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Type of Romances you liked


86 members have voted

  1. 1. What features of romances you whoud like to see in PE ?

    • Tragic (Not enging with happy ends)
    • Sexist (More Slutty ones)
    • Happy romances (with happy endings)
    • Emotional ( With deep emotional experience )
    • Hard romances ( for exampe with someone that in most of the game hate you )
    • Grey (Not tragic not happy something between)
    • Ego (i whant to be iportant and worshiped)
  2. 2. Shoud romances affect main history/ storyline of the game ?

    • Yes, completely
    • Yes, but only some things
    • Yes, but only in minimum way
    • No, but it shoud have affect other things
    • No, put it as a simple addon that don't change anything (NWN 2 for example)
  3. 3. What part of the "Romances" shoud devs putt more work to ?

    • Motivation and reasons (some characters can be romanced becouse of their history other don't)
    • Sex interactions (sex scens ohhs and ahhhs )
    • Emotional impact ( sad or happy moments)
    • Talking and writhing part ( good storyline for romances )
    • Making as more romances as possible
    • Making as good romances as possible but only one or two
    • Influence system ( ways to push romance forward )

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This poll is for people that want romances in game i want to know what do you think about type of romances in general.


This poll and thret is not about "Will the devs putt romances in game" becouse i think that this is their decisions ( but i will be disapointed if not".


This tred is about romances that you liked or whoud like to see if they add them ...


and of coure it's not for people that "don't like romances in general" so don't troll in this topic becouse i don't do this in thread that i don't like


Thanks for atention

Edited by Ulquiorra
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The other official romance thread isn't locked yet: http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/62215-relationshipromance-thread-iv/


And of course all the previous official numbered threads (locked).

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The KS Collector's Edition does not include the Collector's Book.

Which game hook brought you to Project Eternity and interests you the most?

PE will not have co-op/multiplayer, console, or tablet support (sources): [0] [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]

Write your own romance mods because there won't be any in PE.

"But what is an evil? Is it like water or like a hedgehog or night or lumpy?" -(Digger)

"Most o' you wanderers are but a quarter moon away from lunacy at the best o' times." -Alvanhendar (Baldur's Gate 1)

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I'll let it go for now, so the poll can have some results, as long as the thread doesn't turn into the typical romance-topic direction/debates. We shall see. Carry on. ;)

“Things are as they are. Looking out into the universe at night, we make no comparisons between right and wrong stars, nor between well and badly arranged constellations.” – Alan Watts
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As i sad this topic is not about REASONS for puting or not putting romances in game it about if they add them (but they can not) what type of romances you whoud like to see or be insipiration for them. So i don't se any reason for closing it :)


I personaly liked Romance from original campain from NWN Aribeth it was not egostroking, emotional, and hard romance. I also like romances not triggerd bu talk but more some events from game ...

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As i sad this topic is not about REASONS for puting or not putting romances in game it about if they add them (but they can not) what type of romances you whoud like to see or be insipiration for them. So i don't se any reason for closing it :)

That aspect has actually been discussed a lot already, in all the other threads. At any rate, it's more about what direction almost all previous romance threads get turned toward, rather than any original intention. It's been a while and things are slow, however, so as I said, we shall see. :)
“Things are as they are. Looking out into the universe at night, we make no comparisons between right and wrong stars, nor between well and badly arranged constellations.” – Alan Watts
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I'm looking forward to Mr Avellone's Cipher romance, picking and choosing from a menu of catatonic meat puppets caged in their own mind. Perhaps we can feast off their willingly offered up souls, stripping them of emotion and sentimentality and nibbling on portions of their minds like the tastiest of morsels. A whole suite of rooms in your stronghold, where pretty empty automata go through their day to day tasks, lost in a haze of needy desperation and the search for their paramours affirmation. Giving up any sense of individuality and self respect for the sake of a pat on the head or a few minutes of dismissive cold coupling.


The normal stuff i'm not really interested in, bit tired of the usual adolescent yearning.


As for in game consequences, i'd be in favour of perhaps having to rip the souls from your harem to strengthen yourself at a moment of crisis, and have to clear out the beyond lifeless corpses that litter your demense upon your return. Perhaps you could even have a cult who willingly sacrifice their souls for your delictation, so that in time you become like unto a bloated beloved god/devil, grown fat and powerful on the souls of your followers. Fools who believe that they are joining with your majesty, when in fact their entire essence merely serves as a light snack.


Be nice to play as a dark and hungry god arising, whom all who look upon must lust after and love, regardless of their own desires.

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Quite an experience to live in misery isn't it? That's what it is to be married with children.

I've seen things you people can't even imagine. Pearly Kings glittering on the Elephant and Castle, Morris Men dancing 'til the last light of midsummer. I watched Druid fires burning in the ruins of Stonehenge, and Yorkshiremen gurning for prizes. All these things will be lost in time, like alopecia on a skinhead. Time for tiffin.


