparisons between right and wrong stars, nor between well and badly arranged constellations.” – Alan Watts
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Morrowind (and that engine) had troubles with the 3D elements still being drawn below your sightline. So an area that looks sorta empty is really still drawing tons of stuff (acres of tree roots for example). At least it seemed that way.


I don't recall having mouse/kb lag issues even way back when, but the game could get laggy at times.


Yeah all the rocks and trees really do go way, wayyyy below ground in Morrowind, super inefficient.  I suppose some areas do lag a bit even on a modern computer, the Dren Plantation is quite a kick in the nuts for the engine, 99% of the time though it's perfectly smooth :)

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Entered into the cold and snow in already-bad condition. Spent 30 seconds of walking towards a wooden lookout post, attacked from behind by an ugly wolf. Hit it in the nose and it fled. Scrounged can of beans from the lookout post. Tried to bandage myself to stop bleeding then walked up the only visible open path, complaining about how I cold I was as I trudged through the snow at what felt like sleep-slomo-run speed. Died at top of hill some seconds later, apparently from injury effects and freezing. Total real life time: about 4-5 minutes.


8/10 would buy again.




When I first tried it, pretty much the same thing happened (though I did make it a little bit longer!). Try it again, you'll be doing better in no-time. :)

Listen to my home-made recordings (some original songs, some not): http://www.youtube.c...low=grid&view=0

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When I first tried it, pretty much the same thing happened (though I did make it a little bit longer!). Try it again, you'll be doing better in no-time. original.gif

6 starts now, the last one I've lasted 12 in-game hours. Main issue is too many wolves. Not 6 at the door issue, but one or more every 50 steps, every direction I go in. I end up unable to avoid them while trying to explore to find stuff to live much longer. :lol:


I like the random factor when you restart, even if often that means a bad start. And that finding a can opener in a drawer makes you go "ooo."

“Things are as they are. Looking out into the universe at night, we make no comparisons between right and wrong stars, nor between well and badly arranged constellations.” – Alan Watts
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