Tea for the teapot!

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we have 22 respodns to poll and i see that people are generaly more interested more in writhing part and good motivations and plot for romance not Sex scenes and egostroking moments like ramance haters or devs thinks so. I red somewere that Sewyer sad that romances are for "Ego stroking" and we know avellone opionon about them ...


If im wrong someone please correct me ...



Do you realy think that i will read whole romance thead trash where people generaly cry and argu, have 5 parts and ech 27 sides. Yes some peoples form there opinion ther but let's be honest that thred is simply  for people that can't control them selves ... i will be suprised if mine theat will have 3 pages but at leat without argu


I'm looking forward to Mr Avellone's Cipher romance, picking and choosing from a menu of catatonic meat puppets caged in their own mind. Perhaps we can feast off their willingly offered up souls, stripping them of emotion and sentimentality and nibbling on portions of their minds like the tastiest of morsels. A whole suite of rooms in your stronghold, where pretty empty automata go through their day to day tasks, lost in a haze of needy desperation and the search for their paramours affirmation. Giving up any sense of individuality and self respect for the sake of a pat on the head or a few minutes of dismissive cold coupling.


The normal stuff i'm not really interested in, bit tired of the usual adolescent yearning.


And you realy think that "abnormal" romances are better ? See Dragon Age, Mass Effec 2 one o theres bigges issu was romances multi-racial-sexual raomances with aliens looking like dogs or gay people (i don't have anything aginst them but i simply don't whana discover that my companion, brother in arms etc has hard on on me) .... Wher Zervan i DAo sad "Im wery atracted to you" i simply wanted to run from the room.

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we have 22 respodns to poll and i see that people are generaly more interested more in writhing part and good motivations and plot for romance not Sex scenes and egostroking moments like ramance haters or devs thinks so. I red somewere that Sewyer sad that romances are for "Ego stroking" and we know avellone opionon about them ...


If im wrong someone please correct me ...



Do you realy think that i will read whole romance thead trash where people generaly cry and argu, have 5 parts and ech 27 sides. Yes some peoples form there opinion ther but let's be honest that thred is simply  for people that can't control them selves ... i will be suprised if mine theat will have 3 pages but at leat without argu


I'm looking forward to Mr Avellone's Cipher romance, picking and choosing from a menu of catatonic meat puppets caged in their own mind. Perhaps we can feast off their willingly offered up souls, stripping them of emotion and sentimentality and nibbling on portions of their minds like the tastiest of morsels. A whole suite of rooms in your stronghold, where pretty empty automata go through their day to day tasks, lost in a haze of needy desperation and the search for their paramours affirmation. Giving up any sense of individuality and self respect for the sake of a pat on the head or a few minutes of dismissive cold coupling.


The normal stuff i'm not really interested in, bit tired of the usual adolescent yearning.


And you realy think that "abnormal" romances are better ? See Dragon Age, Mass Effec 2 one o theres bigges issu was romances multi-racial-sexual raomances with aliens looking like dogs or gay people (i don't have anything aginst them but i simply don't whana discover that my companion, brother in arms etc has hard on on me) .... Wher Zervan i DAo sad "Im wery atracted to you" i simply wanted to run from the room.

Well personally no, i'd argue for no romances, but you did ask what we'd like to see. Taking the Cipher romance and making a rather scathing meta comment on the romances peddled by Bioware and others is what i'd like to see, a reflection of how disturbing and rather odd these things are when looked at objectively. Despite all the various species, races and sexualities peddled by Mr Gaider and Co. their content remains uncomplicated and rather boring adolescent pandering.


I'd just prefer a relationship as complicated (and optionally uninvolving of the protagonist) as Gann of Dreams manipulations or perhaps Kreia's hidden regard for the Exile, that in no way changes her personality or makes of her a symbiotic puppet. Too often the characters serve as mere sops to the act of stroking the protagonists ego, i'd prefer that they be fiercely individual, discerning and not in need of "fixing" through a few lines of overly sentimental and simplified romance dialogue.

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Quite an experience to live in misery isn't it? That's what it is to be married with children.

I've seen things you people can't even imagine. Pearly Kings glittering on the Elephant and Castle, Morris Men dancing 'til the last light of midsummer. I watched Druid fires burning in the ruins of Stonehenge, and Yorkshiremen gurning for prizes. All these things will be lost in time, like alopecia on a skinhead. Time for tiffin.


Tea for the teapot!

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I like romances(in all media) that are treated as any other complex relationship. I don't want it to be considered the highest form of relationship for every character(it might be for some characters, but not every character), or reduced to "flirt, bang, happily ever after" or some other shallow crap. I want it written with the characters in mind, and not break the characters to satisfy someone's need for shipping. I don't want romance slapped on a character to fill a quota or because some people request that the character in question be "romanceable". Romance(like any other complex relationship) only works well when it fits the characters involved, and should not be if included if it doesn't mesh well with the characters.


Also, I wouldn't want them to shy away from romances that fail or end tragically.

"Akiva Goldsman and Alex Kurtzman run the 21st century version of MK ULTRA." - majestic

"you're a damned filthy lying robot and you deserve to die and burn in hell." - Bartimaeus

"Without individual thinking you can't notice the plot holes." - InsaneCommander

"Just feed off the suffering of gamers." - Malcador

"You are calling my taste crap." -Hurlshort

"thankfully it seems like the creators like Hungary less this time around." - Sarex

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"Are you trolling or just being inadvertently nonsensical?' -Pidesco

"we have already been forced to admit you are at least human" - uuuhhii

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"feral camels are now considered a pest" - Gorth

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"Oddly enough Sanderson was a lot more direct despite being a Mormon" - Zoraptor

"I found it greatly disturbing to scroll through my cartoon's halfing selection of genitalias." - Wormerine

"I love cheese despite the pain and carnage." - ShadySands

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I feel that an important thing to consider with romantic content is the progression of a Player/NPC relationship. I don't just want to be thrown into the romantic deep end, I want to feel the gradual build up of a relationship between myself and the character in question.


I'm one of those people that feels like romantic interactions from the start are a little.... Odd. It's not that it's not great to flirt with a character you like, but I have to wonder how you can actually like a character that you only met five minutes ago? You know hardly anything about a character, yet you're more than welcome to flirt and engage in romantic interactions? This works in some ways - if i'm playing a Foxy Rogue I wouldn't be offended at the opportunity to be a shameless flirt - but for serious romantic content? It just makes no sense to me.


I don't just want to be shoved into a romance. I want to be given the opportunity to appreciate their character before I'm overwhelmed by romantic interactions - I want to understand their beliefs, I want to gain their trust and earn their friendship. I want to know them, and then - maybe - I want to push a few of their buttons, just to see how they respond. How they respond will give me even more understanding into their character, and then I can truly know if I want to pursue a romance, or if they'll even be interested in one.


I think it's vital, this period of platonic camaraderie, if you don't have this chance to learn about a character, if you aren't given this opportunity to understand who they are, then you might discover you're ill-suited to each other further down the line and then what? You might discover that this Dashing Rogue loves to murder small children, something you might have known if you hadn't gone all love-sick over him, something you might have known if you'd just slowed down and learnt more about him.


This is the most important thing to me, this realistic and gradual build up of a relationship. It helps me to connect with a character, it helps me decide if I'm truly interested in their company or if I would prefer to leave them behind. The content itself can be as heart-breakingly tragic as it likes. It can be sappy happy rainbows for all I could care. As long as the relationship between me and the character feels real, as long as the character feels real, then I will be emotionally invested in anything that the writers throw at me - whether it leads to emotional turmoil or elation.


Of course, that's just my opinion on it and other people might disagree but - The character and the relationship itself are what matter to me at this point, because I trust that Obsidian will make the content utterly incredible and emotionally spectacular.

Edited by Sylvanpyxie
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From a quick glance through the General Discussion forum pages:

09/14   Transsexual Romance Options - Shut Down

09/14   The Romances?

09/16   Suggestion/I Will Pay You Money For This: Get Rid of Straight Males -  Shut Down

09/16   What if we could have a child?

09/16   If romances are included

09/17   Sex and Romance (Poll) - Shut Down

09/18   Please have ANTI gays and lesbian inclusiveness! - Shut Down

09/18   Gay and Lesbian Inclusiveness! - Shut Down

09/14   A suggestion for the romances you're considering (if any) - Shut Down

09/20   The Dark Side of Romance (Poll)

09/20   Heterosexuals in Project: Eternity - Shut Down

09/20   Culture, Sexuality, and Gender Identity - Shut Down

09/20   Will there be a transgender option? - Shut Down

09/20   The possibility of LGBT characters in Project Eternity - Official Thread - Shut Down

09/21   An Ultimate romance poll - Shut Down

09/20   [Merged] Gods save us another romance thread - Post Limit

09/23   Romances, yay or nay? - Shut Down

09/26   Romance in Project Eternity: How Important, How Much (Poll) - Shut Down

09/28   I'd up my pledge but.... (opinions) (Poll) - Shut Down

09/29   The LBGT "agenda" - Shut Down

10/01   Romance companions (Poll) - Shut Down

10/04   Unrated by ESRB, so more explicit, but tasteful, romance scenes? - Shut Down

10/15   Romance and friendship? - Post Limit

10/17   The "Unofficial" P.E. Relationship/Romance thread - Post Limit

10/19   "Unofficial" P.E. Relationship/Romance thread pt. 2 - Post Limit

10/27   Sexuality and mature content in the game (Adult Only) (Poll) - Shut Down

10/22   "Unofficial" P.E. Relationship/Romance thread pt. 3 - Post Limit

11/10   Relationship/Romance Thread IV (Poll) - Currently Open

01/27   Types of Romances You Liked (Poll) - Currently Open


Total of 29 threads (and I probably missed some):


18 Shut Down (Mercifully)

5 Post Limit (More Current Ones)

4 Died a Natural Death

2 Currently Open


This does not include threads that were not just shut down, but also removed completely (i.e., the pedophilia thread which sprang from a discussion in a romance thread).  Some of the threads only lasted a page or less and others rambled on for hundreds.


The majority existed prior to December 3 when you signed up for a forum account so it's quite possible you simply aren't aware of the amount of discussion that has already taken place on this subject.


To say this thread is a redundancy would be a major understatement at this point, especially since the 11/10 thread is still open.


As Lady Crimson stated:



 That aspect has actually been discussed a lot already, in all the other threads.


No offence intended.  Just trying to illustrate the volume of discussion that's already occurred.  :)

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Hate romances. Don't include them.


But if in, make it all about sluts and meaningless, baggageless coitus. I liked MCA's usage of hatemance in AP, and the ability to manipulate and shag Hawt pixelated wimmin in the game.


In short, make romances all about sex and nothing else. Also, the shotgun wedding in FO2 was good for Lolz.

"Things are funny...are comedic, because they mix the real with the absurd." - Buzz Aldrin.

"P-O-T-A-T-O-E" - Dan Quayle

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Let's see if we can get this back on topic.


The romances I enjoyed most were Annah, Safiya, and Morrigan, all for different reasons - mainly for good writing and for pulling out all of the stops in terms of emotional torque.


As a side note, given the 2D-ness of this game I don`t think anybody has to worry about cash and man-hours being diverted to digital boobies.

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Let's see if we can get this back on topic.


The romances I enjoyed most were Annah, Safiya, and Morrigan, all for different reasons - mainly for good writing and for pulling out all of the stops in terms of emotional torque.


As a side note, given the 2D-ness of this game I don`t think anybody has to worry about cash and man-hours being diverted to digital boobies.


I also think that Morrigan romance has wary good begining but i think that ending was horrilbe ...

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The two game-bourne romantic figures that I've found even remotely interesting was Tali in ME2 and Triss in The Witcher. The remainder were throw-away episodes. I can live without them in PE. Possibly they could throw in a marriage of convenience, for the sake of a title to the stronghold. Otherwise... nah.

"It has just been discovered that research causes cancer in rats."

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Let's see if we can get this back on topic.


The romances I enjoyed most were Annah, Safiya, and Morrigan, all for different reasons - mainly for good writing and for pulling out all of the stops in terms of emotional torque.


As a side note, given the 2D-ness of this game I don`t think anybody has to worry about cash and man-hours being diverted to digital boobies.


I also think that Morrigan romance has wary good begining but i think that ending was horrilbe ...


I can see why the ending could feel cheap, but I liked it. Mind you, I never played Witch Hunt.

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Let's see if we can get this back on topic.


The romances I enjoyed most were Annah, Safiya, and Morrigan, all for different reasons - mainly for good writing and for pulling out all of the stops in terms of emotional torque.


As a side note, given the 2D-ness of this game I don`t think anybody has to worry about cash and man-hours being diverted to digital boobies.


I also think that Morrigan romance has wary good begining but i think that ending was horrilbe ...


I can see why the ending could feel cheap, but I liked it. Mind you, I never played Witch Hunt.


I also did not played witch hunt. But i whoud like to see some changes in characters ... i whoud like to see Morrigan changes becouse on characters influence .. at the begining morrigan was a little bitchy in the middle she started to understand something and the end still the same bitch ....


I whoud like to see that romance is realy affecting the characters and changes them ...

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I vote for writhing. I want to see my lovers squirm, as I probe their minds and make them relive their terrible memories over and over again (or invent some for them to experience, in case they had a perfectly normal life).


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I vote for writhing. I want to see my lovers squirm, as I probe their minds and make them relive their terrible memories over and over again (or invent some for them to experience, in case they had a perfectly normal life).


What, characters with no tragic backstories? In a game with Chris Avellone involved? Yeah, right...

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I liked the romance with Visas Marr, mostly because Kelly Hu is just a fantastic voice actress who made me shiver.

Remember: Argue the point, not the person. Remain polite and constructive. Friendly forums have friendly debate. There's no shame in being wrong. If you don't have something to add, don't post for the sake of it. And don't be afraid to post thoughts you are uncertain about, that's what discussion is for.
Pet threads, everyone has them. I love imagining Gods, Monsters, Factions and Weapons.

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